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Fachbereich Geowissenschaften - Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften Geochemistry Group

Research assistant (postdoc) (m/f/d) in Earth Surface Geochemistry: Carbonate Weathering full-time job limited to 3 years salary grade (Entgeltgruppe) 13 TV-L FU reference code: Devendra-5

Bewerbungsende: 19.08.2024

The Institute of Geological Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in the ERC project "Devendra - Deciphering the Effect of Vegetation and Erosion on Basalt and Carbonate Weathering by Novel Denudation Rate Approaches". In a diverse and internationally renowned research environment you will conduct research to quantify weathering of carbonate and basaltic rocks along a global climate transect in one or several of these disciplines: the application of cosmogenic nuclides, reactive transport modelling, rainfall-runoff models or the influence of microbial activity on soil formation.

Job description:
We are looking forward to receiving your application for a postdoctoral position at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. In a diverse and one of the worldwide leading research groups in Earth Surface Geochemistry you will be active within the ERC project “Devendra - Deciphering the Effect of Vegetation and Erosion on basalt and carbonate weathering by Novel Denudation Rate Approaches". In the project, novel isotope methods developed by us will be used to explore the principles and quantify the rates of the transformation of carbonate and basalt rock into soil through weathering along a global climate transect.

Chemical weathering of rocks at the Earth's surface removes CO2 from the atmosphere, offsetting emissions from volcanoes and ensuring temperatures for a habitable planet. Basalt and carbonate rocks are particularly important for this balance as they weather efficiently. However, the controlling factors of this weathering are not well understood in basalt and carbonate rocks: erosion; water flow; or biological activity. The DEVENDRA project focuses on a novel geochemical tool - the ratio of the cosmogenic isotope beryllium-10, which rains down from the atmosphere, to stable beryllium-9, which is released by weathering. In a team consisting of both young and experienced scientists, samples are collected from soil profiles and rivers from tropical islands to Mediterranean landscapes and cold climate zones. These samples are prepared in modern geochemical laboratories for measurements of rare cosmogenic isotopes and other properties.

The results from DEVENDRA will be used to refine global weathering models of the Earth's carbon cycle and to assess the consequences for the Earth's climate. The potential for negative CO2 emissions through artificially enhanced weathering of basalts will also be determined.

The scientist will benefit from a unique collaboration between a university (FU Berlin) and a Geoscience research centre (GFZ Potsdam). They will be employed at the Freie Universität Berlin and supervised by Prof .Friedhelm von Blanckenburg (https://t1p.de/FvB-FU-Berlin ) and Dr. Hella Wittmann-Oelze at the GFZ Potsdam. The Freie Universität Berlin is a partner in the Geo.X consortium (www.geo-x.net ). "Geo-X" forms the largest regional cluster of geoscientific expertise in Europe and offers a vibrant environment for cooperation and development with university departments, research institutions and foundations in the Berlin-Potsdam area.

We are looking for motivated candidates who can contribute an innovative idea to this project in one or several of these fields: production of cosmogenic nuclides and their applications, reactive transport modelling, rainfall-runoff models or the influence of microbial activity on soil formation.

Applicants should hold a doctorate degree in Geosciences, Hydrogeology, Geomicrobiology, or comparable disciplines

Applicants should have published several papers in reknowned international journals. Good oral and written English language skills are required, knowledge of German is an advantage. Knowledge of a programming language and a driving licence are also an advantage.

Applications should include a CV, letter of motivation, records of academic degrees including a transcript of records, and the names and addresses of two potential referees. Please contact Prof. Dr. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg (https://t1p.de/FvB-FUBerlin ) for further information.

Weitere Informationen

Applications should be sent by e-mail, together with above mentioned significant documents, indicating the reference code, in PDF format (as one document) to Britta Ernst: britta.ernst@fu-berlin.de or postal to

Freie Universität Berlin

Fachbereich Geowissenschaften

Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften

Geochemistry Group

Britta Ernst

Malteserstr. 74-100

Haus B, 12249 Berlin (Lankwitz)

With an electronic application, you acknowledge that FU Berlin saves and processes your data. FU Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application over an unencrypted connection.

Stellenausschreibung vom: 07.07.2024


  • Geowissenschaften