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The EU-Afghanistan Conference 2010

Review of the EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration
Berlin, 29 - 30 June 2010

On 16 November 2005, two months before the launch of the Afghanistan Compact, the European Union and Afghanistan adopted the EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration which established a new partnership. Based on increased cooperation between the EU and Afghanistan, the Declaration focuses on a variety of areas such as political and economic governance, justice sector reform, development, human rights and education.

The Annual Review Conference, in continuation of the EU-Afghanistan Conference 2008 and the EU-Afghanistan Conference 2009, conducted a further review of the Declaration, this time with a special focus on security, governance and reconstruction.

Participants were Diplomats from Afghanistan, who attended a Training Course at the Federal Foreign Office (Internationale Diplomatenausbildung) and students from FU Berlin and other universities.

After two days of successful debate, the EU-Afghanistan Conference adopted the EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration 2010.