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DHCL mit Bhagat Oinam

Bhagat Oinam (Centre for Philosophy, Jawaharlal Nehru University)

Philosophy in India: An Agenda Towards an Alternate Philosophising

Philosophy in India cannot be meaningfully discussed unless the mode of philosophising in the country is located within the given socio-political and historical experiences. Two deciding factors, British colonialism and nationalist movement, have shaped the trends of philosophising in India as was never experienced before. While these factors have led to doing philosophy in in different dirrections, two major trends - Western and Indian philosophies - that have come up today is done in an extremely limited way. There is much need to secularize the space of philosophising that calls for recovering the multiple ways of philosophizing that seems to be the hallmark of human experience and insights rooted in the multiplicity of lifeworlds.

In Zusammenarbeit mit: PD DR. Hans Feger, Institut für Philosophie