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Ioana Vultur


Ionana Vultur

Fellow im Rahmen des DRS Fellowship Program Postdoc International (POINT) am Dahlem Humanities Center

Januar–Dezember 2012

Cultural History or Cultural Evolution?

Ioana Vultur has been trained in French and Comparative Literature. She received her PhD from the University Paris IV-Sorbonne with a dissertation entitled Time and Remembrance in Proust’s In Search of Lost Time and Broch’s The Death of Virgil (under the direction of Antoine Compagnon). The dissertation has been published in 2003 under the title Proust and Broch: the boarders of time, the borders of memory.

Her research project at the Freie Universität, Cultural History or Cultural Evolution? focuses on the problem of the cultural transmission of representations. Its aim is ultimately to develop an integrative model of cultural history/evolution, which is one of the central aspects of a naturalistically updated version of hermeneutics.