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International Network with partners on six continents

Die Fragen beantwortete Prof. Dr. Almut-Barbara Renger, Institut für Religionswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin.

Wie heißt Ihr Projekt?

International Network of Religious Communities and Sustainable Development: Berlin Research Hub on Religion and In/Equality – Workstream: “Religion and Gender: Whose authority?” 

Was genau machen Sie?

Jointly with HU and TU as well as several national and international partners, we are establishing a transdisciplinary research network to collaborate in research, teaching and knowledge exchange. One of our core partners is the University of Pretoria, where Dr. Tanya van Wyk is leading this initiative. Within this network, there are various thematic workstreams. Prof. Dr. Almut-Barbara Renger coordinates the workstream “Religion and Gender: Whose authority?” together with Dr. Tanya van Wyk.

Was ist das Internationale an dem Angebot? Arbeiten Sie mit Kooperationspartnern?

The International Network on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development unites excellent scholars, policy-makers and practitioners working on the interrelation of religion and development. Partners on six continents are members of the network.

Könnten Sie sich vorstellen, dass dieses Projekt oder Elemente davon auch von anderen in der FU übernommen werden könnte?

The Berlin Hub of the network seeks to expand by involving further researchers. Participation by others is very much welcome.

Im Rahmen der International Week 2020 bietet Prof. Renger gemeinsam mit Dr. Tanya Wyk eine Veranstaltung zu "The Christian church's involvement in creating sexual ethics" an. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie hier.