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DHC Lecture mit Josiah Blackmore (Harvard University)

A Portuguese History of Water: The Maritime Imagination in Medieval and Early Modern Literature

This talk explores the sea as a principle of literary creation in medieval and early modern Portugal. It asks how the ocean and seafaring shape poetic and historiographic thought, and how the decades of maritime expansion (especially in the sixteenth century) create a collective, literary subjectivity based on the sea. In effect, the talk ponders the relationship between maritime experience and literary culture, and discovers affinities between textual genres and imaginative and scientific writings. The chronological range covered in the talk spans the thirteenth to the late sixteenth centuries.

Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Global Humanities Distinguished Lecture Series innerhalb des Thematischen Netzwerks ‘Principles of Cultural Dynamics’.    

Workshop für Masterstudierende und Promo­vierende unter der Leitung des Gastredners

Am Folgetag des Vortrags findet ein Workshop unter der Leitung des Gastredners statt, an dem Masterstudierende und Promovierende nach Anmeldung teilnehmen können.

Oceanic Portugal and the Maritime Subject

The workshop considers a range of texts, ranging from the 13th through the 16th centuries, in which oceanic travel (both real and imagined) constitutes what we can provisionally call a “maritime subject”. Poetry, chronicles, ships’ logs, and geographical treatises all work to create a position of literary creativity that depends on the literal and metaphorical environments of the sea. It is hoped that, in the workshop, new affinities between traditionally discrete genres of writing and thinking will be discovered, affinities made possible by the oceanic imagination.