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FU-Delegation 2020

FU NMUN 2020 Delegation Estonia

FU-Delegation Estland
Bildquelle: Peggy Wittke

National Model United Nations
29. März - 2. April 2020, New York City

Due to the COVID 19-Pandemic, the NMUN 2020 in New York had to be cancelled.

Security Council
Michelle Benzing
Luca Vetter

General Assembly First Committee
Jülide Bartels
Leonie Wölpern

General Assembly Second Committee
Annika Grosser
Lena Herbst

General Assembly Third Committee
Luisa Heinrici
Denisa Hoxha

High-Level Political Forum (HLPF)
Ida Herbold
Sarah Peti
Anne Elsbernd

UN Environment Assembly (UNEA)
Elif Türkoglu
Renée Hildebrandt

Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Juliet Reichert
Marya Manna

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Review Conference (NPT)
João Rucker
Eliot Genton

Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Felicitas Richter
Axel Brückmann

United Nations Econimic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Johanna Hölzl
Annika Mattes

Faculty Advisors
Felix Schott
Dr. Peggy Wittke


Wir danken allen Sponsoren und Förderern der NMUN 2020 Delegation!

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