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Jakob Norberg


Jakob Norberg

Fellow der Volkswagen Stiftung und der Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

August 2013–Juli 2014

The Cliché: Critical Theories of Tedious Language

Jakob Norberg is Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor of German at Duke University. His first book, Sociability and Its Enemies: German Political Theory After 1945 (Northwestern University Press) will be published in 2014. His articles have appeared or are forthcoming in Arcadia, Cultural Critique, PMLA, Telos, Textual Practice and other journals as well as in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought. As a fellow of the Volkswagen Stiftung and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (2013/2014), he will begin a project on the concept of the cliché as a frequently employed but never systematically studied critical term.