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Australia - Committees and Topics

General Assembly Plenary

1. New Approaches to Nuclear Non-Proliferation

2. Advancing United Nations Reform

3. The Impact of Migration on Development


GA 1st Committee (Disarmament and Int’l Security)

1. Upholding the Status of Prisoners of War According to the Third Geneva Convention

2. Fighting Illicit Trade and Trafficking of Nuclear Material

3. Preventing an Arms Race in Space


GA 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial)

1. Climate Change Economics

2. Economic and Trade Policies to Address Food Price Volatility

3. External Trade and Macro-financial Assistance to Developing Countries


GA 3rd Committee (Social, Cultural, Humanitarian)

1. Examining the Uses and Implementation of Technology in Educational and Social Development

2. Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children in Conflict

3. Improving Emergency Response through Humanitarian Reform


Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)

1. Role of Narcotics in Fueling Conflict

2. Strengthening Alternative Development as a Drug Control Strategy

3. Building Partnerships to Address the World Drug Problem


Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

1. Management of Biotechnology: Environmentally Sound Technologies

2. Combating Desertification

3. Building Sustainable Human Settlements and Infrastructure


Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

1. Developing Regional Strategies to Combat the International Food Crisis

2. Investing with a Conscience: The Role of Microfinance and Green Business in the Region

3. Managing an Aging Population


Food and Agriculture Organization

1. The Impact of Bioenergy on Food Security

2. International and Regional Strategies to Address High Food Prices

3. The Impact of Water Scarcity on Social and Economic Development


United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

1. Women's Role in Peacebuilding

2. Preventing Sexual Violence against Women in Post-Conflict Situations

3. Financing for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women During Times of Conflict


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Executive Committee (UNHCR Exec Comm)

1. Return and Reintegration of Refugees and Displaced Persons

2. Addressing the Refugee and IDP Situation in Chad & Sudan

3. Capacity Building in Regions with Refugee and IDP Populations


World Trade Organization (WTO)

1. Furthering Trade Facilitation Based on the 2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration

2. The Relationship between WTO Rules and Mulitlateral Environmental Trade Agreements

3. The Role of Regional Trade Agreements in the International Trading System