HU53121 Seminar

SoSe 23: Research Design and Implementation

Charlotte Fiala

Hinweise für Studierende

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The Seminar "Research Design and Implementation" is designed for advanced MA students and BGSS doctoral students. Weekly literature on research design, as well as theoretical and methodological aspects, will be discussed in class. Weekly individual assignments on the seminar literature, as well as the application of the literature on empirical data, will support class discussion. MA and doctoral students will present pieces of their written research work and give peer comments to the other papers. The seminar is open to first-year PhD students of the BGSS and advanced MA students in preparation of their thesis. Das Seminar richtet sich ausschließlich an Promovierende der BGSS im ersten Jahr und an fortgeschrittene MA-Studierende in Vorbereitung ihrer Abschlussarbeit. Please contact lecturer for admission via mail./Bitte Dozentin für Zulassung per Mail kontaktiereAdvanced MA students in preparation of their thesis. First-year PhD students of the BGSS. Schließen

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