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Fachbereich Physik - Institut für Theoretische Physik Emmy-Noether group "Microscale and Nanoscale Physics of Topological Metals"

Research assistant (Praedoc) (m/f/d) with 75%-part-time job limited to 30.06.2028 salary grade (Entgeltgruppe) 13 TV-L FU reference code: Breitkreiz-Praedoc-2024

Bewerbungsende: 24.06.2024

PhD Position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Earliest starting date: July 2024

The position is limited to 4 years (subject to funding approval)

The PhD position is located in the Emmy-Noether group "Microscale and Nanoscale Physics of Topological Metals" led by Dr. Maxim Breitkreiz (https://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/en/einrichtungen/ag/ag-breitkreiz/index.html). The group is part of the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems (https://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/en/forschung/quantenphysik/index.html), which research focus is quantum-theoretical condensed matter physics in its fullest range.
Furthermore, the Emmy-Noether group is involved in the transregional Collaborative Research Center CRC 183 "Entangled States of Matter" (https://www.crc183.uni-koeln.de/), which connects established scientists of the DCCQS, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and University of Cologne. The embedding of the PhD position in the DCCQS and the CRC offers an excellent research environment with particularly diverse opportunities for a creative research practice with international collaborations, research residencies, soft-skill workshops (Dahlem Research School: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/drs/index.html), participation and active organization of conferences and summer schools.

Job description:
Within this PhD project you will conduct fundamental research within the field of theoretical condensed matter physics and partially elementary particle physics. Of particular interest is the exploration of quantum anomalies arising in nanostructures of topological metals, such as Weyl-semimetals. Methodologically the tasks can be tackled using analytical, semi-analytical, or numerical methods.

University degree (M.Sc. level), preferably in theoretical physics

- Very good university degree in theoretical physics
- Excellent knowledge of theoretical condensed matter physics
- Experience with topological states of matter
- Experience with Latex, Wolfram Mathematica, Python
- Fluency in English (full professional level)
- Ability to penetrate into complex research fields
- Willingness to collaborate with internal and external research groups in experimental and theoretical physics

Application documents should include: cover letter, cv, at least one recommendation letter (send directly from the referee), relevant university certificates with overviews over attended courses and grades. Please send the application as a single PDF document via email to Ms. Henrike Giebl: henrike.giebl@fu-berlin.de.

Stellenausschreibung vom: 02.06.2024


  • Physik