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The DPNS ombudspersons advise the members of the doctoral program on all issues of good scientific practice and may be contacted as needed.

More information on research integrity can be found here.

DPNS Ombudsperson of Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy

Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Reißig

E-Mail: hans.reissig@chemie.fu-berlin.de

DPNS Deputy Ombudsperson of Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy

Dr. Tobias Otte

E-Mail: tobias.otte@fu-berlin.de

DPNS Ombudsperson of Department of Earth Sciences

Prof. Dr. Margot Böse

E-Mail: m.boese@fu-berlin.de

DPNS Deputy Ombudsperson of Department of Earth Sciences

Dr. Stine Gutjahr

E-Mail: stine@geophysik.fu-berlin.de

DPNS Ombudsperson of Department of Physics

Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch

E-Mail: christiane.koch@fu-berlin.de

DPNS Deputy Ombudsperson of Department of Physics

Dr. Britta Anstötz

E-Mail: britta.anstoetz@fu-berlin.de