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Fachbereich Geowissenschaften - Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften Arbeitsbereich Mineralogie-Petrologie

Research Assistant (Praedoc) (m/f/d) with 75 %part-time job limited to 4 years salary grade (Entgeltgruppe) 13 TV-L FU reference code: Min-Pet/06/2024

Bewerbungsende: 22.07.2024

The position is located in the Mineralogy-Petrology group (Prof. Dr. John) at the Institute of Geological Sciences, whose research focuses on the thermodynamics of fluids and rocks, fluid flow of subduction zones and orogens, and time scales of metamorphic and metasomatic processes. The research group offers an intercultural, open-minded, versatile and family-friendly working environment.

Job description:
As research assistant you will be responsible for implementing numerical thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical (THCM) codes which aim to analyze hydrothermal flow-through experiments and field-based fluid-rock interaction data. There will be close interaction with scientists working on the relevant experiments and field studies in the frame of the Reinhart-Koselleck Project “Deciphering the duration of fluid-rock interaction”.

A successfully completed university degree (M.Sc. or Diploma) in Geology, Mineralogy, Mathematics, or Physics.

- experience in numerical simulations of fluid-rock interaction processes
- expertise in computational mechanics and in developing codes
- expertise in thermo-mechanics of multiphase flows
- basic expertise in mechanical instabilities such as free and convection in porous media, including the non-inertial limits relevant to the geodynamic and petrological applications
- ability to utilize hardware accelerators available in our group for faster calculation compared to the standard CPU-based implementation
- the candidate has a high motivation for independent scientific work, the willingness to familiarize themselves with new tasks, a sense of responsibility and the ability to work in a team.
- very good written and spoken English

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Timm John (timm.john@fu-berlin.de / +49 (0)30-838-70103).

Stellenausschreibung vom: 23.06.2024


  • Geowissenschaften