HU51430a Colloquium

WiSe 23/24: Mastercolloquium Global History

Martin Lutz

Hinweise für Studierende

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All course work completed, all term papers handed in? Then you are ready for the next step, the master colloquium. It supports the writing of an MA thesis in global history. Before starting with an MA thesis, students need to find a suitable topic as well as a supervisor who usually wants to see a research proposal. Some students have all of this prepared, when they enter the master colloquium. Others need more time, and they clarify their ideas during the term. Both is fine. Together, we will first talk about the joys, challenges and techniques of preparing and writing a master's thesis in general. After that, participants get the chance to discuss their very own ideas and proposals for an MA thesis (or selected chapters of an MA thesis) with other participants. Simultaneously, we will talk about possible problems that students face at this stage and we will explore effective coping strategies. Last but not least, the colloquium offers students an opportunity to stay in touch after the usual course work is completed. NOTE: Students who will be still working on their research papers during the summer term must consult with the course instructor before the course begins. Students who have already taken part in the colloquium, but wish to do so a second time, should also get in touch with the course instructor in advance. As long as the class is not full, they are warmly welcome, and they can share important experiences with their fellow students. Schließen

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