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Workshop: La codificazione degli affetti nell'epica italiana e neolatina del Cinquecento

Workshop: "La codificazione degli affetti nell'epica del Cinquecento italiano"

Workshop: "La codificazione degli affetti nell'epica del Cinquecento italiano"

Workshop organized by Alexander Winkler
(Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Junior Host)

8.-9. Dezember, 2016

How and on what purpose does literature represent emotions? Sponsored by the Dahlem Humanities Center and the DFG Project "Epic modelling of ideological conflicts in the early modern period" the workshop "The codification of emotions in Italian epics of the Cinquecento" seeks to provide an answer to this question on the example of Latin and vernacular epics in 16th century Italy. The meaning of emotions was very much discussed within poetical, rhetorical as well as ethical treatises of the Cinquecento. The literary discourse also participated in this trend, for the way in which emotions are represented often mingles with forms of literary expressions. Hence, there must be a codified language for the representation of emotions. The focus of the workshop is centered on how this codification was brought about. Not only Tasso and Ariosto masterpieces will be taken into account but also their reception in music as well as the Neo Latin production of the 16th century.