23440a Vorlesung

WiSe 23/24: V Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Plant – Animal Interactions

Monika Hilker, Andreas Reinecke

Hinweise für Studierende

This lecture is for MSc students with the orientation "General Biology" as well as with specialisation in "Molecular & Cell Biology", "Neurobiology & Behavioural Biology", "Biodiversity, Evolution & Ecology", as well as in "Plant Sciences". Additional Information: Modulbeschreibung des Moduls Molekulare und Chemische Ökologie von Pflanze-Tier Interaktionen Schließen

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

Mandatory pre-meeting:
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, 14:00 h, online-time-dependent


Prof. Dr. Monika Hilker: monika.hilker@fu-berlin.de
Dr. Andreas Reinecke: andreas.reinecke@fu-berlin.de

The lecture provides an overview about the chemical ecology of plant – animal interactions. Many interactions between plants and animals are mediated via naturally occurring chemicals. For example, many herbivorous insects are attracted by host plant odour. "Communication" among plants, interactions between animals as well as interactions between plants and animals are often mediated by scents, but non-volatile compounds play important roles as well. The lecture addresses the multiple phenomena of chemically mediated interactions, their molecular basis, and methods of their study.

Qualification objectives:
Students will gain knowledge about current research topics in the field of chemically mediated plant - animal interactions and their molecular basis. Furthermore, students will acquire theoretical knowledge on methods of analysis of chemically mediated plant - animal interactions in the lecture and then deepen this knowledge in the respective seminar and practical course. Schließen


- Bagneres & Hossaert-McKey (2016): Chemical Ecology. Wiley
- Freeland (2020): Molecular Ecology. 3rd edition, Wiley
- Schoonhoven et al. (2006): Insect - Plant Biology. Oxford University Press
Journals: - Journal of Chemical Ecology
- Molecular Ecology

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