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Turkey - Committee Topics

Security Council

1. The situation in Afghanistan

2. Implementing the Responsibility to Protect

3. Climate change and international security


General Assembly 1st Committee (Disarmament and Int’l Security)

1. Conventional ammunitions surplus stockpiles

2. The role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament

3. Disarmament, demobilization, and demining: prerequisites for peace in Africa


General Assembly 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial)

1. Assuring developing countries’ sovereignty over their natural resources

2. External debt and development: Towards a durable solution to the debt problems of developing countries

3. Promoting sustainable development practices in transnational corporations


General Assembly 3rd Committee (Social, Cultural, Humanitarian)

1. Human rights, cultural integrity, and diversity

2. Promoting alternative development strategies to combat the world drug trade

3. Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism


Economic and Social Council

1. Providing economic and social services for victims of conflict for internally displaced persons and refugees

2. Addressing the humanitarian needs of Haiti’s displaced

3. Sexual orientation, gender identity and international human rights


Commission of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

1. Combating transnational organized crime to protect vulnerable groups and countries

2. Prevention of youth crime and the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth offenders

3. Responding to violence against migrants, migrant workers, and their families


Commission on the Status of Women

1. Improving access to health services for women in conflict and post-conflict situations

2. Elimination of barriers to justice for women

3. Women, the girl child, and HIV/AIDS


Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

1. Promoting gender equality as a means to combat HIV incidence in the Asia and Pacific region

2. Strengthening development policies for social inclusion

3. Achieving energy security through energy diversity


World Intellectual Property Organization

1. Pharmaceutical patents and the fight against HIV/AIDS in developing nations

2. Differentiated intellectual property rights for environmental and climate technologies

3. Patenting life: Intellectual property and complex structures


Group of 20

1. Public debt management in the aftermath of the global financial crisis

2. Implementing financial sector reform

3. Fostering climate cooperation between G20 countries


Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

1. Combating human trafficking

2. Supporting the post-conflict stabilization and institution-building in Kyrgyzstan

3. Energy supply as a factor of instability


Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference

1. Practical measures to implement Article VI

2. Nuclear security as the “Fourth Pillar” of the NPT

3. Article X and deterring withdrawal from the NPT