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Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) – Get Your Math PhD in Berlin

News vom 31.08.2021

The Berlin Mathematical School is the graduate school of the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ (http://www.mathplus.de) and a joint endeavor of the mathematics departments at the universities in Berlin: Freie Universität (FU), Humboldt-Universität (HU) and Technische Universität (TU).


We offer an excellent doctoral program taught in English in a broad and active research environment together with mentoring programs, language courses, soft-skills seminars, funding for summer schools and conferences, a buddy program and funding for students with children.


“Mathematics as a whole“ is a leading principle of the BMS. Its focus encompasses fields that are traditionally termed “pure“ or “applied“ mathematics, though we prefer not to make that distinction. Instead, research topics are grouped into eight parts, each covering a broad, but coherent, part of mathematics:


  1. Differential geometry, global analysis, and mathematical physics
  2. Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory
  3. Stochastics and mathematical finance
  4. Discrete mathematics and optimization
  5. Geometry, topology, and visualization
  6. Numerical analysis and scientific computing
  7. Applied analysis and differential equations
  8. Mathematics of data science


For applicants with a Bachelor, Phase I offers a basic graduate phase of 3-4 semesters completed by a qualifying exam. Phase II is the research phase and open to candidates with a Master‘s degree. It lasts 4-6 semesters in which candidates conduct specialized research and attend at least one advanced course per semester.


All you need to know about applying to the BMS is available online:


You can apply at: http://www.math-berlin.de/application


Application Deadlines

Phase I with scholarship:        1 December 2021

Phase I without scholarship:   1 April 2022

Phase II (Master’s degree finished by 31 March 2022):                    1 December 2021

Phase II (Master’s degree finished by 30 September 2022):            1 April2022


e-mail: application@math-berlin.de



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