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DHCL mit Khalid Amine

Khalid Amine (Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tétouan, Marokko)

The Interplay of Sameness and Difference in Arabic Performance Cultures

Khalid Amide ist Senior Professor an der Faculty of Letters and Humanities der Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tétouan, Marokko, und Präsident des International Centre for Performance Studies in Tanger, Marokko.

Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Dramatic Art and the Myth of Origins: Fields of Silence (Arabisch, 2007)
  • Fields of Silence in Moroccan Theatre (Arabisch, 2004)
  • Drama and the Myth of Origin: A critique of Eurocentric Tradition(Arabisch, 2002)
  • Moroccan Theatre Between East and West(2000)
  • Beyond Brecht (1996)


  • PerformingTangier (2007)
  • Writing Tangier (2005)
  • Improvised Play in Morocco (Arabisch, 2003)
  • Between Theatre and Anthropology(Arabisch, 2002)