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DRS Open Door Talks

Die Open Door Talks der Dahlem Research School bieten einen Einblick in unsere Angebote von der Perspektive Promotion bis zu Fördermöglichkeiten für Postdocs.

Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen und werden gebeten, sich über die DRS Kursbuchungsplattform anzumelden.

Open Door Talks im Sommersemester 2024

5. Juli 2024, 10:15-11:45 Uhr: "Self-care during your doctorate" by Mental Wellbeing of Freie Universität (in presence @DRS, Language: English)

In addition to academic demands, the time spent on a doctorate can also mentally be very challenging. Pressure to perform, high demands on your own structure and the one or other obstacle? In this workshop, we would like to talk about methods of self-care and strategies to not lose sight of yourself.

This event takes place in cooperation with the colleagues of the FU support.points and is part of the "Mental Health Awareness Weeks" at Freie Universität Berlin.

Registration: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/en/node/99090

10. Juli 2024, 14 Uhr: "What's Next, Doc?" by Research Division of Freie Universität (in presence @DRS, Language: English)

Are you nearing the end of your doctoral project and planning a career in academia? Maybe you already are a Postdoc and need further orientation on how to finance your future research? In this Open Door Talk, the team of Freie Universität’s research funding service will inform you about funding options for postdoctoral research projects.

They will introduce funding opportunities for the various disciplines from a postdoc perspective and present a short overview of interdisciplinary and discipline-specific programs and their requirements as well as tipps and information regarding proposal writing.

Registration: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/en/node/98679