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Contact Details DRS Programs Natural and Life Sciences

Program Contact Information
Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)

Weblink Contact BSRT

Coordination Office/Geschäftsstelle (Charité): Dr. Stefanie Regel, Coordination; Dr. Sabine Bartosch, Editorial Support
Phone: +49 30 450-539418,
Email: bsrt-coordination (at) charite.de

BSRT: CRC / SFB 1444 "Gezielte zelluläre Selbstorganisation zur Förderung der Knochenregeneration" / "Directed Cellular Self-Organisation for Advancing Bone Regeneration"

Weblink Contact CRC/SFB 1444

Coordination office
Phone: +49 (0) 30 450 559275, Email: rosa-theresa.macht(at)charite.de

Berlin Mathematical School (BMS)

Weblink Contact BMS

One-Stop Office/Geschäftsstelle (TU Berlin)
Phone: +49 30 314-78611, Email: office(at)math-berlin.de
One-Stop Office @ FU (TUE: 14:00-16:00 or by pre-arranged appointment)
Phone: +49 30 838-75877

BMS: Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg (IRTG) des SFB 1114 "Komplexe Prozesse mit Skalenkaskaden" / "Complex Processes in Scaling Cascades"

Weblink Contact IRTG SFB 1114

Jana Jerosch, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838-51589, Email: gs-sfb1114(at)math.fu-berlin.de; jana.jerosch(at)fu-berlin.de

BMS: Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX

Weblink Contact PharMetrX

Cornelia Böhnstedt, Coordination
Email: contact@PharMetrX.de

Berlin School of Integrative Oncology (BSIO)

Weblink Contact BSIO

Stephanie Althoff, Coordination; Linda Wurzinger, Administration; Office/Geschäftsstelle (Charité)
Phone: +49 30 450-559073, Email: bsio(at)charite.de

Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Weblink Contact Mind and Brain

Central Management Office/Geschäftsstelle (Humboldt University)
Dr. Dirk Mende, Coordination master's and doctoral programs
Phone: +49 30 2093-1792, Email: mb-education(at)hu-berlin.de

Biomedical Sciences (BiomedSci)

Weblink Contact Biomedical Sciences

Christine Gaede, Coordination
Email: biomedsc(at)vetmed.fu-berlin.de

BiomedSci: DFG-Graduiertenkolleg (RTG) 2046 "Parasiteninfektionen" / "Parasite Infections"

Weblink Contact RTG 2046

Dr. Marko Janke, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 65606, Email: GRK2046(at)fu-berlin.de

BiomedSci: Berlin-Brandenburg Graduate Program BB3R "Innovationen in der 3R-Forschung - Gentechnik, Tissue Engineering und Bioinformatik" / "Innovations in the 3R Research - Genetic Engineering, Tissue Engineering and Bioinformatics"

Weblink Contact BB3R Graduate Program

Dr. Vivian Kral, Koordination
Phone: +49 30 838 53219, Email: vivian.kral(at)fu-berlin.de

BiomedSci: ZIBI Graduate School - Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Infektionsbiologie und Immunität (ZIBI)

Weblink Contact ZIBI

NN (ZIBI/Charité)
Phone: +49 30 450 524358; Email: info(at)zibi-berlin.de

Dahlem Research School Molecular Science (MolSci)

Julija Djordjevic, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838-52051, Email: julija.djordjevic(at)fu-berlin.de


Weblink Contact Graduate Center BCP

Dr. Alette Winter Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 66617, Email: graduate-center@bcp.fu-berlin.de

MolSci: Helmholtz Graduate School Macromolecular Bioscience

Weblink Contact Macromolecular Bioscience

Dr. Michael Schroeter, Coordination
Phone: +49 3328 352 367, Email: macrobio(at)hereon.de

MolSci: IMPRS Multiscale Biosystems

Weblink Contact Multiscale Biosystems

Dr. Angelo Valleriani, Coordination
Phone: +49 331 567 9633, Email: angelo.valleriani(at)mpikg.mpg.de

Graduate Center at Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy (GradCent BCP)

Weblink Contact Graduate Center BCP

Dr. Alette Winter, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 66617, Email: graduate-center@bcp.fu-berlin.de

Graduate Program Biodiversity, Evolution & Ecology (Biodiversity)

Weblink Contact Biodiversity

Dr. Tobias Otte, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 70973; Email: tobias.otte(at)fu-berlin.de

Graduate School Plant Sciences (PlantSci)

Weblink Contact Plant Sciences

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schubert, Spokesperson
Phone: +49 30 838 58759, Email: dcps(at)fu-berlin.de; dan.schubert(at)fu-berlin.de

PlantSci: Dahlem Centre of Plant Sciences (DCPS)

Weblink Contact Plant Sciences

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schubert, Spokesperson
Phone: +49 30 838 58759, Email: dcps(at)fu-berlin.de

International Graduate School Medical Neurosciences

Weblink Contact Medical Neurosciences

Dr. Benedikt Salmen/Ralf Ansorg, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 2093 4583, Email: office-medneuro(at)charite.de

International Max Planck Research School for Biology AND Computation (IMPRS-BAC)

Weblink Contact IMPRS-BAC

Dr. Anne-Dominique Gindrat, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 8413 1154, Email: imprs-bac(at)molgen.mpg.de; gindrat(at)molgen.mpg.de

International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)

Weblink Contact IMPRS LIFE

Geschäftsstelle/Coordination office
Phone: +49 30 82406 373, Email: imprs-life(at)mpib-berlin.mpg.de

Natural Sciences (NatSci)

Contact Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy:
Dr. Alette Winter, Coodination
Phone: +49 30 838 66617, Email: office(at)dpns.fu-berlin.de

Contact Department of Physics:
NN, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 xx, Email: office(at)dpns.fu-berlin.de

Contact Department of Earth Sciences:
NN, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 xx , Email: office(at)dpns.fu-berlin.de

NatSci: Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg (IRTG) des SFB 1078 "Proteinfunktion durch Protonierungsdynamik" / "Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function"

Weblink Contact IRTG SFB 1078

Jens Balke, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 55157, Email: jens.balke(at)fu-berlin.de

NatSci: Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg (IRTG) des TRR SFB 227 "Ultrafast Spin Dynamics"

Weblink Contact IRTG TRR SFB 227

Dr. Britta Anstötz, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 65568
Email: britta.anstoetz(at)fu-berlin.de

NatSci: Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg (IRTG) des SFB 1349 "Fluor-spezifische Wechselwirkungen: Grundlagen und Anwendungen" / "Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamentals and Functions"  

Weblink Contact IRTG SFB 1349

Marie Nickel, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 838 66917, Email: marie.nickel(at)fu-berlin.de

NatSci: Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg (IRTG) des SFB 1449 "Dynamische Hydrogele an Biogrenzflächen" / "Dynamic Hydrogels at Biotinterfaces"

Weblink Contact IRTG SFB 1449

Dr. Wiebke Fischer, Coordination
Phone: +49 39 838 72681, Email: irtg(at)sfb1449.de

NatSci: international Research Training Group 2662 "Charging into the Future: Understanding the interaction of polyelectrolytes with biosystems"

Weblink Contact IRTG 2662

Dr. Svenja Herziger, Anna Wolf, Coordination
Phone: +49 30  838 65340, Email: office(at)irtg2662.de; anna.wolf(at)fu-berlin.de; svenja.herziger(at)fu-berlin.de

Research School Future Information Technologies (FIT)

Please note: program website currently offline

Weblink Contact Graduate School FIT

Ulrike Goldenblatt, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 8062 42825, Email: Ulrike.Goldenblatt(at)helmholtz-berlin.de

Research School Materials for Solar Energy Conversion (MatSEC)

Please note: program website currently offline

Weblink Contact MatSEC

Ulrike Goldenblatt, Coordination
Phone: +49 30 8062 42825, Email: Ulrike.Goldenblatt(at)helmholtz-berlin.de