SoSe 24  
23451c Praktikum

SoSe 24: P Physiology of Plant Adaptation and Acclimation to a variable Environment

Margarete Baier, Thomas Griebel, Petra Redekop, Dominic Schütte

Hinweise für Studierende

The course is under specific safety restrictions. As part of the safety information and safety labelling have to be provided in German at the Freie Universität, appropriate language skills are mandatory. Additional information is provided in the SPO in German. Additional 3 seats for biochemistry students;
Additional module information: Modulbeschreibung des Moduls Molekulare Physiologie der pflanzlichen Akklimatisation und Adaptation

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17


Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

Binding prep meeting: 25.04.; 4 – 5:30 p.m. in R225; Königin-Luise-Str. 12-16
The course can only be attended in combination with the lecture and seminar of the module.


Methods of in vivo and in vitro analysis using examples of plant adaptation and acclimatization; quantitative metabolite, protein and transcript analysis; Sampling; pictorial analysis; Design of experiments; Bio-ScreeningInvestigation of plant responses to environmental signals and plant environmental adaptation processes using physiological-biochemical and molecular biological methods. Schließen


Schulze et al.: Plant Ecology (2.Aufl.)
Buchanan, Gruissem, Jones: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants (2nd eds.)

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