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M.A. Global His...  

Instituts- und/oder fachübergreifende Masterstudiengänge

M.A. Global History (Studienordnung 2020)


Die aktuelle Studien- und Prüfungsordnung finden Sie bitte hier .

  • Modul 1: Global Spaces



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten besitzen grundlegende Kenntnisse wichtiger globaler Entwicklungen, globaler Verflechtungen und historischer Globalisierungsprozesse in unterschiedlichen Weltregionen und können die globale Dimension unterschiedlicher historischer Räume, ihr Eingebundensein in globale Strukturen sowie die Verflechtungen zwischen verschiedenen historischen Räumen benennen und im Hinblick auf die Bedeutung für die historische Entwicklung interpretieren. Sie verfügen über einen Überblick über Themen und Probleme der Global-geschichtsschreibung und einen ersten Einblick in Forschungsfelder und Forschungsdebatten der Globalgeschichte. Sie sind in der Lage, komplexe Prozesse und Strukturen in ihrer historischen Bedingtheit sowie ihren globalen Kontexten und Auswirkungen zu reflektieren und zu erklären.


    Das Modul führt in den Masterstudiengang Global History ein, indem es einerseits inhaltliche Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der globalen Modernen Geschichte vermittelt, andererseits wichtige Forschungsansätze und -kontroversen der jüngeren Globalgeschichtsschreibung behandelt. Die Ringvorlesung gibt am Beispiel unterschiedlicher Regionen der Welt einen Überblick über wichtige globale Entwicklungen, globale Verflechtungen und Globalisierungsprozesse einerseits und aktuelle globalgeschichtliche Forschungsdebatten andererseits. Im Seminar werden globalgeschichtliche Fragen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts im Überblick oder an einem thematischen oder regionalen Beispiel diskutiert, einschlägige Forschungsarbeiten gelesen und wichtige Zugänge zu globalgeschichtlicher Forschung diskutiert.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Vorlesung / 2 SWS / wird dringend empfohlen Seminar / 2 SWS / ja






    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    ein Semester / jedes Wintersemester
    Modul ohne Lehrangebot
  • Modul 2: Global Histories



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten besitzen grundlegende Kenntnisse wichtiger aktueller theoretischer und methodischer Debatten, die für die Globalgeschichte von Bedeutung sind. Sie kennen die zentralen Kategorien zur Analyse global wirksamer Prozesse und können kritisch mit der Forschungsliteratur umgehen. Sie sind in der Lage, wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse mündlich und schriftlich zu diskutieren und zu präsentieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können Bedingungen und Probleme einer Globalgeschichtsschreibung einordnen und deren Werkzeuge auf eigene Fragestellungen anwenden. Die Studentinnen und Studenten verfügen über vertiefte Kenntnisse wichtiger fachwissenschaftlicher Kontroversen zu einzelnen Themen und Problemen und können vor diesem Hintergrund und ausgehend von eigenen Erkenntnisinteressen eigene Fragen und Positionen selbstständig entwickeln und mündlich wie schriftlich sachlich begründet beurteilen.


    Im Modul setzten sich die Studentinnen und Studenten mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen der Globalgeschichte und zentralen Debatten einer Globalgeschichtsschreibung auseinander. Es werden wichtige theoretische und methodische Herangehensweisen der Globalgeschichte (z. B. global-, transfer-, verflechtungsgeschichtliche und komparative Ansätze, postkoloniale Theorie) behandelt. Anhand der Lektüre zentraler Texte werden fachwissenschaftliche Debatten erschlossen und wichtige Konzepte der Globalgeschichtsschreibung erarbeitet. Des Weiteren werden Fragestellungen, Ansätze und Probleme der Globalgeschichtsschreibung anhand von Beispielen aus einer oder aus unterschiedlichen Weltregionen herausgearbeitet. Die Studentinnen und Studenten werden angeleitet, einzelne z. B. kultur-, gender-, sozial- oder wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Fragen und Gegenstände in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive und mit Bezug zu globalgeschichtlichen Theorien und Methoden zu reflektieren und die entsprechende fachwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesen zu erschließen und kritisch auszuwerten.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Seminar / 2 SWS / ja Seminar / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (6000 Wörter)




    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Zwei Semester (Seminar A im Wintersemester, Seminar B im folgenden Sommersemester) / Jedes Studienjahr, beginnend im Wintersemester
    • 13311 Seminar
      A new world information order? Communication, media, and technology in postwar liberation struggles (Ismay Milford)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "Introducing recent scholarship on demands for a so-called new information order in the 1970s-80, this course locates the topic in a broader history of the relationship between information and liberation. With a chronological focus on the period 1945-1994 and case studies from across the world (with a particular emphasis on the African continent), we encounter anti-colonial print and broadcasting, Cold War censorship politics, satellite regulatory battles, and developmentalist discourses. In an age where ‘information’ appears to be more accessible than ever, ‘information inequality’ remains rife. Between claims of ‘fake news’ and struggles to regulate the internet, normative models of the relationship between democracy and the public sphere lack explanatory power. How did we get here? Global history scholarship has shown the extent to which the spheres of information and communication were deeply entangled with empire during the twentieth century. Technologies including printing, radio, telegraphy and satellites could perpetuate notions of cultural and racial superiority and serve as tools of oppression. Yet they also presented opportunities for resistance and, increasingly throughout the period in question, for coordinating political mobilization across national borders. Moreover, historical actors frequently envisaged alternative models for a global information order which could liberate ordinary people from the structures that appeared to dictate their position in the world. An overarching question: Is the domain of information and communication one where historians read histories of globalization and decolonization unfolding, or has it been part of the making of these histories and of the limits and disappointments of their outcomes? "

    • 13314 Seminar
      Questions in (Global) History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Global history emerged as an intervention in the discipline of history, asking new questions and contributing new answers to older debates. The diversifying landscape of global history today reflects and builds upon a plethora of movements, “turns” and interventions that reshaped the study of history since the nineteenth century. Its approaches, methods and theories—the kinds of questions it asks, how it asks them and how it goes about answering them—are indebted to this heterodox heritage. As much as global history today thrives on the diversity of the disciplinary backgrounds of its practitioners, its rooting in the peculiarities of the discipline of history can be a challenge for students coming from other fields. This seminar is geared towards students who might feel unfamiliar or uneasy with the “who is who” and “what is what” of history. Designed as a safe space for the puzzled and the curious, the seminar focuses on three interrelated sets of larger questions in historiography: questions of theory, questions of sources and questions of writing. We will encounter different ways of doing history, their heuristics, stakes and historical contingencies. We will discover different types of primary sources, their archives and how scholars have worked with them. And we will explore what it means to write historically and how to go about formulating historical questions.

    • 13318 Seminar
      New Avenues in Global History (Sebastian Conrad)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This seminar can be understood as a sequel to the “Approaches to Global History” class. We will discuss the latest trends in global history, specifically reading books that were published in the 2020s in fields such as the history of empires, the history of capitalism, gender history, and intellectual history. If you are interested in discussing the latest, cutting-edge scholarship in the field, this seminar is for you.

    • 13321 Seminar Abgesagt
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53713HU ersetzt.

    • 13326 Seminar Abgesagt
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      LV durch LV 514319HU ersetzt.


      This course examines the interrelationships between scientific knowledge production, technological development, environmental transformations, medical discourses and practices, politics and power in Latin America and the Caribbean from the colonial period to the present day. We will explore the global circulation of commodities like cocoa and medicinal plants—including abortion medication; Jamaican Black metallurgists’ invention of technologies that drove the Industrial Revolution; ideas of racial immunity to yellow fever in medicine as well as history-writing; insect-scientists’ critiques of technological progress; how indigenous knowledge was appropriated to mass produce hormones for the birth-control pill; the impact of anthropological studies of Black kinship on the European welfare state; how postwar development and welfare programs were connected to the emergence of neoliberalism; and the emergence of dependency theory and world systems theory. These topics will serve as a starting point for broader discussions about social and political epistemology: we will interrogate knowledge circulation as much as ignorance, ask whose contributions have been counted or dismissed, and how to historicise critique and counter narratives and account for internal contradictions in ideological apparatuses. Theory-focussed sessions will engage Saidiya Hartman’s concept of “critical fabulation” as a framework for narrating counter-histories and examine contemporary challenges for a global history of science in public.

    • 14281 Seminar
      (S) Japan in Ostasien: Historische Verflechtungen und gegenwärtige Diskurse (Urs Matthias Zachmann)
      Zeit: Fr 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2001 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Bitte beachten: Die reguläre Kurszeit verschiebt sich auf freitags, 16-18 Uhr!

    • 51434HU Seminar
      The Great Acceleration into the Anthropocene? Energy and Environment in Contemporary History (Rüdiger Graf)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51451HU Seminar
      Sustainability, Capitalism and the Global Order (1870s - 1950s) (Jakob Vogel)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51453HU Seminar
      Global Histories of Logistics and Maritime Capitalism (Jule Ulbricht)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53830GSHU Seminar
      Sex and Socialism: Gender, sexuality and the boundaries of the nation state in post-war Central and Southeastern Europe (Prsika Komaromi)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • GH13322 Seminar
      Gun Culture and Gun Violence in the Early Modern World (Stephen Cummins)
      Zeit: Mi 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Handguns proliferated at an astonishing rate in the sixteenth century. From being a rare avant-garde innovation upon Ottoman and European battlefields, adapted from Chinese technology, they cascaded into everyday life in many regions. States often enthusiastically distributed handheld firearms, hoping to extend their authority and battle-readiness across territory, but then reacted in dismay when confronted with the social consequences of an armed populace. Firearms accompanied both Spanish and Portuguese imperialists as well as European colonists in north America. They also became quickly a technology used widely across Eurasia by, for instance, the Mughal, Safavid, and Ottoman imperial armies. Gun manufacturing and proliferation were a set of globally connected processes, with various hubs and connection to the global extraction and trade of commodities. This course will not concentrate primarily on either military or technological history, although these will naturally be important foundations and reference points. Rather, we will concentrate on the cultures of handheld firearms and gun violence in everyday life (or, at least, beyond the classical battlefield). We will explore the origins and nature of attitudes towards handguns and their possession, as well as their integration into practices such as hunting. We will study early attempts at the control and limitation of firearms, including licencing and training, as well as local resistance to such prohibitions. We will examine case studies which may include the arms industry in northern Italy, militia culture in the German speaking lands, notable handgun assassinations, the ‘arquebusier angels’ of seventeenth-century Peru, and the connections between gun culture and imperialism in the Americas more generally. On a slightly more general level, we will also explore the possibilities and challenges of using contemporary social issues as the basis for topics of historical research.

    • 13310 Seminar
      N.N. (Minu Haschemi Yekani)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Registration for this seminar will only be possible from April 10 (title of the seminar still forthcoming)

    • 13312 Seminar Abgesagt
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13316 Seminar
      Entangled Histories of Europe and the Middle East in the Modern Era (Joseph Prestel)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In this seminar, we will look at different ways in which the modern histories of Europe and the Middle East became entangled in the modern era. We will start from the very concepts of “Europe” and the “Middle East” and how they emerged in relation to each other, during the Age of Empire. We will study how political and armed conflicts like the Second World War contributed to an increased interaction between the world regions. And we will analyze how the Middle East and Europe became increasingly economically tied to each other, over the course of the twentieth century. By considering these two world regions together, we will ultimately probe the approach of transregional history and its potential contribution to global histories of the modern era.

    • 13317 Hauptseminar
      To Buy or Not to Buy? The Politics of Consumption in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Patricia Hertel)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only modul 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.


      Calls for the boycott of certain products and the conscious decision to buy others express the values of modern consumer societies. They are closely linked to the development of our industrialized, globalized society and its political and social structures. Historical examples include the disdain for sugar produced by slave labor in the late eighteenth century, the appeals for boycotts as political instruments used by the trade unions in the nineteenth century, as well as the avoidance of South African fruits during the apartheid era and the fair-trade movement in the twentieth century. Each of these campaigns was based on consumers’ desire to express their personal values through their purchases and to influence political and social processes. This seminar examines the relationship between consumption and politics based on case studies from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It focuses on the respective aims of each of these campaigns in their historical contexts, analyzing the semantics and iconography involved as well as how they spread at the local and/or global level. In which cases did consumer boycotts help to achieve political goals? In which cases were they primarily a symbolic expression of certain attitudes and beliefs? The seminar thus reflects the role of collective consumer behavior as a method of political participation or self-assertion in modern societies. For activeoral participation the moderation of a session in groups is required. Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only module 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.

    • 13320 Seminar Abgesagt
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53719HU ersetzt.

    • 13324 Seminar
      Silencing and Disconnections in Global History (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Too often, global history is exclusively treated as the study of connections. Robust histories exist of ideas that have universalized, people who have traveled, and goods that have crossed borders. Less commonly discussed are the people, ideas, and goods that have NOT traveled. Despite this relative paucity of scholarly attention, robust methodologies exist to help us trace non-transfer, non-connection, the deliberate silencing of certain kinds of information, and the conditions and contexts out of which they have arisen. Rather than treating disconnection and silencing as “natural” and needing no explanation, this class draws attention to the ways in which globalization and the transgression of certain boundaries have gone hand-in-hand with disintegration, misinformation, and the hardening of other boundaries. Drawing from a mix of methodologies and case studies, the class will train students to analyze mutual processes of circulation and non-circulation, and of silencing and amplification, that have underpinned globalization. In addition to offering a richer understanding of the past, these methods help to keep global history as a discipline relevant and ethically engaged in an age of rampant misinformation, resurgent nationalism, and the cementing of boundaries of various kinds.

    • 31202a Seminar
      Economies of Socialism after the Second World War (Alexandra Oberländer)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/302b Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In this reading-intensive seminar we will discuss new approaches towards Soviet and to some degree Estern European Socialist Economies. This is not a seminar about economic theories, but about economy as a lived experience. Therefore we will address how people living in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991 organized their survival, the well-being of their families and larger communities. We will tackle the question of „command“ vs. „planned“ economy and what this means for consumption, we will address some of the economic reforms, we will read about money as a precarious form of exchange in socialist societies, we will talk about export and environmental isssues, but most importantly we will read translations of Soviet newspapers articles and try to find angles for working with newspaper sources. The seminar focuses mostly on Soviet history with „reading excursions“ to Hungary and Poland (most probably). Perestroika and its economic reforms will not be part of the seminar.


      Philipp Hanson, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Economy: An Economic History of the USSR from 1945 (London: Longman, 2003)

    • 31203a Seminar
      Beyond the Silk Road. A Global History of Modern Central Asia (Robert Kindler)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In this seminar, we will focus on the imperial history of Central Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries in a global context. In contrast to the (still prevailing) view of Central Asia as a “remote” backwater of both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, we will conceptualize the region as being deeply integrated into and shaped by global developments – even when it was largely isolated from the “outside world.” Based on case studies in economic, environmental, and social history, we will discuss how recent debates in postcolonial studies and global history contribute to a better understanding of the “Imperial Situation” in Central Asia and beyond.


      Adeeb Khalid: Central Asia - A New History from the Imperial Conquests to the Present, Princeton UP 2021.

    • 51430HU Seminar
      Global History of Capitalism (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51431HU Seminar
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51432HU Seminar
      The End of the Cold War and the Search for a New Political Order in Europe (Hannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51435HU Seminar
      The Global 1980s: Culture, Style and the End of Socialism (Juliane Fürst)
      Zeit: (14tgl.) (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53713HU Seminar
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53719HU Seminar
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 3: Global Configurations



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten verfügen über ein Bewusstsein für die historische Dimension globaler Strukturen und Prozesse bis in eine sich globalisierende Gegenwart sowie für die globale Dimension ausgewählter historischer Konfigurationen. Aufbauend auf das im Einführungsmodul vermittelte Grundwissen über globale Zusammenhänge verfügen die Studentinnen und Studenten über vertiefte Kenntnisse einzelner historischer Entwicklungen, Strukturen und Institutionen und können diese unter Berücksichtigung ihres jeweiligen politischen, gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontextes in globale Zusammenhänge einordnen. Die Studentinnen und Studenten sind in der Lage, einzelne ausgewählte globale Phänomene und Entwicklungen sowie Beziehungen und Interdependenzen in ihrer historischen Bedingtheit zu reflektieren, zu diskutieren und zu beurteilen. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können den Forschungsstand zu globalgeschichtlichen Themen erschließen und eigenständig diesbezüglich relevante Quellenbestände heranziehen, auswerten und interpretieren. Auf dieser Grundlage gelingt es ihnen, eigene Forschungsansätze zu entwickeln und umzusetzen und zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Aussagen über die Vergangenheit in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive zu kommen. Die Studentinnen und Studenten sind in der Lage, Ergebnisse schriftlich und mündlich zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren sowie ihre Position sachlich fundiert zu begründen.


    Das Modul gibt Einblick in die historische Entwicklung und Genese wichtiger globaler Konfigurationen und behandelt die historische Dimension globaler Beziehungen, Strukturen und Prozesse. In beiden Seminaren werden je ein Thema oder ein Problemzusammenhang oder eine Akteursgruppe behandelt, die für die Globalgeschichte oder eine sich globalisierende Konfiguration (z. B. Migration, Warenströme, Kommunikation) von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Anhand von Fachliteratur und Quellen zu einer oder unterschiedlichen Weltregionen werden dabei ausgewählte, z. B. sozial-, gender-, wirtschafts- oder kulturgeschichtliche, Themen in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive aufgegriffen und in ihrer historischen Entwicklung und mit Bezug auf ihre globalen Dimensionen diskutiert.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Seminar / 2 SWS / ja Seminar / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (etwa 6 000 Wörter) oder mündliche Prüfung (max. 5 Prüflinge/ ca. 12 Minuten pro Prüfling)




    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Zwei Semester / Jedes Studienjahr, beginnend im Sommersemester
    • 13326 Seminar Abgesagt
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      LV durch LV 514319HU ersetzt.


      This course examines the interrelationships between scientific knowledge production, technological development, environmental transformations, medical discourses and practices, politics and power in Latin America and the Caribbean from the colonial period to the present day. We will explore the global circulation of commodities like cocoa and medicinal plants—including abortion medication; Jamaican Black metallurgists’ invention of technologies that drove the Industrial Revolution; ideas of racial immunity to yellow fever in medicine as well as history-writing; insect-scientists’ critiques of technological progress; how indigenous knowledge was appropriated to mass produce hormones for the birth-control pill; the impact of anthropological studies of Black kinship on the European welfare state; how postwar development and welfare programs were connected to the emergence of neoliberalism; and the emergence of dependency theory and world systems theory. These topics will serve as a starting point for broader discussions about social and political epistemology: we will interrogate knowledge circulation as much as ignorance, ask whose contributions have been counted or dismissed, and how to historicise critique and counter narratives and account for internal contradictions in ideological apparatuses. Theory-focussed sessions will engage Saidiya Hartman’s concept of “critical fabulation” as a framework for narrating counter-histories and examine contemporary challenges for a global history of science in public.

    • 31202a Seminar
      Economies of Socialism after the Second World War (Alexandra Oberländer)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/302b Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In this reading-intensive seminar we will discuss new approaches towards Soviet and to some degree Estern European Socialist Economies. This is not a seminar about economic theories, but about economy as a lived experience. Therefore we will address how people living in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991 organized their survival, the well-being of their families and larger communities. We will tackle the question of „command“ vs. „planned“ economy and what this means for consumption, we will address some of the economic reforms, we will read about money as a precarious form of exchange in socialist societies, we will talk about export and environmental isssues, but most importantly we will read translations of Soviet newspapers articles and try to find angles for working with newspaper sources. The seminar focuses mostly on Soviet history with „reading excursions“ to Hungary and Poland (most probably). Perestroika and its economic reforms will not be part of the seminar.


      Philipp Hanson, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Economy: An Economic History of the USSR from 1945 (London: Longman, 2003)

    • 31203a Seminar
      Beyond the Silk Road. A Global History of Modern Central Asia (Robert Kindler)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In this seminar, we will focus on the imperial history of Central Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries in a global context. In contrast to the (still prevailing) view of Central Asia as a “remote” backwater of both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, we will conceptualize the region as being deeply integrated into and shaped by global developments – even when it was largely isolated from the “outside world.” Based on case studies in economic, environmental, and social history, we will discuss how recent debates in postcolonial studies and global history contribute to a better understanding of the “Imperial Situation” in Central Asia and beyond.


      Adeeb Khalid: Central Asia - A New History from the Imperial Conquests to the Present, Princeton UP 2021.

    • 51431HU Seminar
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51435HU Seminar
      The Global 1980s: Culture, Style and the End of Socialism (Juliane Fürst)
      Zeit: (14tgl.) (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53719HU Seminar
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53830GSHU Seminar
      Sex and Socialism: Gender, sexuality and the boundaries of the nation state in post-war Central and Southeastern Europe (Prsika Komaromi)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • GH13322 Seminar
      Gun Culture and Gun Violence in the Early Modern World (Stephen Cummins)
      Zeit: Mi 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Handguns proliferated at an astonishing rate in the sixteenth century. From being a rare avant-garde innovation upon Ottoman and European battlefields, adapted from Chinese technology, they cascaded into everyday life in many regions. States often enthusiastically distributed handheld firearms, hoping to extend their authority and battle-readiness across territory, but then reacted in dismay when confronted with the social consequences of an armed populace. Firearms accompanied both Spanish and Portuguese imperialists as well as European colonists in north America. They also became quickly a technology used widely across Eurasia by, for instance, the Mughal, Safavid, and Ottoman imperial armies. Gun manufacturing and proliferation were a set of globally connected processes, with various hubs and connection to the global extraction and trade of commodities. This course will not concentrate primarily on either military or technological history, although these will naturally be important foundations and reference points. Rather, we will concentrate on the cultures of handheld firearms and gun violence in everyday life (or, at least, beyond the classical battlefield). We will explore the origins and nature of attitudes towards handguns and their possession, as well as their integration into practices such as hunting. We will study early attempts at the control and limitation of firearms, including licencing and training, as well as local resistance to such prohibitions. We will examine case studies which may include the arms industry in northern Italy, militia culture in the German speaking lands, notable handgun assassinations, the ‘arquebusier angels’ of seventeenth-century Peru, and the connections between gun culture and imperialism in the Americas more generally. On a slightly more general level, we will also explore the possibilities and challenges of using contemporary social issues as the basis for topics of historical research.

    • 13310 Seminar
      N.N. (Minu Haschemi Yekani)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Registration for this seminar will only be possible from April 10 (title of the seminar still forthcoming)

    • 13311 Seminar
      A new world information order? Communication, media, and technology in postwar liberation struggles (Ismay Milford)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "Introducing recent scholarship on demands for a so-called new information order in the 1970s-80, this course locates the topic in a broader history of the relationship between information and liberation. With a chronological focus on the period 1945-1994 and case studies from across the world (with a particular emphasis on the African continent), we encounter anti-colonial print and broadcasting, Cold War censorship politics, satellite regulatory battles, and developmentalist discourses. In an age where ‘information’ appears to be more accessible than ever, ‘information inequality’ remains rife. Between claims of ‘fake news’ and struggles to regulate the internet, normative models of the relationship between democracy and the public sphere lack explanatory power. How did we get here? Global history scholarship has shown the extent to which the spheres of information and communication were deeply entangled with empire during the twentieth century. Technologies including printing, radio, telegraphy and satellites could perpetuate notions of cultural and racial superiority and serve as tools of oppression. Yet they also presented opportunities for resistance and, increasingly throughout the period in question, for coordinating political mobilization across national borders. Moreover, historical actors frequently envisaged alternative models for a global information order which could liberate ordinary people from the structures that appeared to dictate their position in the world. An overarching question: Is the domain of information and communication one where historians read histories of globalization and decolonization unfolding, or has it been part of the making of these histories and of the limits and disappointments of their outcomes? "

    • 13312 Seminar Abgesagt
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13314 Seminar
      Questions in (Global) History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Global history emerged as an intervention in the discipline of history, asking new questions and contributing new answers to older debates. The diversifying landscape of global history today reflects and builds upon a plethora of movements, “turns” and interventions that reshaped the study of history since the nineteenth century. Its approaches, methods and theories—the kinds of questions it asks, how it asks them and how it goes about answering them—are indebted to this heterodox heritage. As much as global history today thrives on the diversity of the disciplinary backgrounds of its practitioners, its rooting in the peculiarities of the discipline of history can be a challenge for students coming from other fields. This seminar is geared towards students who might feel unfamiliar or uneasy with the “who is who” and “what is what” of history. Designed as a safe space for the puzzled and the curious, the seminar focuses on three interrelated sets of larger questions in historiography: questions of theory, questions of sources and questions of writing. We will encounter different ways of doing history, their heuristics, stakes and historical contingencies. We will discover different types of primary sources, their archives and how scholars have worked with them. And we will explore what it means to write historically and how to go about formulating historical questions.

    • 13316 Seminar
      Entangled Histories of Europe and the Middle East in the Modern Era (Joseph Prestel)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In this seminar, we will look at different ways in which the modern histories of Europe and the Middle East became entangled in the modern era. We will start from the very concepts of “Europe” and the “Middle East” and how they emerged in relation to each other, during the Age of Empire. We will study how political and armed conflicts like the Second World War contributed to an increased interaction between the world regions. And we will analyze how the Middle East and Europe became increasingly economically tied to each other, over the course of the twentieth century. By considering these two world regions together, we will ultimately probe the approach of transregional history and its potential contribution to global histories of the modern era.

    • 13317 Hauptseminar
      To Buy or Not to Buy? The Politics of Consumption in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Patricia Hertel)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only modul 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.


      Calls for the boycott of certain products and the conscious decision to buy others express the values of modern consumer societies. They are closely linked to the development of our industrialized, globalized society and its political and social structures. Historical examples include the disdain for sugar produced by slave labor in the late eighteenth century, the appeals for boycotts as political instruments used by the trade unions in the nineteenth century, as well as the avoidance of South African fruits during the apartheid era and the fair-trade movement in the twentieth century. Each of these campaigns was based on consumers’ desire to express their personal values through their purchases and to influence political and social processes. This seminar examines the relationship between consumption and politics based on case studies from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It focuses on the respective aims of each of these campaigns in their historical contexts, analyzing the semantics and iconography involved as well as how they spread at the local and/or global level. In which cases did consumer boycotts help to achieve political goals? In which cases were they primarily a symbolic expression of certain attitudes and beliefs? The seminar thus reflects the role of collective consumer behavior as a method of political participation or self-assertion in modern societies. For activeoral participation the moderation of a session in groups is required. Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only module 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.

    • 13318 Seminar
      New Avenues in Global History (Sebastian Conrad)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This seminar can be understood as a sequel to the “Approaches to Global History” class. We will discuss the latest trends in global history, specifically reading books that were published in the 2020s in fields such as the history of empires, the history of capitalism, gender history, and intellectual history. If you are interested in discussing the latest, cutting-edge scholarship in the field, this seminar is for you.

    • 13320 Seminar Abgesagt
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53719HU ersetzt.

    • 13321 Seminar Abgesagt
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53713HU ersetzt.

    • 13324 Seminar
      Silencing and Disconnections in Global History (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Too often, global history is exclusively treated as the study of connections. Robust histories exist of ideas that have universalized, people who have traveled, and goods that have crossed borders. Less commonly discussed are the people, ideas, and goods that have NOT traveled. Despite this relative paucity of scholarly attention, robust methodologies exist to help us trace non-transfer, non-connection, the deliberate silencing of certain kinds of information, and the conditions and contexts out of which they have arisen. Rather than treating disconnection and silencing as “natural” and needing no explanation, this class draws attention to the ways in which globalization and the transgression of certain boundaries have gone hand-in-hand with disintegration, misinformation, and the hardening of other boundaries. Drawing from a mix of methodologies and case studies, the class will train students to analyze mutual processes of circulation and non-circulation, and of silencing and amplification, that have underpinned globalization. In addition to offering a richer understanding of the past, these methods help to keep global history as a discipline relevant and ethically engaged in an age of rampant misinformation, resurgent nationalism, and the cementing of boundaries of various kinds.

    • 14281 Seminar
      (S) Japan in Ostasien: Historische Verflechtungen und gegenwärtige Diskurse (Urs Matthias Zachmann)
      Zeit: Fr 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2001 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Bitte beachten: Die reguläre Kurszeit verschiebt sich auf freitags, 16-18 Uhr!

    • 51430HU Seminar
      Global History of Capitalism (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51432HU Seminar
      The End of the Cold War and the Search for a New Political Order in Europe (Hannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51434HU Seminar
      The Great Acceleration into the Anthropocene? Energy and Environment in Contemporary History (Rüdiger Graf)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51451HU Seminar
      Sustainability, Capitalism and the Global Order (1870s - 1950s) (Jakob Vogel)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51453HU Seminar
      Global Histories of Logistics and Maritime Capitalism (Jule Ulbricht)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53713HU Seminar
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 12: Colloquium



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten können Forschungsvorhaben eigenständig planen, durchführen und verständlich präsentieren. Sie werden dazu befähigt, die Fragestellung, den Forschungsansatz, die Auswahl der Methoden und ggf. die konkrete Quellenarbeit in wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen zu begründen und unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Forschungsansätze zu reflektieren. Sie können den Mehrwert ihrer theoretischen und methodischen Vorgehensweisen überzeugend präsentieren, indem sie diese mit anderen gegenstandsadäquaten Ansätzen kontrastieren und die Vorzüge in Bezug auf die eigene Fragestellung darlegen.


    Während der Bearbeitungszeit der Masterarbeit nehmen die Studierenden an einem Colloquium teil, um das Konzept ihrer Arbeit vorzustellen und offene Fragen zu diskutieren. Im Colloquium stellen die Studierenden ihre eigenen Themenstellungen, theoretische und methodische Ansätze der Arbeit sowie erste Ergebnisse vor, diskutieren diese mit anderen Studierenden und Lehrenden und reflektieren den Schreibprozess.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Colloquium / 1 SWS / ja Colloquium / 1 SWS / ja






    150 Stunden (5 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13309 Colloquium
      MA GH Colloquium (Teil 1) (Ulrike Schaper)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-11:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Studierende melden sich bitte nur zur LV 13309 in CM an; die Anmeldung zum zweiten Modulteil 13309b erfolgt später automatisch.


      The colloquium provides support for working on your Master's thesis in the field of global history. It offers a forum to present your project and receive feedback on it. It also provides information on how to effectively organise and design the research and writing process, deal with obstacles and offers opportunities to exchange experiences with other students. Ideally, you should already have a topic and have started to research or even write your thesis, in order to take part in the colloquium. Each student is required to hand in an expose during the semester.

    • 13309b Colloquium
      MA GH Colloquium (Teil 2) (Ulrike Schaper)
      Zeit: Mo 11:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      !!Die Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung erfolgt über die LV 13309. Sie werden später automatisch in CM zum Teil 2 angemeldet!!


      The colloquium provides support for working on your Master's thesis in the field of global history. It offers a forum to present your project and receive feedback on it. It also provides information on how to effectively organise and design the research and writing process, deal with obstacles and offers opportunities to exchange experiences with other students. Ideally, you should already have a topic and have started to research or even write your thesis, in order to take part in the colloquium. Each student is required to hand in an expose during the semester.

  • Modul 4: Regions in Global History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse räumlicher Konstellationen. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf die Globalgeschichte einer oder mehrerer Weltregionen. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Verzahnung von Regionalwissenschaften und Globalgeschichte. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, systematisch die historische Wirkmächtigkeit regionaler Raumkonstellationen und die Interaktionen und Verflechtungen zwischen ihnen zu identifizieren und zu rekonstruieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (6000 Wörter)


    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13249 Hauptseminar
      Colonia Dignidad: ¿De una colonia modelo a un campo de tortura? (Stefan Rinke)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: K02 Seminarraum (Keller), Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Sprachen: Spanisch, Deutsch, teils Englisch


      La Colonia Dignidad fue una secta de inmigrantes alemanes en el sur de Chile, donde se cometieron graves delitos entre 1961 y 2005. Las personas de la secta fueron aisladas, explotadas, torturadas y sometidas a abusos sexuales. Durante la dictadura chilena (1973-1990), personas pertenecientes a la oposición fueron torturadas y asesinadas aquí. El caso plantea una serie de cuestiones relevantes para la investigación acerca de dictaduras y resistencia, fundamentalismo y sectas, historia transnacional durante la Guerra Fría, investigación del trauma y comparación de culturas de la memoria. En el seminario se examinará el caso de "Colonia Dignidad" con la ayuda de enfoques interdisciplinarios. El foco se centra en el trabajo con fuentes. Como nuevo instrumento, la plataforma de entrevistas "Colonia Dignidad. Un archivo de historia oral chileno-alemán" se incluirá en los trabajos del seminario. El Global Faculty Fellow Prof. Dr. Tomás Villarroel de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez de Chile, aportará su experiencia al seminario.


      Stefan Rinke, Philipp Kandler und Dorothee Wein (Hg.), Colonia Dignidad: Neue Debatten und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2023 und Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus, 2023). Meike Dreckmann-Nielen, Die Colonia Dignidad zwischen Erinnern und Vergessen: Zur Erinnerungskultur in der ehemaligen Siedlungsgemeinschaft (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023). Philipp Kandler und Stefan Rinke, „Zwischen Skandalisierung und Aufarbeitung: Die Colonia Dignidad in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit“, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 4 (3/2023), S. 297-320. Philipp Kandler und Stefan Rinke, „Chilenische Reaktionen auf die Colonia Dignidad vor dem Militärputsch”, in: Historische Zeitschrift 314 (3/2022), S. 630-666. Jan Stehle, Der Fall Colonia Dignidad: Zum Umgang bundesdeutscher Außenpolitik und Justiz mit Menschenrechtsverletzungen 1961-2020 (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2022). Siehe auch die Bibliographie unter

    • 13315 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Invention of Terror(ism): State Violence, Resistance, and Revolutions in Imperial France in the Long 19th Century (Daniel Schönpflug)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In textbooks on the history of modern terrorism, the invention of terrorism is often dated to the second half of the 19th century, with the French Revolution of 1789 playing a minor role. Challenging this established chronology, a growing body of literature demonstrates that the 1790s were not only the historical moment when the term "terrorisme" was first uttered but also a period marked by various forms of extreme violence that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. There is thus reason to argue that modern terrorism was born from the great revolution and that it spread in subsequent waves of political upheavel throughout 19th-century Europe. However, questions remain: What exactly is "modern terrorism"? When did it come into existence? What were the conditions of its emergence? And how did this practice traverse space and time, reaching even the peripheries of the French Empire?

    • 13316 Seminar
      Entangled Histories of Europe and the Middle East in the Modern Era (Joseph Prestel)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In this seminar, we will look at different ways in which the modern histories of Europe and the Middle East became entangled in the modern era. We will start from the very concepts of “Europe” and the “Middle East” and how they emerged in relation to each other, during the Age of Empire. We will study how political and armed conflicts like the Second World War contributed to an increased interaction between the world regions. And we will analyze how the Middle East and Europe became increasingly economically tied to each other, over the course of the twentieth century. By considering these two world regions together, we will ultimately probe the approach of transregional history and its potential contribution to global histories of the modern era.

    • 13319 Wahlveranstaltung
      Migrations, Displacement, Trafficking in the Levant and the Balkans (1840-1952). (Ilkay Yilmaz)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This course delves into the intricate history of migration within Ottoman and Post-Ottoman geographies, profoundly influencing societies, economies, and politics from the Balkans to the Middle East and North Africa. It examines the nexus of empire, colonization, and globalization, aiming to foster insights into migration patterns, transnational networks, citizenship regimes, and their enduring impacts. The narrative unfolds the intertwined history of migrations, trafficking, and smuggling, shedding light on the complexities of minorities, nation-state foundations, and population engineering that led to displacements, exchanges, and mass atrocities. Throughout the course, students will engage with academic studies, films, literature, and journalistic accounts, gaining a nuanced understanding of the migrations shaping the region over the past century and the consequential transformations that ensued.

    • 13326 Seminar Abgesagt
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      LV durch LV 514319HU ersetzt.


      This course examines the interrelationships between scientific knowledge production, technological development, environmental transformations, medical discourses and practices, politics and power in Latin America and the Caribbean from the colonial period to the present day. We will explore the global circulation of commodities like cocoa and medicinal plants—including abortion medication; Jamaican Black metallurgists’ invention of technologies that drove the Industrial Revolution; ideas of racial immunity to yellow fever in medicine as well as history-writing; insect-scientists’ critiques of technological progress; how indigenous knowledge was appropriated to mass produce hormones for the birth-control pill; the impact of anthropological studies of Black kinship on the European welfare state; how postwar development and welfare programs were connected to the emergence of neoliberalism; and the emergence of dependency theory and world systems theory. These topics will serve as a starting point for broader discussions about social and political epistemology: we will interrogate knowledge circulation as much as ignorance, ask whose contributions have been counted or dismissed, and how to historicise critique and counter narratives and account for internal contradictions in ideological apparatuses. Theory-focussed sessions will engage Saidiya Hartman’s concept of “critical fabulation” as a framework for narrating counter-histories and examine contemporary challenges for a global history of science in public.

    • 14233 Seminar
      The Chinese World Order – Cartography in China (Ines Eben von Racknitz)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)


      Cartography is a special form of "world-making"; cartographers visualize specific projections of world concepts. Situated at the interface between art and science, the investigation of maps offers less an objective representation of reality than a curated manifestation of power dynamics, religious beliefs, territorial endeavours, borderlines, but also - more recently - epidemics and diseases. How should we interpret a Chinese map from the imperial period and what insights can we gain from it? Who were the people, the cartographers, behind these maps and what were their intentions in ancient China? How are heaven and earth, the cosmos and mankind related to each other? In this course, we will explore the origins of Chinese cartography and examine the process by which geographical knowledge of East Asia was formulated, redefined and shaped by indigenous Chinese and European cartographers through European-Chinese co-operation since the 16th century.

    • 14235 Seminar
      China - an Environmental History (Ines Eben von Racknitz)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)


      In recent years, the world's attention has turned towards China's environmental challenges. Rapid urbanization, industrial expansion, and intensive agriculture led to air and water pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction on a massive scale. This exacerbated ecological imbalances, threatened public health, and spurred political environmental movements. While these issues are usually associated with China's post-1979 economic boom, it is often overlooked that China's environmental history is deeply rooted in its rich cultural heritage and millennia-old civilizations. In this class, we will investigate key topics and historical events in Chinese environmental history over the last 3000 years. Topics will include "Man and Nature in Chinese Philosophy," "Animals in Chinese Environmental History," "Natural Disasters and Their Impact," "Water Control and Management," "Epidemics and Empires: Environmental Factors in Chinese History," and "Environmentalism and Globalization." Requirements are regular attendance of the class, one oral presentation and participation in the class discussions.

    • 14281 Seminar
      (S) Japan in Ostasien: Historische Verflechtungen und gegenwärtige Diskurse (Urs Matthias Zachmann)
      Zeit: Fr 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2001 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Bitte beachten: Die reguläre Kurszeit verschiebt sich auf freitags, 16-18 Uhr!

    • 14309-GH Einführungskurs
      Book Circulation and Arab Cultural Heritage in the Long Nineteenth Century (Ingrid Austveg Evans)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2052 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      What were the political and cultural repercussions of the spread of print culture in Egypt and Greater Syria in the thirteenth/nineteenth century? How did manuscripts and printed books circulate between the Ottoman Arab provinces, Istanbul, and Europe?

      In this course, we will examine the link between the circulation of books and developing ideas about Arab cultural heritage.

      We will consider the writings and practices of leading Arab authors, publishers, and editors as well as those of lesser-known book collectors and traders, with a focus on the inherently transregional and diachronic nature of the shift from a manuscript to a print culture.

      We will integrate the study of the materiality of this shift in the form of early editions and manuscripts, including documents relating to book circulation. Additionally, we will examine the wider socio-political context of nineteenth-century book culture, including perceptions of that pivotal time in contemporary postcolonial debates and in the latest research into manuscript provenance.

    • 14311-GH Einführungskurs
      A Great Divergence? narratives and models of Islamic and ‘Western’ history (Florian Zemmin)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2001 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      While the political and economic dominance of “the West” might currently be coming to an end, the age of modernity has been characterized by Western hegemony and supposed exceptionalism. How did this partially factual and partially perceived state of affairs come about? At which moment and for which reasons did the Western trajectory diverge from that of other regions of the world? Historians and social scientists have been providing varying answers to this question, focusing on different other regions for the sake of comparison. When comparison is made with Near Eastern or Islamic history, narratives of Western progress tend to be coupled with supposed Islamic decline. In this course we will discuss such narratives of Islamic and Western history, including their theoretical premises and normative underpinnings. Next to long-dominant models of a supposed great divergence, we will also look into aspects of convergence and engage with more recent propositions of common emergence. These point a way forward towards overcoming a supposed contrast of Islamic and Western histories, which, other than the paradigm of divergence suggests, did not develop in isolation.

    • 14313-GH Seminar
      Christian-Muslim Relations in the Islamic World (Christian Mauder)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: 2.2063 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      What does the Quran say about Jesus and Christianity? How did Christians practice their religion under Muslim rule? Why did some Christians convert to Islam, and why were some persecuted by Muslim authorities? How did Middle Eastern Christians write about Muslims in their theological literature, and how did Muslims react? What was the impact of colonialism on Christian-Muslim relations? This course provides answers to these and similar questions by examining the history of Christian-Muslim relations in the Islamic World from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to the Ottoman period. It seeks to challenge overly simplistic narratives of “tolerance” and “oppression” and sheds light on one of the most complex, long-lasting, and multi-faceted cases of interaction between two monotheistic religions.

    • 14317-GH Seminar
      Islamic Eco-Jurisprudence and Green Ethics (Birgit Krawietz)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2051 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      This MA course discusses ethical and more strictly jurisprudential publications by Muslim authors. It identifies prevailing tropes of their normative Green discourses that relate in various ways to Islamic heritage. It reviews some of the mushrooming scholarly literature about such developments. More specifically, it strives to identify and discuss a few structural shortcomings. It highlights proposals for the development of an Islamic ecological jurisprudence (fiqh al-bi’a) at large that could help to emancipate Muslim contributions to the debates under discussion. Concerning the majority of secondary literature and the various declarations published online, authors often feed eagerly into universal discourses, notably those relating to the so-called Abrahamitc faiths. This, in turn, has led to an assisting overemphasis on theology and nearly catalogue-style listing of the Holy sources of Islam. Among the most promising but hitherto still marginalized genres of Islamic writing, jurisprudence has been particularly sidelined for decades due to its widespread devaluation in black letter law and, lately, also through “the ethical turn.

    • 51431HU Seminar
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51432HU Seminar
      The End of the Cold War and the Search for a New Political Order in Europe (Hannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51435HU Seminar
      The Global 1980s: Culture, Style and the End of Socialism (Juliane Fürst)
      Zeit: (14tgl.) (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51440HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Der russische Bürgerkrieg, 1917-1921 (Jörg Baberowski)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51441HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Der Nationalsozialismus und die muslimische Welt (Esther Möller)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51452HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Borders and Border Regions in 20th-Century Europe (Andrew Tompkins)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51454HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Brexit and the crisis of the British constitution (Miles Taylor)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51455HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Montenegro/Bosnien und Herzegowina 1850-1950 (Ruza Fotiadis, Johannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51471HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Pop in der DDR zwischen den 1950er und 1980er Jahren (Tom Koltermann, Nikolai Okunew)
      Zeit: Di 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51610HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Flandern (Michael Menzel)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: Exkursion

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51611HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Balkan (Ruza Fotiadis, Johannes Grandits)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: Exkursion

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 5230024HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Schlüsselquellen zur neuzeitlichen Geschichte Nordeuropas (Ralph Tuchtenhagen)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53714HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Food, Society, and Polity in Africa (Baz Lecocq)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53715HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Forced Migration in South and Southeast Asia (Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pi)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53716HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Islam, Politics and Education in South Asia (Sadia Bajwa)
      Zeit: Fr 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53717HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Kindheit und Jugend im modernen Japan (Harald Salomon)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53731HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Global IR: Kritische Perspektiven zu „Internationalen Beziehungen“ in Asien (Amanda Tho Seeth)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53830GSHU Seminar
      Sex and Socialism: Gender, sexuality and the boundaries of the nation state in post-war Central and Southeastern Europe (Prsika Komaromi)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 5: Issues in Global History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der vergleichenden Analyse global wirksamer Prozesse und Probleme. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zentrale Themen der Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die vergleichende Analyse gesellschaftlicher Formationen hinsichtlich global wirksamer Themen und Prozesse wie z. B. Gender, Menschenrechte, Imperialismus oder Literatur. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen solcher Prozesse in verschiedenen Weltregionen differenziert zu vergleichen, beurteilen und generalisieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (6000 Wörter)


    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13311 Seminar
      A new world information order? Communication, media, and technology in postwar liberation struggles (Ismay Milford)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "Introducing recent scholarship on demands for a so-called new information order in the 1970s-80, this course locates the topic in a broader history of the relationship between information and liberation. With a chronological focus on the period 1945-1994 and case studies from across the world (with a particular emphasis on the African continent), we encounter anti-colonial print and broadcasting, Cold War censorship politics, satellite regulatory battles, and developmentalist discourses. In an age where ‘information’ appears to be more accessible than ever, ‘information inequality’ remains rife. Between claims of ‘fake news’ and struggles to regulate the internet, normative models of the relationship between democracy and the public sphere lack explanatory power. How did we get here? Global history scholarship has shown the extent to which the spheres of information and communication were deeply entangled with empire during the twentieth century. Technologies including printing, radio, telegraphy and satellites could perpetuate notions of cultural and racial superiority and serve as tools of oppression. Yet they also presented opportunities for resistance and, increasingly throughout the period in question, for coordinating political mobilization across national borders. Moreover, historical actors frequently envisaged alternative models for a global information order which could liberate ordinary people from the structures that appeared to dictate their position in the world. An overarching question: Is the domain of information and communication one where historians read histories of globalization and decolonization unfolding, or has it been part of the making of these histories and of the limits and disappointments of their outcomes? "

    • 13312 Seminar Abgesagt
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13314 Seminar
      Questions in (Global) History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Global history emerged as an intervention in the discipline of history, asking new questions and contributing new answers to older debates. The diversifying landscape of global history today reflects and builds upon a plethora of movements, “turns” and interventions that reshaped the study of history since the nineteenth century. Its approaches, methods and theories—the kinds of questions it asks, how it asks them and how it goes about answering them—are indebted to this heterodox heritage. As much as global history today thrives on the diversity of the disciplinary backgrounds of its practitioners, its rooting in the peculiarities of the discipline of history can be a challenge for students coming from other fields. This seminar is geared towards students who might feel unfamiliar or uneasy with the “who is who” and “what is what” of history. Designed as a safe space for the puzzled and the curious, the seminar focuses on three interrelated sets of larger questions in historiography: questions of theory, questions of sources and questions of writing. We will encounter different ways of doing history, their heuristics, stakes and historical contingencies. We will discover different types of primary sources, their archives and how scholars have worked with them. And we will explore what it means to write historically and how to go about formulating historical questions.

    • 13315 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Invention of Terror(ism): State Violence, Resistance, and Revolutions in Imperial France in the Long 19th Century (Daniel Schönpflug)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In textbooks on the history of modern terrorism, the invention of terrorism is often dated to the second half of the 19th century, with the French Revolution of 1789 playing a minor role. Challenging this established chronology, a growing body of literature demonstrates that the 1790s were not only the historical moment when the term "terrorisme" was first uttered but also a period marked by various forms of extreme violence that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. There is thus reason to argue that modern terrorism was born from the great revolution and that it spread in subsequent waves of political upheavel throughout 19th-century Europe. However, questions remain: What exactly is "modern terrorism"? When did it come into existence? What were the conditions of its emergence? And how did this practice traverse space and time, reaching even the peripheries of the French Empire?

    • 13317 Hauptseminar
      To Buy or Not to Buy? The Politics of Consumption in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Patricia Hertel)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only modul 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.


      Calls for the boycott of certain products and the conscious decision to buy others express the values of modern consumer societies. They are closely linked to the development of our industrialized, globalized society and its political and social structures. Historical examples include the disdain for sugar produced by slave labor in the late eighteenth century, the appeals for boycotts as political instruments used by the trade unions in the nineteenth century, as well as the avoidance of South African fruits during the apartheid era and the fair-trade movement in the twentieth century. Each of these campaigns was based on consumers’ desire to express their personal values through their purchases and to influence political and social processes. This seminar examines the relationship between consumption and politics based on case studies from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It focuses on the respective aims of each of these campaigns in their historical contexts, analyzing the semantics and iconography involved as well as how they spread at the local and/or global level. In which cases did consumer boycotts help to achieve political goals? In which cases were they primarily a symbolic expression of certain attitudes and beliefs? The seminar thus reflects the role of collective consumer behavior as a method of political participation or self-assertion in modern societies. For activeoral participation the moderation of a session in groups is required. Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only module 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.

    • 13318 Seminar
      New Avenues in Global History (Sebastian Conrad)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This seminar can be understood as a sequel to the “Approaches to Global History” class. We will discuss the latest trends in global history, specifically reading books that were published in the 2020s in fields such as the history of empires, the history of capitalism, gender history, and intellectual history. If you are interested in discussing the latest, cutting-edge scholarship in the field, this seminar is for you.

    • 13319 Wahlveranstaltung
      Migrations, Displacement, Trafficking in the Levant and the Balkans (1840-1952). (Ilkay Yilmaz)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This course delves into the intricate history of migration within Ottoman and Post-Ottoman geographies, profoundly influencing societies, economies, and politics from the Balkans to the Middle East and North Africa. It examines the nexus of empire, colonization, and globalization, aiming to foster insights into migration patterns, transnational networks, citizenship regimes, and their enduring impacts. The narrative unfolds the intertwined history of migrations, trafficking, and smuggling, shedding light on the complexities of minorities, nation-state foundations, and population engineering that led to displacements, exchanges, and mass atrocities. Throughout the course, students will engage with academic studies, films, literature, and journalistic accounts, gaining a nuanced understanding of the migrations shaping the region over the past century and the consequential transformations that ensued.

    • 13321 Seminar Abgesagt
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53713HU ersetzt.

    • 13324 Seminar
      Silencing and Disconnections in Global History (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Too often, global history is exclusively treated as the study of connections. Robust histories exist of ideas that have universalized, people who have traveled, and goods that have crossed borders. Less commonly discussed are the people, ideas, and goods that have NOT traveled. Despite this relative paucity of scholarly attention, robust methodologies exist to help us trace non-transfer, non-connection, the deliberate silencing of certain kinds of information, and the conditions and contexts out of which they have arisen. Rather than treating disconnection and silencing as “natural” and needing no explanation, this class draws attention to the ways in which globalization and the transgression of certain boundaries have gone hand-in-hand with disintegration, misinformation, and the hardening of other boundaries. Drawing from a mix of methodologies and case studies, the class will train students to analyze mutual processes of circulation and non-circulation, and of silencing and amplification, that have underpinned globalization. In addition to offering a richer understanding of the past, these methods help to keep global history as a discipline relevant and ethically engaged in an age of rampant misinformation, resurgent nationalism, and the cementing of boundaries of various kinds.

    • 13326 Seminar Abgesagt
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      LV durch LV 514319HU ersetzt.


      This course examines the interrelationships between scientific knowledge production, technological development, environmental transformations, medical discourses and practices, politics and power in Latin America and the Caribbean from the colonial period to the present day. We will explore the global circulation of commodities like cocoa and medicinal plants—including abortion medication; Jamaican Black metallurgists’ invention of technologies that drove the Industrial Revolution; ideas of racial immunity to yellow fever in medicine as well as history-writing; insect-scientists’ critiques of technological progress; how indigenous knowledge was appropriated to mass produce hormones for the birth-control pill; the impact of anthropological studies of Black kinship on the European welfare state; how postwar development and welfare programs were connected to the emergence of neoliberalism; and the emergence of dependency theory and world systems theory. These topics will serve as a starting point for broader discussions about social and political epistemology: we will interrogate knowledge circulation as much as ignorance, ask whose contributions have been counted or dismissed, and how to historicise critique and counter narratives and account for internal contradictions in ideological apparatuses. Theory-focussed sessions will engage Saidiya Hartman’s concept of “critical fabulation” as a framework for narrating counter-histories and examine contemporary challenges for a global history of science in public.

    • 14233 Seminar
      The Chinese World Order – Cartography in China (Ines Eben von Racknitz)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)


      Cartography is a special form of "world-making"; cartographers visualize specific projections of world concepts. Situated at the interface between art and science, the investigation of maps offers less an objective representation of reality than a curated manifestation of power dynamics, religious beliefs, territorial endeavours, borderlines, but also - more recently - epidemics and diseases. How should we interpret a Chinese map from the imperial period and what insights can we gain from it? Who were the people, the cartographers, behind these maps and what were their intentions in ancient China? How are heaven and earth, the cosmos and mankind related to each other? In this course, we will explore the origins of Chinese cartography and examine the process by which geographical knowledge of East Asia was formulated, redefined and shaped by indigenous Chinese and European cartographers through European-Chinese co-operation since the 16th century.

    • 14309-GH Einführungskurs
      Book Circulation and Arab Cultural Heritage in the Long Nineteenth Century (Ingrid Austveg Evans)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2052 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      What were the political and cultural repercussions of the spread of print culture in Egypt and Greater Syria in the thirteenth/nineteenth century? How did manuscripts and printed books circulate between the Ottoman Arab provinces, Istanbul, and Europe?

      In this course, we will examine the link between the circulation of books and developing ideas about Arab cultural heritage.

      We will consider the writings and practices of leading Arab authors, publishers, and editors as well as those of lesser-known book collectors and traders, with a focus on the inherently transregional and diachronic nature of the shift from a manuscript to a print culture.

      We will integrate the study of the materiality of this shift in the form of early editions and manuscripts, including documents relating to book circulation. Additionally, we will examine the wider socio-political context of nineteenth-century book culture, including perceptions of that pivotal time in contemporary postcolonial debates and in the latest research into manuscript provenance.

    • 14317-GH Seminar
      Islamic Eco-Jurisprudence and Green Ethics (Birgit Krawietz)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2051 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      This MA course discusses ethical and more strictly jurisprudential publications by Muslim authors. It identifies prevailing tropes of their normative Green discourses that relate in various ways to Islamic heritage. It reviews some of the mushrooming scholarly literature about such developments. More specifically, it strives to identify and discuss a few structural shortcomings. It highlights proposals for the development of an Islamic ecological jurisprudence (fiqh al-bi’a) at large that could help to emancipate Muslim contributions to the debates under discussion. Concerning the majority of secondary literature and the various declarations published online, authors often feed eagerly into universal discourses, notably those relating to the so-called Abrahamitc faiths. This, in turn, has led to an assisting overemphasis on theology and nearly catalogue-style listing of the Holy sources of Islam. Among the most promising but hitherto still marginalized genres of Islamic writing, jurisprudence has been particularly sidelined for decades due to its widespread devaluation in black letter law and, lately, also through “the ethical turn.

    • 51431HU Seminar
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51433HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Visual Evidence and the History of Knowledge (Anke te Heesen)
      Zeit: siehe Agnes
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51453HU Seminar
      Global Histories of Logistics and Maritime Capitalism (Jule Ulbricht)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51458HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Gerichtsprozesse als historische Quellen (Sina Fabian)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51459HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Transdisziplinarität in Theorie und Praxis in der Geschlechterforschung (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51466HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Soziale Ungleichheit im 20./21. Jahrhundert (Felix Römer)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51495HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Forschungsseminar Geschichte der Sexualität, Teil 2 (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51605HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Der Kalte Krieg (Benjamin Conrad)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53717HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Kindheit und Jugend im modernen Japan (Harald Salomon)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53718HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Umweltgeschichte und Klimawandel in der Neuzeit (1500 bis heute) (MIchael Mann)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 23.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53719HU Seminar
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 13320 Seminar Abgesagt
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53719HU ersetzt.

    • 14235 Seminar
      China - an Environmental History (Ines Eben von Racknitz)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)


      In recent years, the world's attention has turned towards China's environmental challenges. Rapid urbanization, industrial expansion, and intensive agriculture led to air and water pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction on a massive scale. This exacerbated ecological imbalances, threatened public health, and spurred political environmental movements. While these issues are usually associated with China's post-1979 economic boom, it is often overlooked that China's environmental history is deeply rooted in its rich cultural heritage and millennia-old civilizations. In this class, we will investigate key topics and historical events in Chinese environmental history over the last 3000 years. Topics will include "Man and Nature in Chinese Philosophy," "Animals in Chinese Environmental History," "Natural Disasters and Their Impact," "Water Control and Management," "Epidemics and Empires: Environmental Factors in Chinese History," and "Environmentalism and Globalization." Requirements are regular attendance of the class, one oral presentation and participation in the class discussions.

    • 14313-GH Seminar
      Christian-Muslim Relations in the Islamic World (Christian Mauder)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: 2.2063 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      What does the Quran say about Jesus and Christianity? How did Christians practice their religion under Muslim rule? Why did some Christians convert to Islam, and why were some persecuted by Muslim authorities? How did Middle Eastern Christians write about Muslims in their theological literature, and how did Muslims react? What was the impact of colonialism on Christian-Muslim relations? This course provides answers to these and similar questions by examining the history of Christian-Muslim relations in the Islamic World from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to the Ottoman period. It seeks to challenge overly simplistic narratives of “tolerance” and “oppression” and sheds light on one of the most complex, long-lasting, and multi-faceted cases of interaction between two monotheistic religions.

    • 51430HU Seminar
      Global History of Capitalism (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51434HU Seminar
      The Great Acceleration into the Anthropocene? Energy and Environment in Contemporary History (Rüdiger Graf)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51451HU Seminar
      Sustainability, Capitalism and the Global Order (1870s - 1950s) (Jakob Vogel)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51457HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Biographie als Gegenstand und Genre der Wissensgeschichte (Anke te Heesen)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about tFor more details about the schedule, please click herehe schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51472HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Vergleichende Ansätze in der Faschismusforschung (Derek Hattemer)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53713HU Seminar
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53714HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Food, Society, and Polity in Africa (Baz Lecocq)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53715HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Forced Migration in South and Southeast Asia (Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pi)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53830GSHU Seminar
      Sex and Socialism: Gender, sexuality and the boundaries of the nation state in post-war Central and Southeastern Europe (Prsika Komaromi)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • GH13322 Seminar
      Gun Culture and Gun Violence in the Early Modern World (Stephen Cummins)
      Zeit: Mi 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Handguns proliferated at an astonishing rate in the sixteenth century. From being a rare avant-garde innovation upon Ottoman and European battlefields, adapted from Chinese technology, they cascaded into everyday life in many regions. States often enthusiastically distributed handheld firearms, hoping to extend their authority and battle-readiness across territory, but then reacted in dismay when confronted with the social consequences of an armed populace. Firearms accompanied both Spanish and Portuguese imperialists as well as European colonists in north America. They also became quickly a technology used widely across Eurasia by, for instance, the Mughal, Safavid, and Ottoman imperial armies. Gun manufacturing and proliferation were a set of globally connected processes, with various hubs and connection to the global extraction and trade of commodities. This course will not concentrate primarily on either military or technological history, although these will naturally be important foundations and reference points. Rather, we will concentrate on the cultures of handheld firearms and gun violence in everyday life (or, at least, beyond the classical battlefield). We will explore the origins and nature of attitudes towards handguns and their possession, as well as their integration into practices such as hunting. We will study early attempts at the control and limitation of firearms, including licencing and training, as well as local resistance to such prohibitions. We will examine case studies which may include the arms industry in northern Italy, militia culture in the German speaking lands, notable handgun assassinations, the ‘arquebusier angels’ of seventeenth-century Peru, and the connections between gun culture and imperialism in the Americas more generally. On a slightly more general level, we will also explore the possibilities and challenges of using contemporary social issues as the basis for topics of historical research.

  • Modul 6: Periodization in Global History: Ancient History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im Bereich der Alten Geschichte. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels in der Antike (bzw. in der Zeit zwischen ca. 800 vor und 600 nach u. Z.) in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 51280HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte (Christopher Degelmann, Claudia Tiersch, Katharina Wojciech)
      Zeit: Mi 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51230HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Präfaktische Antike? (Christopher Degelmann)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51250HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Antike und moderne Demokratie (Wilfried Nippel)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51252HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Gender Studies: Von den Sozialwissenschaften bis zu Althistorie (Katharina Wojciech)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

  • Modul 7: Periodization in Global History: Medieval History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im Bereich der Mittelalterlichen Geschichte. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels im Mittelalter (bzw. in der Zeit zwischen dem 6. und 15. Jahrhunderts) in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13249 Hauptseminar
      Colonia Dignidad: ¿De una colonia modelo a un campo de tortura? (Stefan Rinke)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: K02 Seminarraum (Keller), Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Sprachen: Spanisch, Deutsch, teils Englisch


      La Colonia Dignidad fue una secta de inmigrantes alemanes en el sur de Chile, donde se cometieron graves delitos entre 1961 y 2005. Las personas de la secta fueron aisladas, explotadas, torturadas y sometidas a abusos sexuales. Durante la dictadura chilena (1973-1990), personas pertenecientes a la oposición fueron torturadas y asesinadas aquí. El caso plantea una serie de cuestiones relevantes para la investigación acerca de dictaduras y resistencia, fundamentalismo y sectas, historia transnacional durante la Guerra Fría, investigación del trauma y comparación de culturas de la memoria. En el seminario se examinará el caso de "Colonia Dignidad" con la ayuda de enfoques interdisciplinarios. El foco se centra en el trabajo con fuentes. Como nuevo instrumento, la plataforma de entrevistas "Colonia Dignidad. Un archivo de historia oral chileno-alemán" se incluirá en los trabajos del seminario. El Global Faculty Fellow Prof. Dr. Tomás Villarroel de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez de Chile, aportará su experiencia al seminario.


      Stefan Rinke, Philipp Kandler und Dorothee Wein (Hg.), Colonia Dignidad: Neue Debatten und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2023 und Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus, 2023). Meike Dreckmann-Nielen, Die Colonia Dignidad zwischen Erinnern und Vergessen: Zur Erinnerungskultur in der ehemaligen Siedlungsgemeinschaft (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023). Philipp Kandler und Stefan Rinke, „Zwischen Skandalisierung und Aufarbeitung: Die Colonia Dignidad in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit“, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 4 (3/2023), S. 297-320. Philipp Kandler und Stefan Rinke, „Chilenische Reaktionen auf die Colonia Dignidad vor dem Militärputsch”, in: Historische Zeitschrift 314 (3/2022), S. 630-666. Jan Stehle, Der Fall Colonia Dignidad: Zum Umgang bundesdeutscher Außenpolitik und Justiz mit Menschenrechtsverletzungen 1961-2020 (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2022). Siehe auch die Bibliographie unter

    • 14313-GH Seminar
      Christian-Muslim Relations in the Islamic World (Christian Mauder)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: 2.2063 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      What does the Quran say about Jesus and Christianity? How did Christians practice their religion under Muslim rule? Why did some Christians convert to Islam, and why were some persecuted by Muslim authorities? How did Middle Eastern Christians write about Muslims in their theological literature, and how did Muslims react? What was the impact of colonialism on Christian-Muslim relations? This course provides answers to these and similar questions by examining the history of Christian-Muslim relations in the Islamic World from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to the Ottoman period. It seeks to challenge overly simplistic narratives of “tolerance” and “oppression” and sheds light on one of the most complex, long-lasting, and multi-faceted cases of interaction between two monotheistic religions.

    • 51330HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Fürstinnen und Macht. Handlungsspielräume hochadliger Frauen im Spätmittelalter (Benjamin Müsegades)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51350HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Quellen lesen mit KI (Tillmann Lohse)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51351HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Numismatik des Mittelalters (Max Resch)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51352HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Medieval Manuscripts: From Digital to Material (Blended Intensive Program) (Dominique Stutzmann)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 22.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51614HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Medieval Manuscripts: From Digital to Material (Blended Intensive Program) (Dominique Stutzmann)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: Exkursion

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

  • Modul 8: Periodization in Global History: Early Modern History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im Bereich der Frühen Neuzeit. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels in der Frühen Neuzeit (bzw. des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts) in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 14313-GH Seminar
      Christian-Muslim Relations in the Islamic World (Christian Mauder)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: 2.2063 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      What does the Quran say about Jesus and Christianity? How did Christians practice their religion under Muslim rule? Why did some Christians convert to Islam, and why were some persecuted by Muslim authorities? How did Middle Eastern Christians write about Muslims in their theological literature, and how did Muslims react? What was the impact of colonialism on Christian-Muslim relations? This course provides answers to these and similar questions by examining the history of Christian-Muslim relations in the Islamic World from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to the Ottoman period. It seeks to challenge overly simplistic narratives of “tolerance” and “oppression” and sheds light on one of the most complex, long-lasting, and multi-faceted cases of interaction between two monotheistic religions.

    • GH13322 Seminar
      Gun Culture and Gun Violence in the Early Modern World (Stephen Cummins)
      Zeit: Mi 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Handguns proliferated at an astonishing rate in the sixteenth century. From being a rare avant-garde innovation upon Ottoman and European battlefields, adapted from Chinese technology, they cascaded into everyday life in many regions. States often enthusiastically distributed handheld firearms, hoping to extend their authority and battle-readiness across territory, but then reacted in dismay when confronted with the social consequences of an armed populace. Firearms accompanied both Spanish and Portuguese imperialists as well as European colonists in north America. They also became quickly a technology used widely across Eurasia by, for instance, the Mughal, Safavid, and Ottoman imperial armies. Gun manufacturing and proliferation were a set of globally connected processes, with various hubs and connection to the global extraction and trade of commodities. This course will not concentrate primarily on either military or technological history, although these will naturally be important foundations and reference points. Rather, we will concentrate on the cultures of handheld firearms and gun violence in everyday life (or, at least, beyond the classical battlefield). We will explore the origins and nature of attitudes towards handguns and their possession, as well as their integration into practices such as hunting. We will study early attempts at the control and limitation of firearms, including licencing and training, as well as local resistance to such prohibitions. We will examine case studies which may include the arms industry in northern Italy, militia culture in the German speaking lands, notable handgun assassinations, the ‘arquebusier angels’ of seventeenth-century Peru, and the connections between gun culture and imperialism in the Americas more generally. On a slightly more general level, we will also explore the possibilities and challenges of using contemporary social issues as the basis for topics of historical research.

    • 13315 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Invention of Terror(ism): State Violence, Resistance, and Revolutions in Imperial France in the Long 19th Century (Daniel Schönpflug)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In textbooks on the history of modern terrorism, the invention of terrorism is often dated to the second half of the 19th century, with the French Revolution of 1789 playing a minor role. Challenging this established chronology, a growing body of literature demonstrates that the 1790s were not only the historical moment when the term "terrorisme" was first uttered but also a period marked by various forms of extreme violence that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. There is thus reason to argue that modern terrorism was born from the great revolution and that it spread in subsequent waves of political upheavel throughout 19th-century Europe. However, questions remain: What exactly is "modern terrorism"? When did it come into existence? What were the conditions of its emergence? And how did this practice traverse space and time, reaching even the peripheries of the French Empire?

    • 51437HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Samuel Pepys, sein Tagebuch und seine Welt (Matthias Pohlig)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53718HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Umweltgeschichte und Klimawandel in der Neuzeit (1500 bis heute) (MIchael Mann)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 23.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 9: Periodization in Global History: Modern and Contemporary History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels im 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13249 Hauptseminar
      Colonia Dignidad: ¿De una colonia modelo a un campo de tortura? (Stefan Rinke)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: K02 Seminarraum (Keller), Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Sprachen: Spanisch, Deutsch, teils Englisch


      La Colonia Dignidad fue una secta de inmigrantes alemanes en el sur de Chile, donde se cometieron graves delitos entre 1961 y 2005. Las personas de la secta fueron aisladas, explotadas, torturadas y sometidas a abusos sexuales. Durante la dictadura chilena (1973-1990), personas pertenecientes a la oposición fueron torturadas y asesinadas aquí. El caso plantea una serie de cuestiones relevantes para la investigación acerca de dictaduras y resistencia, fundamentalismo y sectas, historia transnacional durante la Guerra Fría, investigación del trauma y comparación de culturas de la memoria. En el seminario se examinará el caso de "Colonia Dignidad" con la ayuda de enfoques interdisciplinarios. El foco se centra en el trabajo con fuentes. Como nuevo instrumento, la plataforma de entrevistas "Colonia Dignidad. Un archivo de historia oral chileno-alemán" se incluirá en los trabajos del seminario. El Global Faculty Fellow Prof. Dr. Tomás Villarroel de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez de Chile, aportará su experiencia al seminario.


      Stefan Rinke, Philipp Kandler und Dorothee Wein (Hg.), Colonia Dignidad: Neue Debatten und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2023 und Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus, 2023). Meike Dreckmann-Nielen, Die Colonia Dignidad zwischen Erinnern und Vergessen: Zur Erinnerungskultur in der ehemaligen Siedlungsgemeinschaft (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023). Philipp Kandler und Stefan Rinke, „Zwischen Skandalisierung und Aufarbeitung: Die Colonia Dignidad in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit“, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 4 (3/2023), S. 297-320. Philipp Kandler und Stefan Rinke, „Chilenische Reaktionen auf die Colonia Dignidad vor dem Militärputsch”, in: Historische Zeitschrift 314 (3/2022), S. 630-666. Jan Stehle, Der Fall Colonia Dignidad: Zum Umgang bundesdeutscher Außenpolitik und Justiz mit Menschenrechtsverletzungen 1961-2020 (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2022). Siehe auch die Bibliographie unter

    • 13310 Seminar
      N.N. (Minu Haschemi Yekani)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Registration for this seminar will only be possible from April 10 (title of the seminar still forthcoming)

    • 13311 Seminar
      A new world information order? Communication, media, and technology in postwar liberation struggles (Ismay Milford)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "Introducing recent scholarship on demands for a so-called new information order in the 1970s-80, this course locates the topic in a broader history of the relationship between information and liberation. With a chronological focus on the period 1945-1994 and case studies from across the world (with a particular emphasis on the African continent), we encounter anti-colonial print and broadcasting, Cold War censorship politics, satellite regulatory battles, and developmentalist discourses. In an age where ‘information’ appears to be more accessible than ever, ‘information inequality’ remains rife. Between claims of ‘fake news’ and struggles to regulate the internet, normative models of the relationship between democracy and the public sphere lack explanatory power. How did we get here? Global history scholarship has shown the extent to which the spheres of information and communication were deeply entangled with empire during the twentieth century. Technologies including printing, radio, telegraphy and satellites could perpetuate notions of cultural and racial superiority and serve as tools of oppression. Yet they also presented opportunities for resistance and, increasingly throughout the period in question, for coordinating political mobilization across national borders. Moreover, historical actors frequently envisaged alternative models for a global information order which could liberate ordinary people from the structures that appeared to dictate their position in the world. An overarching question: Is the domain of information and communication one where historians read histories of globalization and decolonization unfolding, or has it been part of the making of these histories and of the limits and disappointments of their outcomes? "

    • 13312 Seminar Abgesagt
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13314 Seminar
      Questions in (Global) History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Global history emerged as an intervention in the discipline of history, asking new questions and contributing new answers to older debates. The diversifying landscape of global history today reflects and builds upon a plethora of movements, “turns” and interventions that reshaped the study of history since the nineteenth century. Its approaches, methods and theories—the kinds of questions it asks, how it asks them and how it goes about answering them—are indebted to this heterodox heritage. As much as global history today thrives on the diversity of the disciplinary backgrounds of its practitioners, its rooting in the peculiarities of the discipline of history can be a challenge for students coming from other fields. This seminar is geared towards students who might feel unfamiliar or uneasy with the “who is who” and “what is what” of history. Designed as a safe space for the puzzled and the curious, the seminar focuses on three interrelated sets of larger questions in historiography: questions of theory, questions of sources and questions of writing. We will encounter different ways of doing history, their heuristics, stakes and historical contingencies. We will discover different types of primary sources, their archives and how scholars have worked with them. And we will explore what it means to write historically and how to go about formulating historical questions.

    • 13315 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Invention of Terror(ism): State Violence, Resistance, and Revolutions in Imperial France in the Long 19th Century (Daniel Schönpflug)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In textbooks on the history of modern terrorism, the invention of terrorism is often dated to the second half of the 19th century, with the French Revolution of 1789 playing a minor role. Challenging this established chronology, a growing body of literature demonstrates that the 1790s were not only the historical moment when the term "terrorisme" was first uttered but also a period marked by various forms of extreme violence that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. There is thus reason to argue that modern terrorism was born from the great revolution and that it spread in subsequent waves of political upheavel throughout 19th-century Europe. However, questions remain: What exactly is "modern terrorism"? When did it come into existence? What were the conditions of its emergence? And how did this practice traverse space and time, reaching even the peripheries of the French Empire?

    • 13316 Seminar
      Entangled Histories of Europe and the Middle East in the Modern Era (Joseph Prestel)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In this seminar, we will look at different ways in which the modern histories of Europe and the Middle East became entangled in the modern era. We will start from the very concepts of “Europe” and the “Middle East” and how they emerged in relation to each other, during the Age of Empire. We will study how political and armed conflicts like the Second World War contributed to an increased interaction between the world regions. And we will analyze how the Middle East and Europe became increasingly economically tied to each other, over the course of the twentieth century. By considering these two world regions together, we will ultimately probe the approach of transregional history and its potential contribution to global histories of the modern era.

    • 13317 Hauptseminar
      To Buy or Not to Buy? The Politics of Consumption in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Patricia Hertel)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only modul 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.


      Calls for the boycott of certain products and the conscious decision to buy others express the values of modern consumer societies. They are closely linked to the development of our industrialized, globalized society and its political and social structures. Historical examples include the disdain for sugar produced by slave labor in the late eighteenth century, the appeals for boycotts as political instruments used by the trade unions in the nineteenth century, as well as the avoidance of South African fruits during the apartheid era and the fair-trade movement in the twentieth century. Each of these campaigns was based on consumers’ desire to express their personal values through their purchases and to influence political and social processes. This seminar examines the relationship between consumption and politics based on case studies from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It focuses on the respective aims of each of these campaigns in their historical contexts, analyzing the semantics and iconography involved as well as how they spread at the local and/or global level. In which cases did consumer boycotts help to achieve political goals? In which cases were they primarily a symbolic expression of certain attitudes and beliefs? The seminar thus reflects the role of collective consumer behavior as a method of political participation or self-assertion in modern societies. For activeoral participation the moderation of a session in groups is required. Please note: The final deadline for research papers is the 15 August 2024. Oral exams (only module 3) take place between 8th and 17th July.

    • 13318 Seminar
      New Avenues in Global History (Sebastian Conrad)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This seminar can be understood as a sequel to the “Approaches to Global History” class. We will discuss the latest trends in global history, specifically reading books that were published in the 2020s in fields such as the history of empires, the history of capitalism, gender history, and intellectual history. If you are interested in discussing the latest, cutting-edge scholarship in the field, this seminar is for you.

    • 13319 Wahlveranstaltung
      Migrations, Displacement, Trafficking in the Levant and the Balkans (1840-1952). (Ilkay Yilmaz)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This course delves into the intricate history of migration within Ottoman and Post-Ottoman geographies, profoundly influencing societies, economies, and politics from the Balkans to the Middle East and North Africa. It examines the nexus of empire, colonization, and globalization, aiming to foster insights into migration patterns, transnational networks, citizenship regimes, and their enduring impacts. The narrative unfolds the intertwined history of migrations, trafficking, and smuggling, shedding light on the complexities of minorities, nation-state foundations, and population engineering that led to displacements, exchanges, and mass atrocities. Throughout the course, students will engage with academic studies, films, literature, and journalistic accounts, gaining a nuanced understanding of the migrations shaping the region over the past century and the consequential transformations that ensued.

    • 13320 Seminar Abgesagt
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53719HU ersetzt.

    • 13321 Seminar Abgesagt
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe


      LV durch LV 53713HU ersetzt.

    • 13324 Seminar
      Silencing and Disconnections in Global History (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Too often, global history is exclusively treated as the study of connections. Robust histories exist of ideas that have universalized, people who have traveled, and goods that have crossed borders. Less commonly discussed are the people, ideas, and goods that have NOT traveled. Despite this relative paucity of scholarly attention, robust methodologies exist to help us trace non-transfer, non-connection, the deliberate silencing of certain kinds of information, and the conditions and contexts out of which they have arisen. Rather than treating disconnection and silencing as “natural” and needing no explanation, this class draws attention to the ways in which globalization and the transgression of certain boundaries have gone hand-in-hand with disintegration, misinformation, and the hardening of other boundaries. Drawing from a mix of methodologies and case studies, the class will train students to analyze mutual processes of circulation and non-circulation, and of silencing and amplification, that have underpinned globalization. In addition to offering a richer understanding of the past, these methods help to keep global history as a discipline relevant and ethically engaged in an age of rampant misinformation, resurgent nationalism, and the cementing of boundaries of various kinds.

    • 13326 Seminar Abgesagt
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      LV durch LV 514319HU ersetzt.


      This course examines the interrelationships between scientific knowledge production, technological development, environmental transformations, medical discourses and practices, politics and power in Latin America and the Caribbean from the colonial period to the present day. We will explore the global circulation of commodities like cocoa and medicinal plants—including abortion medication; Jamaican Black metallurgists’ invention of technologies that drove the Industrial Revolution; ideas of racial immunity to yellow fever in medicine as well as history-writing; insect-scientists’ critiques of technological progress; how indigenous knowledge was appropriated to mass produce hormones for the birth-control pill; the impact of anthropological studies of Black kinship on the European welfare state; how postwar development and welfare programs were connected to the emergence of neoliberalism; and the emergence of dependency theory and world systems theory. These topics will serve as a starting point for broader discussions about social and political epistemology: we will interrogate knowledge circulation as much as ignorance, ask whose contributions have been counted or dismissed, and how to historicise critique and counter narratives and account for internal contradictions in ideological apparatuses. Theory-focussed sessions will engage Saidiya Hartman’s concept of “critical fabulation” as a framework for narrating counter-histories and examine contemporary challenges for a global history of science in public.

    • 14233 Seminar
      The Chinese World Order – Cartography in China (Ines Eben von Racknitz)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)


      Cartography is a special form of "world-making"; cartographers visualize specific projections of world concepts. Situated at the interface between art and science, the investigation of maps offers less an objective representation of reality than a curated manifestation of power dynamics, religious beliefs, territorial endeavours, borderlines, but also - more recently - epidemics and diseases. How should we interpret a Chinese map from the imperial period and what insights can we gain from it? Who were the people, the cartographers, behind these maps and what were their intentions in ancient China? How are heaven and earth, the cosmos and mankind related to each other? In this course, we will explore the origins of Chinese cartography and examine the process by which geographical knowledge of East Asia was formulated, redefined and shaped by indigenous Chinese and European cartographers through European-Chinese co-operation since the 16th century.

    • 14235 Seminar
      China - an Environmental History (Ines Eben von Racknitz)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)


      In recent years, the world's attention has turned towards China's environmental challenges. Rapid urbanization, industrial expansion, and intensive agriculture led to air and water pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction on a massive scale. This exacerbated ecological imbalances, threatened public health, and spurred political environmental movements. While these issues are usually associated with China's post-1979 economic boom, it is often overlooked that China's environmental history is deeply rooted in its rich cultural heritage and millennia-old civilizations. In this class, we will investigate key topics and historical events in Chinese environmental history over the last 3000 years. Topics will include "Man and Nature in Chinese Philosophy," "Animals in Chinese Environmental History," "Natural Disasters and Their Impact," "Water Control and Management," "Epidemics and Empires: Environmental Factors in Chinese History," and "Environmentalism and Globalization." Requirements are regular attendance of the class, one oral presentation and participation in the class discussions.

    • 14281 Seminar
      (S) Japan in Ostasien: Historische Verflechtungen und gegenwärtige Diskurse (Urs Matthias Zachmann)
      Zeit: Fr 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2001 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Bitte beachten: Die reguläre Kurszeit verschiebt sich auf freitags, 16-18 Uhr!

    • 14309-GH Einführungskurs
      Book Circulation and Arab Cultural Heritage in the Long Nineteenth Century (Ingrid Austveg Evans)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2052 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      What were the political and cultural repercussions of the spread of print culture in Egypt and Greater Syria in the thirteenth/nineteenth century? How did manuscripts and printed books circulate between the Ottoman Arab provinces, Istanbul, and Europe?

      In this course, we will examine the link between the circulation of books and developing ideas about Arab cultural heritage.

      We will consider the writings and practices of leading Arab authors, publishers, and editors as well as those of lesser-known book collectors and traders, with a focus on the inherently transregional and diachronic nature of the shift from a manuscript to a print culture.

      We will integrate the study of the materiality of this shift in the form of early editions and manuscripts, including documents relating to book circulation. Additionally, we will examine the wider socio-political context of nineteenth-century book culture, including perceptions of that pivotal time in contemporary postcolonial debates and in the latest research into manuscript provenance.

    • 14311-GH Einführungskurs
      A Great Divergence? narratives and models of Islamic and ‘Western’ history (Florian Zemmin)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2001 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      While the political and economic dominance of “the West” might currently be coming to an end, the age of modernity has been characterized by Western hegemony and supposed exceptionalism. How did this partially factual and partially perceived state of affairs come about? At which moment and for which reasons did the Western trajectory diverge from that of other regions of the world? Historians and social scientists have been providing varying answers to this question, focusing on different other regions for the sake of comparison. When comparison is made with Near Eastern or Islamic history, narratives of Western progress tend to be coupled with supposed Islamic decline. In this course we will discuss such narratives of Islamic and Western history, including their theoretical premises and normative underpinnings. Next to long-dominant models of a supposed great divergence, we will also look into aspects of convergence and engage with more recent propositions of common emergence. These point a way forward towards overcoming a supposed contrast of Islamic and Western histories, which, other than the paradigm of divergence suggests, did not develop in isolation.

    • 14317-GH Seminar
      Islamic Eco-Jurisprudence and Green Ethics (Birgit Krawietz)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: 1.2051 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      - in Campus Management for Global History students only -


      This MA course discusses ethical and more strictly jurisprudential publications by Muslim authors. It identifies prevailing tropes of their normative Green discourses that relate in various ways to Islamic heritage. It reviews some of the mushrooming scholarly literature about such developments. More specifically, it strives to identify and discuss a few structural shortcomings. It highlights proposals for the development of an Islamic ecological jurisprudence (fiqh al-bi’a) at large that could help to emancipate Muslim contributions to the debates under discussion. Concerning the majority of secondary literature and the various declarations published online, authors often feed eagerly into universal discourses, notably those relating to the so-called Abrahamitc faiths. This, in turn, has led to an assisting overemphasis on theology and nearly catalogue-style listing of the Holy sources of Islam. Among the most promising but hitherto still marginalized genres of Islamic writing, jurisprudence has been particularly sidelined for decades due to its widespread devaluation in black letter law and, lately, also through “the ethical turn.

    • 51251HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Althistoriker und Politik im 19. Jh. (Wilfried Nippel)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51430HU Seminar
      Global History of Capitalism (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51431HU Seminar
      The History Of Science, technology, Environment and Medicine in Latin America and the Carribean (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: HU

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51432HU Seminar
      The End of the Cold War and the Search for a New Political Order in Europe (Hannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51433HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Visual Evidence and the History of Knowledge (Anke te Heesen)
      Zeit: siehe Agnes
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51434HU Seminar
      The Great Acceleration into the Anthropocene? Energy and Environment in Contemporary History (Rüdiger Graf)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51435HU Seminar
      The Global 1980s: Culture, Style and the End of Socialism (Juliane Fürst)
      Zeit: (14tgl.) (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51438HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Antisemitismus, Antiziganismus und Rassismus in der Bundesrepublik und in der DDR (Franka Maubach)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51439HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Erinnerungsorte des Nationalsozialismus. Konzept und Kritik (Axel Drecoll)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51440HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Der russische Bürgerkrieg, 1917-1921 (Jörg Baberowski)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51441HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Der Nationalsozialismus und die muslimische Welt (Esther Möller)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:
      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management. 

    • 51451HU Seminar
      Sustainability, Capitalism and the Global Order (1870s - 1950s) (Jakob Vogel)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51452HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Borders and Border Regions in 20th-Century Europe (Andrew Tompkins)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51453HU Seminar
      Global Histories of Logistics and Maritime Capitalism (Jule Ulbricht)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51454HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Brexit and the crisis of the British constitution (Miles Taylor)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51455HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Montenegro/Bosnien und Herzegowina 1850-1950 (Ruza Fotiadis, Johannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51457HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Biographie als Gegenstand und Genre der Wissensgeschichte (Anke te Heesen)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about tFor more details about the schedule, please click herehe schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51458HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Gerichtsprozesse als historische Quellen (Sina Fabian)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51459HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Transdisziplinarität in Theorie und Praxis in der Geschlechterforschung (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51462HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Grenadierstraße. Zur Geschichte einer Berliner Straße 1919-1945 (Franka Maubach)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51463HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Nationalsozialstische Zwangslager in Falkensee bei Berlin, Teil II (Kolja Buchmeier, Hannah Sprute)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51465HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Seismographen des Untergangs: Das Fin de Siècle in der Literatur (Sarah Matuschak)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51466HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Soziale Ungleichheit im 20./21. Jahrhundert (Felix Römer)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51467HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Die DDR der 1980er Jahre. Eine Quellenübung (Jens Schöne, Anja Schröter)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51469HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Die Angst vor technologischer Arbeitslosigkeit aus historischer Perspektive - eine Übung in Sentiment Analyse (Anselm Küsters)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 22.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51471HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Pop in der DDR zwischen den 1950er und 1980er Jahren (Tom Koltermann, Nikolai Okunew)
      Zeit: Di 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51472HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Vergleichende Ansätze in der Faschismusforschung (Derek Hattemer)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51495HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Forschungsseminar Geschichte der Sexualität, Teil 2 (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51497HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Die Zwischenkriegszeit in Europa (Thomas Mergel)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51605HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Der Kalte Krieg (Benjamin Conrad)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51610HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Flandern (Michael Menzel)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: Exkursion

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51611HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Balkan (Ruza Fotiadis, Johannes Grandits)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: Exkursion

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51612HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Wirtschaftsarchive in Berlin und Brandenburg (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: Exkursion

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51613HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Grenadierstraße. Zur Geschichte einer Berliner Straße 1919-1945 (Franka Maubach)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: Exkursion

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 5230024HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Schlüsselquellen zur neuzeitlichen Geschichte Nordeuropas (Ralph Tuchtenhagen)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53713HU Seminar
      Against Apartheid: transnational Histories of South-African and international Resistance. (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53714HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Food, Society, and Polity in Africa (Baz Lecocq)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53715HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Forced Migration in South and Southeast Asia (Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pi)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53716HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Islam, Politics and Education in South Asia (Sadia Bajwa)
      Zeit: Fr 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53717HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Kindheit und Jugend im modernen Japan (Harald Salomon)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53718HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Umweltgeschichte und Klimawandel in der Neuzeit (1500 bis heute) (MIchael Mann)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 23.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53719HU Seminar
      Manchesters of the World: a Global History of Industrialization and Post-Indusatrial Regeneration in Cottonopoleis (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53731HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Global IR: Kritische Perspektiven zu „Internationalen Beziehungen“ in Asien (Amanda Tho Seeth)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53830GSHU Seminar
      Sex and Socialism: Gender, sexuality and the boundaries of the nation state in post-war Central and Southeastern Europe (Prsika Komaromi)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 10: Internship



    In diesem Modul werden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Globalgeschichte praktisch erprobt und reflektiert. Durch den Abschluss eines Praktikums erwerben Teilnehmende des Moduls Kenntnisse im beruflichen Einsatz globalhistorischen Wissens in einschlägigen Institutionen, Organisationen und Unternehmen (vgl. § 3 Abs. 3), beispielsweise in einem Museum, im Kulturmanagement, der Politikberatung oder einer Public-History-Agentur.


    Dieses Modul konfrontiert Studentinnen und Studenten mit den Erfordernissen und Besonderheiten einer Anwendung globalgeschichtlichen Wissens in der Berufspraxis durch ein achtwöchiges Praktikum in einer selbstgewählten Institution. Dem Praktikum soll der Abschluss einer Vereinbarung zwischen der Studentin oder dem Studenten, den Studiengangsverantwortlichen und der Praktikumsstelle über die Rechte und Pflichten der Beteiligten während des Praktikums vorausgehen. Die Rückkopplung zwischen Praktikum und universitärer Ausbildung wird durch einen unbenoteten Abschlussbericht sichergestellt, der aus einer sachlichen Beschreibung der geleisteten Arbeiten sowie einer Reflexion über die Übertragung erlernten Forschungswissens auf praktische Zusammenhänge besteht.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Externes Praktikum




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    Modul ohne Lehrangebot
  • Modul 11: Current Historical Research: Themes, Methods and Theory of Global History



    Die Teilnehmenden üben Formen der globalhistorischen Debatte anhand der Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Forschungsprojekten ein. Ziel des Moduls ist die Vorbereitung auf den Entwurf eines eigenständigen Forschungsprojekts mit Blick auf eine Dissertation und eine wissenschaftliche Karriere. Nach Abschluss des Moduls haben die Studierenden einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungstendenzen in der Globalgeschichte, können sich am wissenschaftlichen Gespräch mit Fachkollegen beteiligen und besitzen vertieftes Wissen und kritisches Verständnis zu einem repräsentativen Sachbereich und Forschungsfeld. Sie sind vertraut mit verschiedenen Phasen und Aspekten des globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsprozesses, können methodologische Probleme identifizieren und die weitere wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Relevanz globalgeschichtlicher Forschung aufzeigen.


    In diesem Modul belegen Studierende zwei Veranstaltungen im Bereich der forschungsorientierten Lehre, darunter das globalgeschichtliche Kolloquium oder ein regionalwissenschaftliches Forschungskolloquium eines der kooperierenden Institute. Sie diskutieren mit Forscherinnen und Forschern über methodische, inhaltliche und forschungspraktische Aspekte ihrer Forschungsprojekte anhand von Präsentationen, ausgewählter aktueller Sekundärliteratur oder zuvor zirkulierter Textentwürfe. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer eignen sich vertieftes Wissen zu einem bestimmten Forschungsproblem an.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Kolloquium/ 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja






    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13327 Colloquium
      Global History Colloquium (Sebastian Conrad und Patricia Hertel)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      The Colloquium "Global History" serves as a venue to discuss recent work in the field of global history. Talks are by invited scholars, followed by a Q&A session. This is an excellent opportunity to get in touch with ongoing, cutting-edge research, and meet scholars working on a wide range of topics and geographies.

    • 31204 Lehrforschungsprojekt
      Kolloquium (Robert Kindler)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/101 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)
    • 13318 Seminar
      New Avenues in Global History (Sebastian Conrad)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This seminar can be understood as a sequel to the “Approaches to Global History” class. We will discuss the latest trends in global history, specifically reading books that were published in the 2020s in fields such as the history of empires, the history of capitalism, gender history, and intellectual history. If you are interested in discussing the latest, cutting-edge scholarship in the field, this seminar is for you.

    • 51436HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Historische Grundwissenschaften und Digital History - Standortbestimmungen (Dominique Stutzmann)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 25.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51460HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Programmieren für Historiker:innen II - Python, Aufbaukurs (Sophie Eckenstaler)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 23.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51464HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Geschichte wissenschaftlich schreiben (Janis Nalbadidacis)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure: 1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3). 2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1). 3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51468HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Geschichte wissenschaftlich schreiben (Ruza Fotiadis)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51470HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Data Literacy and Data Criticism: Methoden und Fragestellungen zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten in den Geschichtswissenschaften (Daniel Burckhardt)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 25.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 51496HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Akteursorientierung und Theoriebezugnahmen im Forschungsprozess (Hannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53704HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Regionale und transregionale Perspektiven multidisziplinärer Regionalstudien (Manja Stephan-Emmrich)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53706HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Historische Methoden für die Regionalwissenschaften (Baz Lecocq)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 53707HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Methoden der Asien-/Afrikastudien (Susanne Gehrmann)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 22.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 53710HU Wahlveranstaltung
      Negotiating Research Ethics and Critical Research Approaches in Volatile Contexts (Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pi)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 19.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here.


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1.      Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).

      2.      Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).

      3.      If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.