095924 Sprachpraktische Übung

AI & IT Law - Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology and Computer Law

Lothar Determann

Hinweise für Studierende

In dieser Lehrveranstaltung besteht Teilnahmepflicht. Weitere Hinweise lesen Sie bitte hier

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

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Course content

Based on case studies focused on generative artificial intelligence (AI), this course explores laws, industry practices, and policy considerations relating to the development, protection, and commercialization of software, computers, and information technology services. The primary focus will be on U.S. and EU intellectual property law, but we will also cover contracts, antitrust, international and commercial issues, as well as different technology and business models, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing and open source licensing. We will cover data as an asset, but not information privacy or data protection law topics (which are covered separately in my course on Data Privacy Law, which I am planning to teach again in a future semester).

My AI and IT Law Course is focused on practical problem-solving, exercises and quizzes. The class meets for one in-person session at the Free University Berlin around December 3, probably mid-day (exact time to be announced in October). You will work through course materials and submit a number of quizzes throughout the semester on a weekly basis, as explained in the syllabus. You should submit the quizzes before each deadline (within 5 days of receipt) and you should complete the assignments in writing for your own benefit (but you do not have to send in the written assignments). The class will meet a second time virtually for a discussion on AI Regulation. You will receive a grade based on the responses to quizzes you submit. You may receive a positive, upward grade adjustment for contributions during the "live" session, probably on December 3, 2024 at 1 PM, and for written assignments you voluntarily submit. You do not have to write any separate exam.

Prior courses in intellectual property topics are recommended, but not strictly required. If you have never studied copyright, patent, and trade secret law, then you will have to work harder than students who are already proficient in these areas, but if you are interested in the subject, the extra workload should be manageable. An engineering or programming background is not necessary.

Course registration and organisation

Students may register for this course before October 14, 2024 per email sent to lothardetermann@outlook.com and frances.say@bakermckenzie.com to receive course materials, assignments and quizzes per email.

For each class, please prepare by working through assignments, starting with the assignments for Class 1, attached to this message.

Every week, you will receive another file with

  • sample answers, considerations and outlines pertaining to the assignments for the previous class, which you can compare to your own answers and deepen your understanding of the subject matter
  • a Quiz with 10 multiple choice questions to expand and check on your progress; please submit your answers to the Quiz within 5 days of receipt to frances.say@bakermckenzie.com and lothardetermann@outlook.com.

Every following week you will receive another installment of course materials teaching AI and IT Law subjects, assigning problems to you and giving you a Quiz to complete. All of the materials you will receive are accompanied by a short message that gives you more information about what to do.

Around December 3, 2024 at 1 PM, we will meet for an in-person class at the Freie Universität Berlin, all other session are remote/virtual.

Please direct any questions you may have to frances.say@bakermckenzie.com and lothardetermann@outlook.com.


Zusätzliche Termine

Di, 03.12.2024 13:00 - 16:00

Live Session

Prof. Dr. Lothar Determann

II Hörsaal (Vant-Hoff-Str. 8)

Studienfächer A-Z