SoSe 24  
Modulangebot Ma...  

SoSe 24: Modulangebote

Modulangebot Management 30 LP (ab WiSe 16/17)

Die Möglichkeit des Studienabschlusses auf der Grundlage dieser Studien- und Prüfungsordnung wird bis zum Ende des Sommersemesters 2024 gewährleistet.
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
  • Organisationstheorie (Organization Theory)

    • 10114401 Vorlesung
      Organisationstheorie (V) (Miriam Flickinger)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: Hs 107 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10114402 Übung
      Organisationstheorie (Ü) (Ruben Anders)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 23.04.2024)
      Ort: Hs 101 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
  • Forschungsseminar Organisation (Research Seminar: Organization)

    • 10114501 Vorlesung
      Organisationsforschung (V) (Miriam Flickinger)
      Zeit: Di 30.04. 10:00-12:00, Di 28.05. 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 30.04.2024)
      Ort: Raum 102A, Hs 108a Hörsaal
    • 10114701 Vorlesung
      Organisationsforschung (V) Diversity and Intersectionality at the Workplace (Sumrin Kalia)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-11:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: Hs 104 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)


      Please register until 14th April by mailing your application and your transcript of records to  . You will be notified about the success of your application on April 15th.

      Diversity along various dimensions of identity (e.g., race, gender, nationality, age, class, core beliefs, etc.) can be an important asset for workplaces, however poor management of differences can make them a liability. In this seminar, students will be introduced to key dimensions of intersectionality and the ways they shape thinking and behaviours in workplace. The goal is to understand opportunities and challenges of diversity in organisations; identifying patterns of discrimination, unconscious bias, pay and opportunity gaps; and strategies to foster fair, inclusive, and productive workplaces.

    • 10114511 Seminar
      Organisationsforschung (S) (Miriam Flickinger, Louisa La Porta, Ruidong Zhu)
      Zeit: Mo 15.07. 08:00-18:00, Di 16.07. 08:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.07.2024)
      Ort: HFB/K III Konferenzraum (Garystr. 35-37)
    • 10114711 Seminar
      Organisationsforschung (S) Diversity and Intersectionality at the Workplace (Sumrin Kalia)
      Zeit: Do 11:00-13:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: Hs 104 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)


      Please register until 14th April by mailing your application and your transcript of records to .  You will be notified about the success of your application on April 15th.

      Diversity along various dimensions of identity (e.g., race, gender, nationality, age, class, core beliefs, etc.) can be an important asset for workplaces, however poor management of differences can make them a liability. In this seminar, students will be introduced to key dimensions of intersectionality and the ways they shape thinking and behaviours in workplace. The goal is to understand opportunities and challenges of diversity in organisations; identifying patterns of discrimination, unconscious bias, pay and opportunity gaps; and strategies to foster fair, inclusive, and productive workplaces.

  • Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility)

    • Management - Eine problemorientierte Einführung (Management - A problem-oriented introduction) 0518aA1.1
    • Supply and Operations Management (Supply and Operations Management) 0170aA1.8
    • Strategisches Management (Strategic Management) 0170aB1.1
    • Unternehmenskooperation (Business Cooperation) 0170aB1.2
    • Grundlagen der Personalpolitik (Introduction to Employment Relations) 0170aB2.2
    • International Management (International Management) 0170bB1.3