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Round table “In and out BerGSAS – Doctoral Student Exchange 2024” (EN)

13.06.2024 | 10:00 - 13:00

For BerGSAS incomings and outgoing students. Registration is required.

Organizer: Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

Venue: Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies, R 010/011, Hittorfstraße 18 (Neuberg-Villa), 14195 Berlin

The event provides some general information on various formats of internationalisation at the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies, with a focus on the BerGSAS exchange programme.
Our guest doctoral students share their experiences and give tips for Berlin doctoral students who are planning to spend a semester abroad, and vice versa.
The aim is to provide a direct exchange of first-hand information, to encourage exchange and to promote networking.

The event targets BerGSAS current incomings students, BerGSAS outgoing students, BerGSAS former outgoing students and BerGSAS outgoing students to-be.

For registration and further information please contact Dr. Regina Attula ( regina.attula@berliner-antike-kolleg.org ) by June 1, 2024.