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PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference: The Next Generation of Open Scholarship

News vom 09.02.2015

PKP5 | The PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference: Next Generation Openings

Das Public Knowledge Project (PKP) ist die institutionelle Heimat von OJS und den Schwesterprogrammen Open Conference Systems und Open Monograph Press. PKP veranstaltet jährlich eine große Konferenz zum Thema akademisches Publizieren. Im Jahr 2015 findet die Konferenz in Vancouver statt. Vorschäge für Konferenzbeiträge können noch bis zum 1. Mai 2015 eingereicht werden. Das Leitthema lautet Next Generation Openings: "The fifth PKP international scholarly publishing conference will be an opportunity for participants to engage on the important concept of openness from a variety of perspectives. Open source, open science, open data, open access, open education, and open learning are not only becoming integral themes in the scholarly communication landscape, but also in education, librarianship, economics, politics, and more. Following on this year’s Open Access Week theme “Generation Open”, this conference will particularly focus on the next generation of students and early career researchers. This next generation are not only digital born natives, but open digital born natives; who are influenced by the broad idea of openness in many ways."

Zur Webseite der PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference

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