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FU-Delegation 2024

National Model United Nations
24. - 28. März 2024, New York City


Security Council
Roberta Tartaglione
Iñigo Bada Berkefeld

General Assembly First Committee
Til Behrendt
Vlera Rafuna
Benedikt Wagner

General Assembly Second Committee
Luise Lindemann
Florentine Schief

General Assembly Third Committee
Eva Schuler
Anatol Rüchardt 

UN Environment Assembly (UNEA)
Paula Loh
Sara-Meryem Efe

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Judith Gerigk
Marc Bode

Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Bianca Alves de Andrade
Lisa Richter
Yannis Zaprasis

Faculty Advisor
Dr. Peggy Wittke


Wir danken allen Sponsoren und Förderern der NMUN 2024 Delegation!

Committee Topics

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Report of the FU-Delegation to the National Model United Nations 2024 (forthcoming)