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Conferences on "Rituals and Performativity" (Prof. Wulf)

  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, Faculty of Educational Science and  Psychology
  • South Asian and European Studies

These two Collaborate Research Centers “Cultures of Performativity” and “(FU) and “Ritual Dynamics” (Heidelberg) have worked together with the two Centers of Excellence “Languages of Emotions” (FU) and “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” (Heidelberg) to hold three conferences  in India and Germany during the last five years for Indian and European scholars to meet to develop new forms of  transdisciplinary and transcultural analysis. The following three publications are the fruits of these conferences:

  • Axel Michaels/Christoph Wulf , ed. Images of the Body in India. South Asian and European Perspectives on Rituals and Performativity. London: Routledge 2011;
  • Axel Michaels/Christoph Wulf, ed. Emotions in Rituals and Performances. London: Routledge 2012;
  • Axel Michaels/Christoph Wulf, ed. Exploring the Senses. London: Routledge 2013.

Further collaborative research projects are planned.