SoSe 23: Greek-Turkish Relations as Reflected in the Languages
Johannes Niehoff
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The main book for the history of the Turkish people is still
Moravcskik´s double volume from 1958 „Byzantinoturcica“. It is a
collection of Byzantine sources on the Turks from about thousand years.
This is symptomatic: The oldest sources on the Altai people are all
Byzantine, mostly in Greek. In this course, we will treat the literary –
linguistic side oft he problem: How the oldest attestations in Turkish are
rendered in Greek, which stages of Turkish are reflected in them; and how
the Literature „Karamanlidhika“ came into being. We will proceed
Lit.: Moravcsik, Gy.: Byzantinoturcica, two voll., sec. edition, Berlin
1958 (PhilBib);
C. Symeonidis, Lautlehre der türkischen Lehnwörter im neugriechischen
Dialekt des Pontos, Bonn 1969;
M. Kappler: A Tale of Two Languages: Tracing the History of Turkish-Greek
Language Contacts , Von Alttürkisch bis Deutschlandtürkisch. Die
Sprachgeschichte des Oghusischen, "-", Convegno: Von Alttürkisch bis
Deutschlandtürkisch. Die Sprachgeschichte des Oghusischen, 24.-26.
novembre 2006 Schließen
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