23415b Seminar

S Current Topics in Evolution and Ecology

Charlotte Rafaluk-Mohr, Sophie Armitage

Hinweise für Studierende

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

Binding preliminary meeting via Webex



Through this module students will obtain a deeper insight into selected current research topics in biodiversity, evolution and ecology through attending weekly lectures presented as part of the weekly seminar series on Evolution and Ecology. The module will involve critical analysis of original research, synthesis of scientific presentations, and discussion of ideas and hypotheses with a broad range of scientists. It will result in an essay written in the style of a newspaper report. In the practical part of the course students will have the opportunity to plan, prepare and present a stand at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften. This will involve the preparation of material and interactive activities as well as creating posters presenting information understandable to a lay audience. The exact topic to be presented at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften is to be decided by the students as a group.  
*Maximum number of participants is 14 combined for “Current and classic topics in Evolution and Ecology I” and “Current and classic topics in Evolution and Ecology I with practical”.


After attending the module, students have in-depth knowledge of current fields of biodiversity, evolution and ecology. They will be able to carry out and present critical analyses of current issues and publications and prepare material for an interested general audience.


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