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Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften - Ostasien und Vorderer Orient Institut für Iranistik

2 Positions Student assistant (m/f/d) 41 h/month limited to 2 years reference code: Iranistik/SHK-MPCD II_2024

Bewerbungsende: 13.05.2024

MPCD (www.mpcorpus.org), launched in 2021, is a long-term project with the goal to make accessible the Zoroastrian Middle Persian corpus in transliteration, transcription, and manuscript photographs together with a comprehensive MP-English dictionary that covers this entire corpus. MPCD provides a morphologically and, in parts, syntactically annotated corpus based on the Universal Dependencies (UD) standard. MPCD is a collaborative project between Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Freie Universität Berlin and Universität zu Köln.

Job description:
The Zoroastrian Middle Persian Corpus and Dictionary project (MPCD) is looking for two student research assistants who will support ongoing work on the textual and lexicographical databases of MPCD. This includes the transliteration of Pahlavi manuscripts, the surveying of secondary literature, and tasks relating to the maintenance of the digital corpus. The work will be carried out on-campus at FU under the guidance of the local MPCD collaborators.

Applicants should be familiar with the Middle Persian language and with the transliteration of the Pahlavi script. Knowledge of the Avestan language and script is also desirable, as employees will have to deal with Avestan/Middle Persian bilingual manuscripts and with Avestan quotations in Pahlavi texts. Moreover, they should be interested in pre-modern Zoroastrian literature.

Stellenausschreibung vom: 21.04.2024


  • Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften