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BUA Joint Degree-Studiengänge

Masterstudiengang Global History (SPO 2020)

  • Modul 1: Global Spaces



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten besitzen grundlegende Kenntnisse wichtiger globaler Entwicklungen, globaler Verflechtungen und historischer Globalisierungsprozesse in unterschiedlichen Weltregionen und können die globale Dimension unterschiedlicher historischer Räume, ihr Eingebundensein in globale Strukturen sowie die Verflechtungen zwischen verschiedenen historischen Räumen benennen und im Hinblick auf die Bedeutung für die historische Entwicklung interpretieren. Sie verfügen über einen Überblick über Themen und Probleme der Global-geschichtsschreibung und einen ersten Einblick in Forschungsfelder und Forschungsdebatten der Globalgeschichte. Sie sind in der Lage, komplexe Prozesse und Strukturen in ihrer historischen Bedingtheit sowie ihren globalen Kontexten und Auswirkungen zu reflektieren und zu erklären.


    Das Modul führt in den Masterstudiengang Global History ein, indem es einerseits inhaltliche Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der globalen Modernen Geschichte vermittelt, andererseits wichtige Forschungsansätze und -kontroversen der jüngeren Globalgeschichtsschreibung behandelt. Die Ringvorlesung gibt am Beispiel unterschiedlicher Regionen der Welt einen Überblick über wichtige globale Entwicklungen, globale Verflechtungen und Globalisierungsprozesse einerseits und aktuelle globalgeschichtliche Forschungsdebatten andererseits. Im Seminar werden globalgeschichtliche Fragen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts im Überblick oder an einem thematischen oder regionalen Beispiel diskutiert, einschlägige Forschungsarbeiten gelesen und wichtige Zugänge zu globalgeschichtlicher Forschung diskutiert.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Vorlesung / 2 SWS / wird dringend empfohlen Seminar / 2 SWS / ja






    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    ein Semester / jedes Wintersemester
    • 13308 Seminar
      The World in Global History (Sebastian Conrad)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 127 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Through a series of lectures, students will get to know members of the global history faculty at FU and HU; and they will familiarize themselves with current debates in the field across different themes and geographies.

    • 13309 Seminar
      Approaches to Global History (Sebastian Conrad)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This introductory seminar offers an overview of important approaches and contributions to global history. By discussing writings and research widely drawn upon by global historians, students will gain a toolkit for understanding and critically assessing the turn away from nation-centered ways of seeing history that has occurred in the last decades. This global turn has paved the way for histories focusing on the movements of people, goods, and ideas across boundaries. Global history is concerned with understanding how these cross-border movements have determined and shaped historical change at the local, regional, national, transnational, and global level. At the end of the semester, the participants will be familiar with and will have developed a personal stance towards these approaches.

    • 13336 Seminar
      Approaches to Global History (Michael Goebel)
      Zeit: Di 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 22.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This introductory seminar offers an overview of important approaches and contributions to global history. By discussing writings and research widely drawn upon by global historians, students will gain a toolkit for understanding and critically assessing the turn away from nation-centered ways of seeing history that has occurred in the last decades. This global turn has paved the way for histories focusing on the movements of people, goods, and ideas across boundaries. Global history is concerned with understanding how these cross-border movements have determined and shaped historical change at the local, regional, national, transnational, and global level. At the end of the semester, the participants will be familiar with and will have developed a personal stance towards these approaches.

    • 13337 Seminar
      Approaches to Global History (Michael Goebel)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This introductory seminar offers an overview of important approaches and contributions to global history. By discussing writings and research widely drawn upon by global historians, students will gain a toolkit for understanding and critically assessing the turn away from nation-centered ways of seeing history that has occurred in the last decades. This global turn has paved the way for histories focusing on the movements of people, goods, and ideas across boundaries. Global history is concerned with understanding how these cross-border movements have determined and shaped historical change at the local, regional, national, transnational, and global level. At the end of the semester, the participants will be familiar with and will have developed a personal stance towards these approaches.

  • Modul 2: Global Histories



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten besitzen grundlegende Kenntnisse wichtiger aktueller theoretischer und methodischer Debatten, die für die Globalgeschichte von Bedeutung sind. Sie kennen die zentralen Kategorien zur Analyse global wirksamer Prozesse und können kritisch mit der Forschungsliteratur umgehen. Sie sind in der Lage, wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse mündlich und schriftlich zu diskutieren und zu präsentieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können Bedingungen und Probleme einer Globalgeschichtsschreibung einordnen und deren Werkzeuge auf eigene Fragestellungen anwenden. Die Studentinnen und Studenten verfügen über vertiefte Kenntnisse wichtiger fachwissenschaftlicher Kontroversen zu einzelnen Themen und Problemen und können vor diesem Hintergrund und ausgehend von eigenen Erkenntnisinteressen eigene Fragen und Positionen selbstständig entwickeln und mündlich wie schriftlich sachlich begründet beurteilen.


    Im Modul setzten sich die Studentinnen und Studenten mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen der Globalgeschichte und zentralen Debatten einer Globalgeschichtsschreibung auseinander. Es werden wichtige theoretische und methodische Herangehensweisen der Globalgeschichte (z. B. global-, transfer-, verflechtungsgeschichtliche und komparative Ansätze, postkoloniale Theorie) behandelt. Anhand der Lektüre zentraler Texte werden fachwissenschaftliche Debatten erschlossen und wichtige Konzepte der Globalgeschichtsschreibung erarbeitet. Des Weiteren werden Fragestellungen, Ansätze und Probleme der Globalgeschichtsschreibung anhand von Beispielen aus einer oder aus unterschiedlichen Weltregionen herausgearbeitet. Die Studentinnen und Studenten werden angeleitet, einzelne z. B. kultur-, gender-, sozial- oder wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Fragen und Gegenstände in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive und mit Bezug zu globalgeschichtlichen Theorien und Methoden zu reflektieren und die entsprechende fachwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesen zu erschließen und kritisch auszuwerten.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Seminar / 2 SWS / ja Seminar / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (6000 Wörter)




    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Zwei Semester (Seminar A im Wintersemester, Seminar B im folgenden Sommersemester) / Jedes Studienjahr, beginnend im Wintersemester
    • 13312 Seminar
      Nazi Crimes in the World’s Courts (Fabien Theofilakis)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 184 Besprechungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nearly 80 years have passed since the Second World War: a majority of citizens no longer have an autobiographical memory of the war. Yet the legacy of the Second World War is all the more present because the “heroic” myths that many European nations adopted after 1945 have now been replaced by negative memories. We no longer celebrate the Resistance fighter who died for a cause, but now commemorate war through the figure of the Jewish victim. To explore the way in which the Second World War remains present in societies that it helped to shape, the seminar will take as its starting point the Nuremberg trials of 1945-1948 and continue throughout the last trials of Nazi criminals, in Europe, in Israel and in Asia. It will also look at the responses of the judicial, political and social actors. The seminar highlights the extent to which the complex relationship between justice, history and memory surrounding the Second World War is still relevant today. Through various case studies, we will examine the political, memorial and legal issues and debates raised by this difficult history through a comparative analysis of trials. The seminar questions the place of witnesses and the administration of evidence in these collective crimes and invites reflection on the types of sources that public policies of the past can mobilize to mediate these trials for the "devoir de mémoire” (obligation of remembrance). A variety of sources will be used including, news clips, photographs and legal documents, in addition to the preparatory readings for each session.

    • 13313 Seminar
      Forced labor, slavery, traffic in women: International anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century (Sonja Dolinsek)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Students should make sure they can attend the block session on February 1st.


      This course critically examines the historical dimensions of forced labor, slavery, and trafficking in women, with a focus on international anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century. By exploring the intersection of power relations, gender, and colonial legacies, students will analyze how these issues have been addressed globally. We will delve into the development, interpretation, and implementation of key international legal frameworks against slavery, forced labor, and trafficking, as well as the role of international organizations such as the League of Nations, the ILO, and the United Nations. The course will engage in conceptual discussions on how to analyze historical practices of exploitation, investigating various frameworks such as asymmetrical dependency, precariousness, informal labor, and unfree labor. Additionally, the course will examine the gendered aspects of trafficking, assessing how global and local efforts have shaped the experiences of women subjected to labor exploitation and human trafficking. This analytical approach aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of international anti-trafficking regimes, fostering a critical perspective on both past and ongoing global efforts.

    • 13314 Seminar
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13315 Seminar
      The Interwar World: Connections and Disruptions in the 1920s & 1930s (Andreas Greiner)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: this is a hybrid seminar. There will be 4 block sessions as well as 6 online sessions, which are as follows: 

      Link:  https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/prd7eu4f2e9k6x
      16. October 14-16 Online
      23. October 14-16 Online
      6. November 14-16 Online
      13. November 14-16 Online
      20. November 14-16 Online
      13. December 14-18 in-person
      14. December 10-16 in-person
      10. January 14-18 in-person
      11. January 10-16 in-person 
      12. February 14-16 Online


      The 1920s and 1930s were marked by political, economic, and social upheaval, but also the promise of renewal. Imperial rule reached its zenith but faced worldwide resistance and calls for self-determination. Despite its name, the interwar period was an era of perpetual warfare, from Ireland to Ethiopia, from Nicaragua, to Palestine, to China. Yet the interwar years saw bold, sometimes utopist attempts at reorganizing international relations. They saw worldwide solidarity movements, “modern girls,” global biographies, and cosmopolitan mass media. But all this took place in a world increasingly formed by nationalist movements, authoritarianism, and economic protectionism. Fascism, at the same time nationalistic and transnational, as well as socialism reverberated around the globe, from Latin America to Africa and Asia. This seminar centers around the contradictions that formed the interwar period, tracing these different, sometimes contradictory, dynamics of global (dis)integration. Stepping out of the traditional Euro-American framework, each session is organized around specific thematic case studies from different world regions. Addressing everyday interaction as much as global politics, we will explore multidirectional flows while paying close attention to ruptures, disentanglement, and competing visions of global integration. In this way, we will challenge narratives of the interwar world as either a moment of “deglobalization” or “a world connecting” and instead develop a more nuanced understanding of globalization processes between the world wars.

    • 13316 Seminar
      Towards A Global Queer History (Benjamin Miller)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Queer history and global history are both methods that are often mistaken for topics. In other words, both ‘queer’ and ‘global’ describe ways of doing history––ways of questioning disciplinary assumptions––that can reveal new patterns and structures in the study of the past. Both global and queer can, at their best, push us to reject identity politics and easy narratives of authenticity and belonging and to think more structurally and complexly about the past. Yet global history in practice has often ignored sexuality and the intellectual challenges of queer theory, and queer history has often remained inside national borders. This class aims to think towards a global queer history. including the meaning of queer and global histories in our present, the colonial instantiation of modern sexual subjectivities, sex-gender systems and difference, global trans history, gay liberation and anticolonial solidarity, racism in western queer movements, the global history of HIV and AIDS, and contemporary postcolonial backlashes to queer politics. The course will include a visit to the Schwules Museum in Berlin.

    • 13317 Seminar
      Empire and Environment: The Origins of the Anthropocene in Global Colonial History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In the Age of Empire, imperialism and capitalism intensified the extraction of natural resources and (attendant) environmental transformations worldwide on an unprecedented scale. Alongside political occupation, this appropriation of the natural world proceeded at pace with the “doctrine of discovery” (Smith), in which imperial sciences and individual agents of empire redefined the very concept of “nature.” The “Anthropocene” (Crutzen and Stoermer) as a diagnosis for our present planetary predicament in which humans now are a “major environmental force” irreversibly altering bio-, atmo-, and hydrospheric systems worldwide has emerged in consequence of this crucial immediate prehistory, as reflected in alternative monickers such as “Capitalocene” (Moore) or “Plantationocene” (Haraway, Tsing, et al.). And yet, the origins of the Anthropocene in global colonial history can only properly be understood by reintegrating into their history those subaltern actors, local or Indigenous populations and vernacular knowledges that the colonial state, global capitalism and dominant science exploited and depended on. While mostly focused on the British Empire in the long nineteenth century for its case studies, this seminar will pursue a multi-scalar and multi-sited global history that seeks to shed light on the crucial entanglements of empire and environment from above as from below. The course is designed for students with or without prior knowledge of environmental history.

    • 13320 Seminar
      The Cold War: Global Perspectives and Legacies (Ned Richardson-Little)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "The Cold War was primarily a geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allied states, but it also evolved into a global competition between opposing visions of modernity. From the end of the Second World War to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc in 1989/91, the Cold War divided Germany and continental Europe and shaped the fault lines in armed conflicts around the world. The first part of the seminar will look at the origins of the conflict in the collapsing war time alliance that defeated the Axis powers and the disputes over the political influence in post-war Europe that led to the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. The second part of the course will examine how the Cold War moved beyond Europe to become global. Decolonization and anti-imperialism fueled conflicts that were increasingly organized around ideology such as the Chinese Civil War, wars in Korea and Vietnam, the Cuban Revolution and the Congo Crisis. The third part will examine the split in the communist world between the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China and relaxation of tensions between East and West known as Détente. Finally, the fourth part will look at the collapse of the Cold War as an organizing framework for political conflict with the rise of political Islam and the decline of armed struggle. Readings will cover the many interpretations of why the Cold War ended with the implosion of the Soviet Union, from the nuclear arms race, to the rise of transnational human rights movements to the structural failings of planned economies to compete with market capitalism. Selected Readings: Odd Arne Westad, The Cold War: A World History (2017) Sarah Snyder, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (2011) Paul Thomas Chamberlain, The Cold War's Killing Fields: Rethinking the Long Peace (2019)"

    • 13321 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Habsburg Empire 1848-1918: old controversies, new perspectives (Hannes Granditz)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13323 Seminar
      Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13338 Seminar
      Cities in Global History (Michael Goebel)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Cities have long been regarded, in Lewis Mumford’s words of 1938, as "a point of maximum concentration for the power and culture of a community." Yet they served not only as centers of regional or national communities but also as nodal points of long-distance connections and cross-cultural encounters as well as drivers of ecological change. Looking at urban areas through the lens of global history, the seminar will explore the role played by cities in a world connecting and ask in how far the development and experience of cityscapes was affec­ted by conditions of global connected­ness. Focusing on selected case studies since the nineteenth century, we also explore the effects of asym­­­me­trical power relations that produced segmented and unequal cityscapes and continue to shape urban historical narratives. In sum, the seminar aims at furnishing historical tools for a better under­standing of the intersections between globalization and urbanization.

    • 31205a Seminar
      Imperial Encounters: Russia, Japan, and China Scramble for Manchuria, 1850-1950 (Martin Wagner)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/B Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In the age of imperialism, China was divided into spheres of interest by the European powers and instrumentalized for their geopolitical rivalry, economic exploitation and colonial oppression. One arena of this colonial competition was north-east China, i.e. Manchuria. It was not Great Britain or France that clashed there, but Russia, Japan and China. Russia established a railroad regime, Japan a puppet state and China brought the communist dictatorship from there to the whole country. This supposedly marginal region had a decisive influence on the fate of China and Asia.

    • 13270 Seminar
      The 1990s: A Global History (Tobias Becker)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      The 1990’s are back—and not only in fashion and pop culture, but in public debates as well. It is high time, thereofre, to revisit the period, especially as there are few historical studies on the 1990s, and almost none from a global perspective. Yet how do we tell the story of a decade that has been understood in starkly contrasting ways? While some see the 1990s as a lost golden age of economic and political stability, others associate it with collapsing governments and economies, unemployment, and war. In a third view, the 1990s mark the beginning of all our present woes: the arrival of the internet, and, with it, culture wars, conspiracy theories and disinformation, the deregulation of markets and the media, rightwing populism, and terrorism. These divergent narratives challenge us to think afresh about the 1990s. How can we account for these conflicting perspectives? What topics and aspects do we need to include? And, how can we do justice to events, developments, and perspectives at the global, regional, and local levels? These are the questions we will be discussing in the seminar. It is open to students enrolled in either the History or Global History Master.


      Terry H. Anderson, Why the Nineties Matter, New York 2024; Jens Balzer, No Limit: Die Neunziger – das Jahrzehnt der Freiheit, Berlin 2023; Michael Bracewell, The Nineties: When Surface was Depth, London 2002; James Brooke-Smith, Accelerate! A History of the 1990s, Cheltenham 2022; Chuck Klosterman, The Nineties: A Book, New York 2022; Kristina Spohr, Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989, London 2019.

    • 13310 Seminar
      Africa in Global History: Potentials, Limits, and Frictions (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This discussion-based seminar interrogates the application of global history methodologies to the study of Africa’s past. Through a series of case studies from pre-colonial Africa to the present, the class will look at how different scholars have used global historical approaches to better understand the relationships between people, ideas, goods, and structural inequalities on the continent and off of it. At the same time, we will read critiques of global history as a set of methodologies, particularly as they apply to the history of Africa and other parts of the world that continue to be marginalized in academic knowledge production in the North Atlantic. In addition to asking how a global approach to African history might reframe what we know of the continent and its past, we will also ask how global African history can reframe what we know about various regions, from Western Europe to South Asia and the Caribbean, in the past and present.

    • 13318 Seminar
      A Global History of Nations and Nationalism(s) (Deniz Kilincoglu)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nationalism has shaped individual and collective self-identification and self-construction in recent history more than any other ideology. Despite its episodic retreats from the focus of scholarship and journalism, it has remained the dominant worldview of modernity. It frames our sociopolitical common sense, as it has successfully shaped the global sociopolitical system. We simply take it for granted that everyone belongs to a nation, and the world is structured in an ‘inter-national’ system, where nations are represented by their states. This course offers a global historical exploration of this complex social, political, economic, and highly personal phenomenon. We will begin by examining various definitions of and theories about nationalism and nationhood. Then we will delve into multiple factors that have shaped national ideologies and the experiences of nationhood, from language and religion to capitalism and colonialism. This investigation will include interactions between national belonging and other dimensions of our intersectional identities, such as gender and class. Through engagement with case studies from different parts of the world, we will develop a richer understanding of the human experience of nationalism in its highly diverse forms. Finally, we will engage in an open, exploratory discussion about our world’s future with or without nations, nationalism, and the nation-state.

    • 13319 Seminar
      Global Waves: Sound and Media Technologies and Society, 1700-2000 (Nazan Maksudyan Ilicak)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This course examines the transformative impact of sound and media technologies from a global historical perspective, from 1700 to 2000. It emphasizes the interplay between technological innovation and societal change, tracing the development and diffusion of key sound and media objects such as telegraphy, sound recording technologies, radio, phonograph, microphones, loudspeakers, and so forth. Through an interdisciplinary engagement with sound studies, media history, the history of science and technology, we examine how these advancements facilitated new forms of mobility and connectivity, reshaping cultural and political landscapes worldwide. Students will engage with primary sources and critical analyses to understand the role of sound and media technologies in shaping modern society and their implications for global history.

    • 13322 Seminar
      Finance and State in Global Perspective (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 14226-GH Seminar
      The Formation of National Identities in the Middle East (Florian Zemmin)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: 0.3099B Seminarraum (Zugang von der L-Strasse) (Fabeckstr. 23/25)


      It is difficult to overstate the power of the nation-state, both institutionally and culturally. National borders control the movement of people, depending on one’s passport in rather light or most severe ways. As “imagined communities” (Benedict Anderson), nations legitimize and sustain themselves via shared symbols and a common history that almost naturalizes the nation. The historical formation of nation-states and a shared sense of national belonging are however more recent and often more contingent than national narratives suggest. In this course we will look at the formation of nation-states and national identities in a range of Middle Eastern countries. Aspects addressed include the relation of (the Ottoman) empire and nations; the driving actors of nationalist sentiments; the impact of colonial powers in drawing national boundaries; alternative senses of belonging; minoritized groups within nation-states; the influence of national symbols and identities in popular culture; or the relation between tribal and national affiliations. We will work exclusively with secondary literature in English.

    • HU53729 Seminar
      Global History of Peace (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=222621&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 3: Global Configurations



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten verfügen über ein Bewusstsein für die historische Dimension globaler Strukturen und Prozesse bis in eine sich globalisierende Gegenwart sowie für die globale Dimension ausgewählter historischer Konfigurationen. Aufbauend auf das im Einführungsmodul vermittelte Grundwissen über globale Zusammenhänge verfügen die Studentinnen und Studenten über vertiefte Kenntnisse einzelner historischer Entwicklungen, Strukturen und Institutionen und können diese unter Berücksichtigung ihres jeweiligen politischen, gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontextes in globale Zusammenhänge einordnen. Die Studentinnen und Studenten sind in der Lage, einzelne ausgewählte globale Phänomene und Entwicklungen sowie Beziehungen und Interdependenzen in ihrer historischen Bedingtheit zu reflektieren, zu diskutieren und zu beurteilen. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können den Forschungsstand zu globalgeschichtlichen Themen erschließen und eigenständig diesbezüglich relevante Quellenbestände heranziehen, auswerten und interpretieren. Auf dieser Grundlage gelingt es ihnen, eigene Forschungsansätze zu entwickeln und umzusetzen und zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Aussagen über die Vergangenheit in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive zu kommen. Die Studentinnen und Studenten sind in der Lage, Ergebnisse schriftlich und mündlich zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren sowie ihre Position sachlich fundiert zu begründen.


    Das Modul gibt Einblick in die historische Entwicklung und Genese wichtiger globaler Konfigurationen und behandelt die historische Dimension globaler Beziehungen, Strukturen und Prozesse. In beiden Seminaren werden je ein Thema oder ein Problemzusammenhang oder eine Akteursgruppe behandelt, die für die Globalgeschichte oder eine sich globalisierende Konfiguration (z. B. Migration, Warenströme, Kommunikation) von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Anhand von Fachliteratur und Quellen zu einer oder unterschiedlichen Weltregionen werden dabei ausgewählte, z. B. sozial-, gender-, wirtschafts- oder kulturgeschichtliche, Themen in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive aufgegriffen und in ihrer historischen Entwicklung und mit Bezug auf ihre globalen Dimensionen diskutiert.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Seminar / 2 SWS / ja Seminar / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (etwa 6 000 Wörter) oder mündliche Prüfung (max. 5 Prüflinge/ ca. 12 Minuten pro Prüfling)




    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Zwei Semester / Jedes Studienjahr, beginnend im Sommersemester
    • 13270 Seminar
      The 1990s: A Global History (Tobias Becker)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      The 1990’s are back—and not only in fashion and pop culture, but in public debates as well. It is high time, thereofre, to revisit the period, especially as there are few historical studies on the 1990s, and almost none from a global perspective. Yet how do we tell the story of a decade that has been understood in starkly contrasting ways? While some see the 1990s as a lost golden age of economic and political stability, others associate it with collapsing governments and economies, unemployment, and war. In a third view, the 1990s mark the beginning of all our present woes: the arrival of the internet, and, with it, culture wars, conspiracy theories and disinformation, the deregulation of markets and the media, rightwing populism, and terrorism. These divergent narratives challenge us to think afresh about the 1990s. How can we account for these conflicting perspectives? What topics and aspects do we need to include? And, how can we do justice to events, developments, and perspectives at the global, regional, and local levels? These are the questions we will be discussing in the seminar. It is open to students enrolled in either the History or Global History Master.


      Terry H. Anderson, Why the Nineties Matter, New York 2024; Jens Balzer, No Limit: Die Neunziger – das Jahrzehnt der Freiheit, Berlin 2023; Michael Bracewell, The Nineties: When Surface was Depth, London 2002; James Brooke-Smith, Accelerate! A History of the 1990s, Cheltenham 2022; Chuck Klosterman, The Nineties: A Book, New York 2022; Kristina Spohr, Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989, London 2019.

    • 13313 Seminar
      Forced labor, slavery, traffic in women: International anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century (Sonja Dolinsek)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Students should make sure they can attend the block session on February 1st.


      This course critically examines the historical dimensions of forced labor, slavery, and trafficking in women, with a focus on international anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century. By exploring the intersection of power relations, gender, and colonial legacies, students will analyze how these issues have been addressed globally. We will delve into the development, interpretation, and implementation of key international legal frameworks against slavery, forced labor, and trafficking, as well as the role of international organizations such as the League of Nations, the ILO, and the United Nations. The course will engage in conceptual discussions on how to analyze historical practices of exploitation, investigating various frameworks such as asymmetrical dependency, precariousness, informal labor, and unfree labor. Additionally, the course will examine the gendered aspects of trafficking, assessing how global and local efforts have shaped the experiences of women subjected to labor exploitation and human trafficking. This analytical approach aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of international anti-trafficking regimes, fostering a critical perspective on both past and ongoing global efforts.

    • 13314 Seminar
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13316 Seminar
      Towards A Global Queer History (Benjamin Miller)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Queer history and global history are both methods that are often mistaken for topics. In other words, both ‘queer’ and ‘global’ describe ways of doing history––ways of questioning disciplinary assumptions––that can reveal new patterns and structures in the study of the past. Both global and queer can, at their best, push us to reject identity politics and easy narratives of authenticity and belonging and to think more structurally and complexly about the past. Yet global history in practice has often ignored sexuality and the intellectual challenges of queer theory, and queer history has often remained inside national borders. This class aims to think towards a global queer history. including the meaning of queer and global histories in our present, the colonial instantiation of modern sexual subjectivities, sex-gender systems and difference, global trans history, gay liberation and anticolonial solidarity, racism in western queer movements, the global history of HIV and AIDS, and contemporary postcolonial backlashes to queer politics. The course will include a visit to the Schwules Museum in Berlin.

    • 13318 Seminar
      A Global History of Nations and Nationalism(s) (Deniz Kilincoglu)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nationalism has shaped individual and collective self-identification and self-construction in recent history more than any other ideology. Despite its episodic retreats from the focus of scholarship and journalism, it has remained the dominant worldview of modernity. It frames our sociopolitical common sense, as it has successfully shaped the global sociopolitical system. We simply take it for granted that everyone belongs to a nation, and the world is structured in an ‘inter-national’ system, where nations are represented by their states. This course offers a global historical exploration of this complex social, political, economic, and highly personal phenomenon. We will begin by examining various definitions of and theories about nationalism and nationhood. Then we will delve into multiple factors that have shaped national ideologies and the experiences of nationhood, from language and religion to capitalism and colonialism. This investigation will include interactions between national belonging and other dimensions of our intersectional identities, such as gender and class. Through engagement with case studies from different parts of the world, we will develop a richer understanding of the human experience of nationalism in its highly diverse forms. Finally, we will engage in an open, exploratory discussion about our world’s future with or without nations, nationalism, and the nation-state.

    • 13321 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Habsburg Empire 1848-1918: old controversies, new perspectives (Hannes Granditz)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13322 Seminar
      Finance and State in Global Perspective (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13323 Seminar
      Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13338 Seminar
      Cities in Global History (Michael Goebel)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Cities have long been regarded, in Lewis Mumford’s words of 1938, as "a point of maximum concentration for the power and culture of a community." Yet they served not only as centers of regional or national communities but also as nodal points of long-distance connections and cross-cultural encounters as well as drivers of ecological change. Looking at urban areas through the lens of global history, the seminar will explore the role played by cities in a world connecting and ask in how far the development and experience of cityscapes was affec­ted by conditions of global connected­ness. Focusing on selected case studies since the nineteenth century, we also explore the effects of asym­­­me­trical power relations that produced segmented and unequal cityscapes and continue to shape urban historical narratives. In sum, the seminar aims at furnishing historical tools for a better under­standing of the intersections between globalization and urbanization.

    • 14226-GH Seminar
      The Formation of National Identities in the Middle East (Florian Zemmin)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: 0.3099B Seminarraum (Zugang von der L-Strasse) (Fabeckstr. 23/25)


      It is difficult to overstate the power of the nation-state, both institutionally and culturally. National borders control the movement of people, depending on one’s passport in rather light or most severe ways. As “imagined communities” (Benedict Anderson), nations legitimize and sustain themselves via shared symbols and a common history that almost naturalizes the nation. The historical formation of nation-states and a shared sense of national belonging are however more recent and often more contingent than national narratives suggest. In this course we will look at the formation of nation-states and national identities in a range of Middle Eastern countries. Aspects addressed include the relation of (the Ottoman) empire and nations; the driving actors of nationalist sentiments; the impact of colonial powers in drawing national boundaries; alternative senses of belonging; minoritized groups within nation-states; the influence of national symbols and identities in popular culture; or the relation between tribal and national affiliations. We will work exclusively with secondary literature in English.

    • 31205a Seminar
      Imperial Encounters: Russia, Japan, and China Scramble for Manchuria, 1850-1950 (Martin Wagner)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/B Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In the age of imperialism, China was divided into spheres of interest by the European powers and instrumentalized for their geopolitical rivalry, economic exploitation and colonial oppression. One arena of this colonial competition was north-east China, i.e. Manchuria. It was not Great Britain or France that clashed there, but Russia, Japan and China. Russia established a railroad regime, Japan a puppet state and China brought the communist dictatorship from there to the whole country. This supposedly marginal region had a decisive influence on the fate of China and Asia.

    • HU53729 Seminar
      Global History of Peace (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=222621&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 13310 Seminar
      Africa in Global History: Potentials, Limits, and Frictions (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This discussion-based seminar interrogates the application of global history methodologies to the study of Africa’s past. Through a series of case studies from pre-colonial Africa to the present, the class will look at how different scholars have used global historical approaches to better understand the relationships between people, ideas, goods, and structural inequalities on the continent and off of it. At the same time, we will read critiques of global history as a set of methodologies, particularly as they apply to the history of Africa and other parts of the world that continue to be marginalized in academic knowledge production in the North Atlantic. In addition to asking how a global approach to African history might reframe what we know of the continent and its past, we will also ask how global African history can reframe what we know about various regions, from Western Europe to South Asia and the Caribbean, in the past and present.

    • 13312 Seminar
      Nazi Crimes in the World’s Courts (Fabien Theofilakis)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 184 Besprechungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nearly 80 years have passed since the Second World War: a majority of citizens no longer have an autobiographical memory of the war. Yet the legacy of the Second World War is all the more present because the “heroic” myths that many European nations adopted after 1945 have now been replaced by negative memories. We no longer celebrate the Resistance fighter who died for a cause, but now commemorate war through the figure of the Jewish victim. To explore the way in which the Second World War remains present in societies that it helped to shape, the seminar will take as its starting point the Nuremberg trials of 1945-1948 and continue throughout the last trials of Nazi criminals, in Europe, in Israel and in Asia. It will also look at the responses of the judicial, political and social actors. The seminar highlights the extent to which the complex relationship between justice, history and memory surrounding the Second World War is still relevant today. Through various case studies, we will examine the political, memorial and legal issues and debates raised by this difficult history through a comparative analysis of trials. The seminar questions the place of witnesses and the administration of evidence in these collective crimes and invites reflection on the types of sources that public policies of the past can mobilize to mediate these trials for the "devoir de mémoire” (obligation of remembrance). A variety of sources will be used including, news clips, photographs and legal documents, in addition to the preparatory readings for each session.

    • 13315 Seminar
      The Interwar World: Connections and Disruptions in the 1920s & 1930s (Andreas Greiner)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: this is a hybrid seminar. There will be 4 block sessions as well as 6 online sessions, which are as follows: 

      Link:  https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/prd7eu4f2e9k6x
      16. October 14-16 Online
      23. October 14-16 Online
      6. November 14-16 Online
      13. November 14-16 Online
      20. November 14-16 Online
      13. December 14-18 in-person
      14. December 10-16 in-person
      10. January 14-18 in-person
      11. January 10-16 in-person 
      12. February 14-16 Online


      The 1920s and 1930s were marked by political, economic, and social upheaval, but also the promise of renewal. Imperial rule reached its zenith but faced worldwide resistance and calls for self-determination. Despite its name, the interwar period was an era of perpetual warfare, from Ireland to Ethiopia, from Nicaragua, to Palestine, to China. Yet the interwar years saw bold, sometimes utopist attempts at reorganizing international relations. They saw worldwide solidarity movements, “modern girls,” global biographies, and cosmopolitan mass media. But all this took place in a world increasingly formed by nationalist movements, authoritarianism, and economic protectionism. Fascism, at the same time nationalistic and transnational, as well as socialism reverberated around the globe, from Latin America to Africa and Asia. This seminar centers around the contradictions that formed the interwar period, tracing these different, sometimes contradictory, dynamics of global (dis)integration. Stepping out of the traditional Euro-American framework, each session is organized around specific thematic case studies from different world regions. Addressing everyday interaction as much as global politics, we will explore multidirectional flows while paying close attention to ruptures, disentanglement, and competing visions of global integration. In this way, we will challenge narratives of the interwar world as either a moment of “deglobalization” or “a world connecting” and instead develop a more nuanced understanding of globalization processes between the world wars.

    • 13317 Seminar
      Empire and Environment: The Origins of the Anthropocene in Global Colonial History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In the Age of Empire, imperialism and capitalism intensified the extraction of natural resources and (attendant) environmental transformations worldwide on an unprecedented scale. Alongside political occupation, this appropriation of the natural world proceeded at pace with the “doctrine of discovery” (Smith), in which imperial sciences and individual agents of empire redefined the very concept of “nature.” The “Anthropocene” (Crutzen and Stoermer) as a diagnosis for our present planetary predicament in which humans now are a “major environmental force” irreversibly altering bio-, atmo-, and hydrospheric systems worldwide has emerged in consequence of this crucial immediate prehistory, as reflected in alternative monickers such as “Capitalocene” (Moore) or “Plantationocene” (Haraway, Tsing, et al.). And yet, the origins of the Anthropocene in global colonial history can only properly be understood by reintegrating into their history those subaltern actors, local or Indigenous populations and vernacular knowledges that the colonial state, global capitalism and dominant science exploited and depended on. While mostly focused on the British Empire in the long nineteenth century for its case studies, this seminar will pursue a multi-scalar and multi-sited global history that seeks to shed light on the crucial entanglements of empire and environment from above as from below. The course is designed for students with or without prior knowledge of environmental history.

    • 13319 Seminar
      Global Waves: Sound and Media Technologies and Society, 1700-2000 (Nazan Maksudyan Ilicak)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This course examines the transformative impact of sound and media technologies from a global historical perspective, from 1700 to 2000. It emphasizes the interplay between technological innovation and societal change, tracing the development and diffusion of key sound and media objects such as telegraphy, sound recording technologies, radio, phonograph, microphones, loudspeakers, and so forth. Through an interdisciplinary engagement with sound studies, media history, the history of science and technology, we examine how these advancements facilitated new forms of mobility and connectivity, reshaping cultural and political landscapes worldwide. Students will engage with primary sources and critical analyses to understand the role of sound and media technologies in shaping modern society and their implications for global history.

    • 13320 Seminar
      The Cold War: Global Perspectives and Legacies (Ned Richardson-Little)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "The Cold War was primarily a geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allied states, but it also evolved into a global competition between opposing visions of modernity. From the end of the Second World War to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc in 1989/91, the Cold War divided Germany and continental Europe and shaped the fault lines in armed conflicts around the world. The first part of the seminar will look at the origins of the conflict in the collapsing war time alliance that defeated the Axis powers and the disputes over the political influence in post-war Europe that led to the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. The second part of the course will examine how the Cold War moved beyond Europe to become global. Decolonization and anti-imperialism fueled conflicts that were increasingly organized around ideology such as the Chinese Civil War, wars in Korea and Vietnam, the Cuban Revolution and the Congo Crisis. The third part will examine the split in the communist world between the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China and relaxation of tensions between East and West known as Détente. Finally, the fourth part will look at the collapse of the Cold War as an organizing framework for political conflict with the rise of political Islam and the decline of armed struggle. Readings will cover the many interpretations of why the Cold War ended with the implosion of the Soviet Union, from the nuclear arms race, to the rise of transnational human rights movements to the structural failings of planned economies to compete with market capitalism. Selected Readings: Odd Arne Westad, The Cold War: A World History (2017) Sarah Snyder, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (2011) Paul Thomas Chamberlain, The Cold War's Killing Fields: Rethinking the Long Peace (2019)"

  • Modul 12: Colloquium



    Die Studentinnen und Studenten können Forschungsvorhaben eigenständig planen, durchführen und verständlich präsentieren. Sie werden dazu befähigt, die Fragestellung, den Forschungsansatz, die Auswahl der Methoden und ggf. die konkrete Quellenarbeit in wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen zu begründen und unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Forschungsansätze zu reflektieren. Sie können den Mehrwert ihrer theoretischen und methodischen Vorgehensweisen überzeugend präsentieren, indem sie diese mit anderen gegenstandsadäquaten Ansätzen kontrastieren und die Vorzüge in Bezug auf die eigene Fragestellung darlegen.


    Während der Bearbeitungszeit der Masterarbeit nehmen die Studierenden an einem Colloquium teil, um das Konzept ihrer Arbeit vorzustellen und offene Fragen zu diskutieren. Im Colloquium stellen die Studierenden ihre eigenen Themenstellungen, theoretische und methodische Ansätze der Arbeit sowie erste Ergebnisse vor, diskutieren diese mit anderen Studierenden und Lehrenden und reflektieren den Schreibprozess.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Colloquium / 1 SWS / ja Colloquium / 1 SWS / ja






    150 Stunden (5 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13307a Colloquium
      Global History MA Colloquium (Ulrike Schaper)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-11:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "The colloquium offers support for designing and working on your Master's thesis in the field of global history. It provides information on registering and navigating the administrative side of the endeavour, on effectively organising the research and writing process and how to deal with possible obstacles. It offers also a forum to present your project design and receive feedback on it and to exchange experiences with other students. Requirements: You should already have a topic and should at least have started reading and researching sources, in order to take part in the colloquium (If you have already started writing, or will start soon, please consider to take part in the 12-14:00 colloquium). Each student is required to hand in an expose during the semester, which will be discussed in class. You should be willing to learn about other projects and give constructive feedback."

    • 13311a Colloquium
      Global History MA Colloquium (Ulrike Schaper)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-13:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "The colloquium offers support for researching and writing your MA thesis in global history. It provides a weekly forum to get you writing, reflect on your progress and share experiences with other students. You will have the opportunity to present, discuss and receive feedback on your project, structure or first drafts. We will also talk about how to organise and manage the writing process effectively and how to deal with obstacles. Requirements: You should be deep into your project when you join the colloquium and either have already started writing or be able to do so in the first half of the semester. You should be willing to continuously share your experiences and your texts with the class. You should be willing to learn about other projects and to give constructive feedback."

    • 13307b Colloquium
      Global History MA Colloquium (Ulrike Schaper)
      Zeit: Di 11:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Students should only register for the LV 13307a in CM; registration for the second module part 13307b will take place later automatically.

      Studierende melden sich bitte nur zur LV 13307a in CM an; die Anmeldung zum zweiten Modulteil 13307b erfolgt später automatisch.

    • 13311b Colloquium
      Global History MA Colloquium (Ulrike Schaper)
      Zeit: Di 13:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Students should only register for the LV 13311a in CM; registration for the second module part 13311b will take place later automatically.

      Studierende melden sich bitte nur zur LV 13311a in CM an; die Anmeldung zum zweiten Modulteil 13311b erfolgt später automatisch.

  • Modul 4: Regions in Global History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse räumlicher Konstellationen. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf die Globalgeschichte einer oder mehrerer Weltregionen. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Verzahnung von Regionalwissenschaften und Globalgeschichte. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, systematisch die historische Wirkmächtigkeit regionaler Raumkonstellationen und die Interaktionen und Verflechtungen zwischen ihnen zu identifizieren und zu rekonstruieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (6000 Wörter)


    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13156 Hauptseminar
      Deutschland in Europa 1925–1938 (Anna Karla)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Markierte das Jahr 1925 mit dem Vertrag von Locarno die Wiederaufnahme Deutschlands in die internationale Staatengemeinschaft nach dem Weltkrieg, steht das Jahr 1938 mit dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs, der Annexion des Sudetenlands und dem Münchner Abkommen für die Erosion des Friedens in Europa. Das Hauptseminar untersucht, wie sich die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und den europäischen Nachbarländern in diesem Zeitraum entwickelten. Dazu nimmt es neben der klassischen Diplomatiegeschichte auch Kontakte in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur in den Blick. Inhaltlich zielt das Seminar darauf ab, die ebenso problematische wie folgenreiche Appeasement-Politik gegenüber dem NS-Staat historisch breit einzuordnen. Methodisch diskutieren wir, welche Quellengattungen Aufschluss zu dieser Fragestellung versprechen. Die Fähigkeit zur Lektüre englischsprachiger Texte wird vorausgesetzt. Die Bereitschaft, Quellen in anderen europäischen Fremdsprachen zu erschließen, ist erwünscht.


      Isabella Löhr, Deutschland im Völkerbund, in: Christoph Cornelißen/Dirk van Laak (Hrsg.), Weimar und die Welt. Globale Verflechtungen der ersten deutschen Republik, Göttingen 2020, S. 275–311.; Michael Grüttner, Das Dritte Reich 1933–1939 (Gebhardt Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte 19), Stuttgart 102014, S. 201–234.

    • 13245 Methodenübung
      Deutschland und der Genozid an den Armeniern im Osmanischen Reich (Felix Wiedemann)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und anderen christlichen Minderheiten während des Ersten Weltkrieges ist auf verschiedenen Ebenen mit der deutschen Geschichte und Gegenwart ver-knüpft. Zum einen waren deutsche Militärs, Diplomaten und Orientwissenschaftler über das Ge-schehen informiert und als Kriegsverbündete in die Ereignisse involviert. Zum anderen avancierte das Verbrechen in der Zwischenkriegszeit (d.h. lange bevor Raphael Lemkin „Genozid“ als juristi-sche Kategorie einführte), zum paradigmatischen Völkermord und steht vor diesem Hintergrund auf erinnerungspolitischer Ebene in einem engen Bezug zur Shoah. Angesichts des Gedenkjahres 2025 werden wir uns in der Lehrveranstaltung mit dem Verbrechen beschäftigen und dabei insbe-sondere seine Vor- und Nachgeschichte vor dem Hintergrund der deutsch-türkischen Beziehungs-geschichte sowie aktueller erinnerungspolitischer Debatten in den Blick nehmen.


      Rolf Hosfeld/ Christin Pschichholz (Hrsg.), Das Deutsche Reich und der Völkermord an den Armeniern, Göttingen 2017; Stefan Ihrig, Justifying Genocide. Germany and the Armenians from Bismarck to Hitler, Cambridge, MA 2016; Katharina Kunter/ Meron Mendel/ Oliver Fassing (Hrsg.), Der Völkermord an den ArmenierInnen. Beiträge zu einer multiperspektivischen Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland, Münster 2017; Benny Morris/ Dror Ze'evi, The Thirty-Year Genocide. Turkey's Destruction of Its Christian Minorities, 1894-1924, Cambridge 2019.

    • 13246 Hauptseminar
      Das Vichy Regime: Neue Ansätze zur Geschichte und Erinnerung an die "dunklen Jahre" (1940-2023) (Fabien Théofikakis)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)
    • 13310 Seminar
      Africa in Global History: Potentials, Limits, and Frictions (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This discussion-based seminar interrogates the application of global history methodologies to the study of Africa’s past. Through a series of case studies from pre-colonial Africa to the present, the class will look at how different scholars have used global historical approaches to better understand the relationships between people, ideas, goods, and structural inequalities on the continent and off of it. At the same time, we will read critiques of global history as a set of methodologies, particularly as they apply to the history of Africa and other parts of the world that continue to be marginalized in academic knowledge production in the North Atlantic. In addition to asking how a global approach to African history might reframe what we know of the continent and its past, we will also ask how global African history can reframe what we know about various regions, from Western Europe to South Asia and the Caribbean, in the past and present.

    • 13321 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Habsburg Empire 1848-1918: old controversies, new perspectives (Hannes Granditz)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13324 Wahlveranstaltung
      Jewish-Muslim Relations in Colonial and Postcolonial Times (Avner Ofrath)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 14219-GH Einführungskurs
      The World of the Premodern Arabic Secretary (Ingrid Austveg Evans)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: 1.2051 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)


      What can the lives and duties of the secretary or scribe (katib, pl. kuttab) reveal about cultural politics in the Abbasid period (ca. 750–1000 CE)? The early state secretaries, many of whom were of Persian descent, drew on a bureaucratic tradition rooted in the Sassanian and Byzantine empires. Because of their frequent connections to non-Arab intellectual traditions and their key role in both the transmission of knowledge and state administration, the secretaries were routinely criticized by leading cultural authorities, many of whom worked in the chancery themselves. In this course, we will discuss transcultural phenomena that featured a central role for the scribes, including state correspondence, quarrels over Persian and Greek influences, and the roles of non-Muslims in the chanceries. Challenging the notion of the chancery as an all-male domain, we will also discuss traces of women’s scribal activities. The bulk of the seminar sessions will focus on primary and secondary sources written in and about the Abbasid period, though the final sessions will also incorporate a longue durée perspective that considers the continuity of scribal practices throughout the Fatimid, Ayyubid, and Mamluk periods.

    • 14221-GH Seminar
      Imagining the Past and Designing the Future in the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (Birgit Krawietz)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 weitere Hinweise zur Austattung unter: www.raum.geschkult.fu-berlin.de

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      active and regular attendance


      The small but economically powerful states of the Persian Gulf that some have started to lable as the Arabian Gulf, are significant in many ways. Manifold initiatives for the post-oil future as well as specific designs for their own Arab-Islamic or otherwise framed pasts are in lively exchange with broader regional and global developments. The MA seminar examines these phenomena from different perspectives.

    • 14226-GH Seminar
      The Formation of National Identities in the Middle East (Florian Zemmin)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: 0.3099B Seminarraum (Zugang von der L-Strasse) (Fabeckstr. 23/25)


      It is difficult to overstate the power of the nation-state, both institutionally and culturally. National borders control the movement of people, depending on one’s passport in rather light or most severe ways. As “imagined communities” (Benedict Anderson), nations legitimize and sustain themselves via shared symbols and a common history that almost naturalizes the nation. The historical formation of nation-states and a shared sense of national belonging are however more recent and often more contingent than national narratives suggest. In this course we will look at the formation of nation-states and national identities in a range of Middle Eastern countries. Aspects addressed include the relation of (the Ottoman) empire and nations; the driving actors of nationalist sentiments; the impact of colonial powers in drawing national boundaries; alternative senses of belonging; minoritized groups within nation-states; the influence of national symbols and identities in popular culture; or the relation between tribal and national affiliations. We will work exclusively with secondary literature in English.

    • 31203a Vertiefungsseminar
      Kremlastrologie. Osteuropaforschung im Kalten Krieg (Robert Kindler)
      Zeit: Di 12-14 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/101 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      Im Frühjahr 2022 schrieb der Osteuropahistoriker Gerhard Simon unter dem Eindruck des russischen Angriffskriegs auf die Ukraine: „Der 24. Februar 2022 war nicht nur ein schwar¬zer Tag für die Ukraine. Er war und ist auch ein schwar¬zer Tag für die Ost¬eu¬ro¬pa¬wis¬sen¬schaft. Zum zweiten Mal in einer Gene-ra¬tion zeigt sich, dass sie nichts taugt, dass sie den ele¬men¬ta¬ren Anfor¬de¬run¬gen, die an For¬schung zu stellen sind, nicht gerecht wird. Zum ersten Mal ver¬sagte unsere Wis¬sen¬schaft zwi¬schen 1989 und 1991, als sie vom Zusam¬men¬bruch des Kom¬mu¬nis¬mus im Osten Europas und vom Ende der Sowjet-union voll¬stän¬dig über¬rascht wurde.“
      Im Seminar wollen Simons Fundamentalkritik zum Anlass nehmen, uns mit der interdisziplinären Osteuropaforschung im Kalten Krieg zu befassen. Handelte es sich dabei um den letztlich gescheiterten Versuch, politisch „relevantes“ Wissen zu generieren? Oder entwickelten sich aus den Bemühungen, interdisziplinäre area studies zu etablieren, langfristig produktive Ansätze? Ein besonderer Fokus des Seminars liegt auf der ambivalenten Geschichte des Osteuropa-Instituts, das im Jahr 2026 sein 75-jähriges Bestehen begehen wird.


      Corinna Unger: Ostforschung in Westdeutschland. Die Erforschung des europäischen Ostens und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1945 – 1975, Stuttgart 2007.

    • 31204a Seminar
      Tides of Empire: Nature and Maritime Resources in the Russian Anthropocene (Ruslana Bovhyria)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/101 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      Stretching across as much as one-sixth of the world’s surface, the territory that made up the tsarist and Soviet empires offers an exceptional habitat for a range of marine ecosystems. Rivers, lakes, wetlands and oceans played a vital role in the history of Northern Eurasia. From the construction of hydraulic projects, manipulation of river deltas to conservation efforts, control over water was a fundamentally political matter, directly tied to larger human and planetary processes like empire-building, Soviet modernization and warfare. All the while, particular concepts of human-animal relations from the Russian and Soviet sciences left a profound impact on contemporary environmental thinking. The seminar focuses on the nexus between water management and political power. In examining this overarching issue we will explore how manifold actors and institutions across the empire devised tools in shaping their own agency over nature.

      Active participation: paper input (5 min), presentation (15 min)


      Nicolas Breyfogle (Hg.): Eurasian Environments. Nature and Ecology in Imperial Russia and Soviet History. Pittsburgh 2018.

    • 31205a Seminar
      Imperial Encounters: Russia, Japan, and China Scramble for Manchuria, 1850-1950 (Martin Wagner)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/B Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In the age of imperialism, China was divided into spheres of interest by the European powers and instrumentalized for their geopolitical rivalry, economic exploitation and colonial oppression. One arena of this colonial competition was north-east China, i.e. Manchuria. It was not Great Britain or France that clashed there, but Russia, Japan and China. Russia established a railroad regime, Japan a puppet state and China brought the communist dictatorship from there to the whole country. This supposedly marginal region had a decisive influence on the fate of China and Asia.

    • 32411a Hauptseminar
      Reputational Security in North American and Beyond (Jessica Gienow-Hecht)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: 203 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      Alle Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Veranstaltung 32411

    • 32412a Wahlveranstaltung
      Histories of (Racial) Capitalism (Helen Anne Gibson)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: 203 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      How are raciality (race) and capitalism co-constituted? What is the decolonial significance of engaging histories of racial capitalism (Robinson 1983) in Europe and North America? This class will highlight the alchemy of redressing what Denise Ferreira da Silva terms “the erasure of the expropriation of the total value produced by slaved labor in accounts of capital accumulation” (Ferreira da Silva 2014, p. 83). Focusing on restitution of the total value of expropriated lands and labor, students in this seminar will grapple with legacies of expropriation beyond a global history of cotton (Beckert 2015). Methodologically speaking, “The historiography of ways in which racial capitalism was and is transcended (rendered cosmic/quantic) increasingly entails explicitly spiritual analysis that, like what Cedric Robinson terms the Black radical tradition, receives its analytical thrust from epistemologies that orient its adherents away from liberal property regimes, including those of the colonial era” (Gibson 2024, p. 215). Embracing this Black feminist theory and Indigenous studies-inspired epistemological orientation, students in the seminar will engage both material and immaterial legacies of histories of racial capitalism.

    • 33040a Grundkurs
      Territorio, paisaje y ciudad. Herramientas teórico-metodológicas desde una perspectiva histórica latinoamericana (Lucio Piccoli)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: 201 (Seminarraum) Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56 14197 Berlin

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Lektüre auf Spanisch und Englisch


      Una de las enseñanzas fundamentales de la obra de Henri Lefebvre ha sido la de señalar que el espacio, lejos de ser una dimensión científica neutra y ajena a la política y la ideología, es, por el contrario, el resultado de un proceso de producción y representación social desarrollado por las sociedades a lo largo del tiempo. El curso explorará las implicancias teórico-metodológicas más importantes que esa concepción del espacio tiene para el desarrollo de la disciplina histórica, prestándole especial atención al estudio de experiencias latinoamericanas. ¿Qué significa y de qué manera pueden utilizarse mapas, planos, atlas, vistas y perfiles urbanos, fotografías y representaciones pictóricas como insumos para escribir historia? ¿Qué rol desempeñó la mirada que viajeros como Alexander von Humboldt, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Charles Darwin o Le Corbusier vertieron sobre distintas latitudes del paisaje latinoamericano? ¿De qué modo la conceptualización espacial que elaboró Domingo F. Sarmiento sobre la pampa supo articular el tópico ideológico de "civilización y barbarie" sobre el cual se fundó gran parte del proceso de modernización y nacionalización en el subcontinente? ¿Hasta qué punto los usos y sentidos específicos de un espacio por parte de los sectores populares determinan procesos de organización y resistencia social? A partir de recuperar distintos aportes de la sociología, la geografía, el urbanismo y la antropología el seminario procura contribuir al desarrollo de las capacidades de comprensión y análisis crítico de la historia de las relaciones socio-espaciales, espacio-temporales y espacio-culturales de América Latina.


      Graciela Silvestri, Las tierras desubicadas. Paisajes y culturas en la Sudamérica Fluvial, Paraná, EDUNER, 2021; Kollektiv Orangotango (Ed.), This Is Not an Atlas: A Global Collection of Counter-Cartographies, Transkript Verlag, 2019; Rogério Haesbert, El mito de la desterritorialización del "fin de los territorios" a la multiterritorialidad, Siglo XXI, Mexico, 2011.

    • HU51295 Wahlveranstaltung
      Bürgerstaat vs. Monarchie. Konkurrierende politische Ordnungsmodelle in der Antike (Claudia Tiersch)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223139&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51351 Wahlveranstaltung
      Ein verkümmerndes Imperium? Byzanz unter den Palaiologen 1261-1453 (Sebastian Kolditz)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223145&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51431 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Habsburg Empire 1848-1918: old controversies, new perspectives (Johannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223221&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51434 Wahlveranstaltung
      Berlin zwischen Kriegsende und Mauerbau (Thomas Mergel)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223232&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51435 Wahlveranstaltung
      Der Kampf um Recht und Gerechtigkeit: Minderheiten im Zarenreich (Stefan Kirmse)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223231&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51436 Wahlveranstaltung
      Politische Kultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Rüdiger Graf)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223230&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51451 Wahlveranstaltung
      Empire and British Culture since the 18th century (Miles Taylor)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223237&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51455 Wahlveranstaltung
      Frühe NS- und Holocaustforschung (Sina Fabian)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223250&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51457 Wahlveranstaltung
      Ungeheuer erleben: Erster Weltkrieg an der Ostfront in deutschen, russischen und österreichischen Narrativen (Oksana Nagornaja)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.


      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223252&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung

    • HU51464 Wahlveranstaltung
      Debatten um den Umgang mit mehrfacher Vergangenheit in Deutschland seit 1945 (Enrico Heitzer)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 21.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223248&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51466 Wahlveranstaltung
      Zwischen disziplinierter Demokratie und Populismus. Zur Geschichte der Demokratie im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts (Philipp Müller)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223246&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51467 Wahlveranstaltung
      Fackeln im Sturm: Vom Silbernen Zeitalter Russlands zur sowjetischen Avantgarde (Sarah Matuschak)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223245&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51468 Wahlveranstaltung
      Einführung in die Genderforschung am Beispiel der Naturwissenschaften (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223244&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51469 Wahlveranstaltung
      Diktaturdurchsetzung – Die Errichtung der kommunistischen Herrschaft in Ostdeutschland nach 1945 (Stefan Donth)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223243&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51605 Wahlveranstaltung
      Vom Leben mit der Natur. Eine Politik-, Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte der Lebensformen am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts (Birgit Aschmann)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223180&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU523007 Wahlveranstaltung
      Einheit des Nordens? Konflikt und Kooperation in der Geschichte Nordeuropas von der Kalmarer Union bis zur NATO (Ralph Tuchtenhagen)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223462&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU532847 Wahlveranstaltung
      Zwei deutsche Kulturen? Kulturelle Beziehungen und kulturpolitische Auseinandersetzungen zwischen DDR und BRD (Moritz Neuffer)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=224458&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU53727 Wahlveranstaltung
      Living in Colonial Africa (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=222623&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU53732 Wahlveranstaltung
      Legal culture, economic life and labor in the Indian Ocean (Vidhya Raveendranathan)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223396&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 5: Issues in Global History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der vergleichenden Analyse global wirksamer Prozesse und Probleme. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zentrale Themen der Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die vergleichende Analyse gesellschaftlicher Formationen hinsichtlich global wirksamer Themen und Prozesse wie z. B. Gender, Menschenrechte, Imperialismus oder Literatur. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen solcher Prozesse in verschiedenen Weltregionen differenziert zu vergleichen, beurteilen und generalisieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja


    Hausarbeit (6000 Wörter)


    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    450 Stunden (15 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13244 Methodenübung
      Wenn Historiker*innen streiten: Jüngste Kontroversen in der Geschichtswissenschaft (Isabella Löhr)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Lernziele: Die Studierenden sollen die unterschiedlichen Positionen kennenlernen, sich intensiv mit den jeweiligen Argumentationen beschäftigen, sie in ihre historiographischen Hintergründe einordnen und die gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Diskussionen verstehen. Am Ende der Übung sollen sie befähigt sein, die Bedeutung von Geschichts- und Erinnerungspolitik in aktuellen gesellschaftspolitischen Auseinandersetzungen zu erfassen und eine eigene, reflektierte und gut begründete Position in diesen komplexen Kontroversen zu formulieren.


      In den letzten Jahren hat es eine erstaunliche Anzahl von intensiv geführten Diskussionen innerhalb der Geschichtswissenschaft gegeben, die auch außerhalb des Fachs aufmerksam zur Kenntnis genommen und kommentiert wurden. Dabei ging es immer um Themen, die das Selbstverständnis der bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft direkt betrafen und tief in kontroverse gesellschaftliche Diskussionen um Demokratie und Vergangenheitsbewältigung hineinwirkten. So beim (in Teilen juristisch ausgetragenen) Streit über die nationalsozialistische Verstrickung der Familie der Hohenzollern und daraus herzuleitender Restitutionsansprüche gegenüber der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, bei der Debatte um das Verhältnis von Demokratie und Autoritarismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich, bei der Kontroverse über das Verhältnis von Kolonialismus und Holocaust oder dem Streit über den Antisemitismusvorwurf gegenüber Achille Mbembe, der bis tief ins Jahr 2024 reicht. In der Methodenübung werden wir uns mit diesen und anderen Kontroversen beschäftigen.


      Klaus Große Kracht: Die zankende Zunft. Historische Kontroversen in Deutschland nach 1945, Göttingen 2005; Susan Neimann, Michael Wildt (Hg.): Historiker streiten: Gewalt und Holocaust – die Debatte, Berlin 2022; Jürgen Zimmerer (Hg.): Erinnerungskämpfe: Neues deutsches Geschichtsbewusstsein, Ditzingen 2023.

    • 13312 Seminar
      Nazi Crimes in the World’s Courts (Fabien Theofilakis)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 184 Besprechungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nearly 80 years have passed since the Second World War: a majority of citizens no longer have an autobiographical memory of the war. Yet the legacy of the Second World War is all the more present because the “heroic” myths that many European nations adopted after 1945 have now been replaced by negative memories. We no longer celebrate the Resistance fighter who died for a cause, but now commemorate war through the figure of the Jewish victim. To explore the way in which the Second World War remains present in societies that it helped to shape, the seminar will take as its starting point the Nuremberg trials of 1945-1948 and continue throughout the last trials of Nazi criminals, in Europe, in Israel and in Asia. It will also look at the responses of the judicial, political and social actors. The seminar highlights the extent to which the complex relationship between justice, history and memory surrounding the Second World War is still relevant today. Through various case studies, we will examine the political, memorial and legal issues and debates raised by this difficult history through a comparative analysis of trials. The seminar questions the place of witnesses and the administration of evidence in these collective crimes and invites reflection on the types of sources that public policies of the past can mobilize to mediate these trials for the "devoir de mémoire” (obligation of remembrance). A variety of sources will be used including, news clips, photographs and legal documents, in addition to the preparatory readings for each session.

    • 13313 Seminar
      Forced labor, slavery, traffic in women: International anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century (Sonja Dolinsek)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Students should make sure they can attend the block session on February 1st.


      This course critically examines the historical dimensions of forced labor, slavery, and trafficking in women, with a focus on international anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century. By exploring the intersection of power relations, gender, and colonial legacies, students will analyze how these issues have been addressed globally. We will delve into the development, interpretation, and implementation of key international legal frameworks against slavery, forced labor, and trafficking, as well as the role of international organizations such as the League of Nations, the ILO, and the United Nations. The course will engage in conceptual discussions on how to analyze historical practices of exploitation, investigating various frameworks such as asymmetrical dependency, precariousness, informal labor, and unfree labor. Additionally, the course will examine the gendered aspects of trafficking, assessing how global and local efforts have shaped the experiences of women subjected to labor exploitation and human trafficking. This analytical approach aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of international anti-trafficking regimes, fostering a critical perspective on both past and ongoing global efforts.

    • 13315 Seminar
      The Interwar World: Connections and Disruptions in the 1920s & 1930s (Andreas Greiner)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: this is a hybrid seminar. There will be 4 block sessions as well as 6 online sessions, which are as follows: 

      Link:  https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/prd7eu4f2e9k6x
      16. October 14-16 Online
      23. October 14-16 Online
      6. November 14-16 Online
      13. November 14-16 Online
      20. November 14-16 Online
      13. December 14-18 in-person
      14. December 10-16 in-person
      10. January 14-18 in-person
      11. January 10-16 in-person 
      12. February 14-16 Online


      The 1920s and 1930s were marked by political, economic, and social upheaval, but also the promise of renewal. Imperial rule reached its zenith but faced worldwide resistance and calls for self-determination. Despite its name, the interwar period was an era of perpetual warfare, from Ireland to Ethiopia, from Nicaragua, to Palestine, to China. Yet the interwar years saw bold, sometimes utopist attempts at reorganizing international relations. They saw worldwide solidarity movements, “modern girls,” global biographies, and cosmopolitan mass media. But all this took place in a world increasingly formed by nationalist movements, authoritarianism, and economic protectionism. Fascism, at the same time nationalistic and transnational, as well as socialism reverberated around the globe, from Latin America to Africa and Asia. This seminar centers around the contradictions that formed the interwar period, tracing these different, sometimes contradictory, dynamics of global (dis)integration. Stepping out of the traditional Euro-American framework, each session is organized around specific thematic case studies from different world regions. Addressing everyday interaction as much as global politics, we will explore multidirectional flows while paying close attention to ruptures, disentanglement, and competing visions of global integration. In this way, we will challenge narratives of the interwar world as either a moment of “deglobalization” or “a world connecting” and instead develop a more nuanced understanding of globalization processes between the world wars.

    • 13316 Seminar
      Towards A Global Queer History (Benjamin Miller)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Queer history and global history are both methods that are often mistaken for topics. In other words, both ‘queer’ and ‘global’ describe ways of doing history––ways of questioning disciplinary assumptions––that can reveal new patterns and structures in the study of the past. Both global and queer can, at their best, push us to reject identity politics and easy narratives of authenticity and belonging and to think more structurally and complexly about the past. Yet global history in practice has often ignored sexuality and the intellectual challenges of queer theory, and queer history has often remained inside national borders. This class aims to think towards a global queer history. including the meaning of queer and global histories in our present, the colonial instantiation of modern sexual subjectivities, sex-gender systems and difference, global trans history, gay liberation and anticolonial solidarity, racism in western queer movements, the global history of HIV and AIDS, and contemporary postcolonial backlashes to queer politics. The course will include a visit to the Schwules Museum in Berlin.

    • 13317 Seminar
      Empire and Environment: The Origins of the Anthropocene in Global Colonial History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In the Age of Empire, imperialism and capitalism intensified the extraction of natural resources and (attendant) environmental transformations worldwide on an unprecedented scale. Alongside political occupation, this appropriation of the natural world proceeded at pace with the “doctrine of discovery” (Smith), in which imperial sciences and individual agents of empire redefined the very concept of “nature.” The “Anthropocene” (Crutzen and Stoermer) as a diagnosis for our present planetary predicament in which humans now are a “major environmental force” irreversibly altering bio-, atmo-, and hydrospheric systems worldwide has emerged in consequence of this crucial immediate prehistory, as reflected in alternative monickers such as “Capitalocene” (Moore) or “Plantationocene” (Haraway, Tsing, et al.). And yet, the origins of the Anthropocene in global colonial history can only properly be understood by reintegrating into their history those subaltern actors, local or Indigenous populations and vernacular knowledges that the colonial state, global capitalism and dominant science exploited and depended on. While mostly focused on the British Empire in the long nineteenth century for its case studies, this seminar will pursue a multi-scalar and multi-sited global history that seeks to shed light on the crucial entanglements of empire and environment from above as from below. The course is designed for students with or without prior knowledge of environmental history.

    • 13318 Seminar
      A Global History of Nations and Nationalism(s) (Deniz Kilincoglu)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nationalism has shaped individual and collective self-identification and self-construction in recent history more than any other ideology. Despite its episodic retreats from the focus of scholarship and journalism, it has remained the dominant worldview of modernity. It frames our sociopolitical common sense, as it has successfully shaped the global sociopolitical system. We simply take it for granted that everyone belongs to a nation, and the world is structured in an ‘inter-national’ system, where nations are represented by their states. This course offers a global historical exploration of this complex social, political, economic, and highly personal phenomenon. We will begin by examining various definitions of and theories about nationalism and nationhood. Then we will delve into multiple factors that have shaped national ideologies and the experiences of nationhood, from language and religion to capitalism and colonialism. This investigation will include interactions between national belonging and other dimensions of our intersectional identities, such as gender and class. Through engagement with case studies from different parts of the world, we will develop a richer understanding of the human experience of nationalism in its highly diverse forms. Finally, we will engage in an open, exploratory discussion about our world’s future with or without nations, nationalism, and the nation-state.

    • 13319 Seminar
      Global Waves: Sound and Media Technologies and Society, 1700-2000 (Nazan Maksudyan Ilicak)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This course examines the transformative impact of sound and media technologies from a global historical perspective, from 1700 to 2000. It emphasizes the interplay between technological innovation and societal change, tracing the development and diffusion of key sound and media objects such as telegraphy, sound recording technologies, radio, phonograph, microphones, loudspeakers, and so forth. Through an interdisciplinary engagement with sound studies, media history, the history of science and technology, we examine how these advancements facilitated new forms of mobility and connectivity, reshaping cultural and political landscapes worldwide. Students will engage with primary sources and critical analyses to understand the role of sound and media technologies in shaping modern society and their implications for global history.

    • 13320 Seminar
      The Cold War: Global Perspectives and Legacies (Ned Richardson-Little)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "The Cold War was primarily a geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allied states, but it also evolved into a global competition between opposing visions of modernity. From the end of the Second World War to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc in 1989/91, the Cold War divided Germany and continental Europe and shaped the fault lines in armed conflicts around the world. The first part of the seminar will look at the origins of the conflict in the collapsing war time alliance that defeated the Axis powers and the disputes over the political influence in post-war Europe that led to the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. The second part of the course will examine how the Cold War moved beyond Europe to become global. Decolonization and anti-imperialism fueled conflicts that were increasingly organized around ideology such as the Chinese Civil War, wars in Korea and Vietnam, the Cuban Revolution and the Congo Crisis. The third part will examine the split in the communist world between the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China and relaxation of tensions between East and West known as Détente. Finally, the fourth part will look at the collapse of the Cold War as an organizing framework for political conflict with the rise of political Islam and the decline of armed struggle. Readings will cover the many interpretations of why the Cold War ended with the implosion of the Soviet Union, from the nuclear arms race, to the rise of transnational human rights movements to the structural failings of planned economies to compete with market capitalism. Selected Readings: Odd Arne Westad, The Cold War: A World History (2017) Sarah Snyder, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (2011) Paul Thomas Chamberlain, The Cold War's Killing Fields: Rethinking the Long Peace (2019)"

    • 13324 Wahlveranstaltung
      Jewish-Muslim Relations in Colonial and Postcolonial Times (Avner Ofrath)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13338 Seminar
      Cities in Global History (Michael Goebel)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Cities have long been regarded, in Lewis Mumford’s words of 1938, as "a point of maximum concentration for the power and culture of a community." Yet they served not only as centers of regional or national communities but also as nodal points of long-distance connections and cross-cultural encounters as well as drivers of ecological change. Looking at urban areas through the lens of global history, the seminar will explore the role played by cities in a world connecting and ask in how far the development and experience of cityscapes was affec­ted by conditions of global connected­ness. Focusing on selected case studies since the nineteenth century, we also explore the effects of asym­­­me­trical power relations that produced segmented and unequal cityscapes and continue to shape urban historical narratives. In sum, the seminar aims at furnishing historical tools for a better under­standing of the intersections between globalization and urbanization.

    • 32411a Hauptseminar
      Reputational Security in North American and Beyond (Jessica Gienow-Hecht)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: 203 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      Alle Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Veranstaltung 32411

    • HU51330 Wahlveranstaltung
      Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223143&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51430 Wahlveranstaltung
      Finance and State in Global Perspectives (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223218&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51440 Wahlveranstaltung
      Kolonialismus und Nachhaltigkeit im 20. Jahrhundert - Historische Dimensionen eines aktuellen Problems (Christoph Bernhardt)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223226&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51441 Wahlveranstaltung
      Zur Wissensgeschichte von politischem Extremismus im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (Benno Nietzel)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223225&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51489 Wahlveranstaltung
      Geschlechtergeschichte (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223263&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU53729 Seminar
      Global History of Peace (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=222621&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 13314 Seminar
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13322 Seminar
      Finance and State in Global Perspective (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13323 Seminar
      Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • HU51252 Wahlveranstaltung
      Friedrich Engels als Geschichtspolitiker (Wilfried Nippel)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223131&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51255 Wahlveranstaltung
      Thukydides-Rezeption vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Hans Kopp)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223136&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51432 Wahlveranstaltung
      Gender and Science (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223220&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51438 Wahlveranstaltung
      KZ im Krieg. Zwischen Expansion und Auflösung (Axel Drecoll)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223228&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51450 Wahlveranstaltung
      Reading Pietro Della Valle's Travel Account: A Seventeenth-Century Roman in the East (Tobias Peter Graf)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223235&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51497 Wahlveranstaltung
      Hermaphroditismus - Intersexualität - DSD - Inter* Geschichte und aktuelle Aspekte (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223274&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51498 Wahlveranstaltung
      Die Berliner Universität(en) und der (Post-)Kolonialismus (Gabriele Metzler)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223273&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 6: Periodization in Global History: Ancient History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im Bereich der Alten Geschichte. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels in der Antike (bzw. in der Zeit zwischen ca. 800 vor und 600 nach u. Z.) in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13029 Hauptseminar
      Die römische Dichtung des 1. Jh. n. Chr. als Geschichtsquelle (Klaus Geus)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Die zeitgenössische Dichtung zu den römischen Kaisern zwischen Augustus (27 v. Chr. – 17 n. Chr.) und Domitian (81–96 n. Chr.) ist eine wichtige Geschichtsquelle, um z. B. die Herrschaftskonzeption, die außenpolitischen Aktivitäten oder die innenpolitischen Reizthemen und Stimmungen im 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr. beurteilen zu können. Natürlich ist die Interpretation von lateinischen Epen und Gedichten eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. Daher werden zentrale Passagen aus den Werken des Vergil, Horaz, Ovid, Properz, Juvenal, Martial, Statius und den sogenannten Carmina Einsidlensia im Rahmen des Seminars gemeinsam gelesen und interpretiert.


      Die meisten modernen Kaiser-Biographien (z. B. zu Augustus, Nero oder Domitian) enthalten auch Abschnitte über die zeitgenössische Dichtung, die sich zur ersten Orientierung eignen. Speziell mit dem Thema setzen sich auseinander: Christ, Franz: Die römische Weltherrschaft in der antiken Dichtung. Stuttgart; Berlin: W. Kohlhammer, 1938 (Tübinger Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft; H. 31). Reitz, Christiane: Die Literatur im Zeitalter Neros. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006.

    • HU51230 Wahlveranstaltung
      Kriegsökonomien in der Antike (Claudia Tiersch)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223128&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51295 Wahlveranstaltung
      Bürgerstaat vs. Monarchie. Konkurrierende politische Ordnungsmodelle in der Antike (Claudia Tiersch)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223139&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 13063 Methodenübung
      Vom Pergament zur digitalen Texterkennung: Handschriftenkunde der Spätantike und des frühen Mittelalters (Gerda Rummel-Heydemann)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Achtung: keine LV am 18.12. Dafür 1 Blocktermin á 2 Einheiten (Exkursion in die Staatsbibliothek im Januar).


      Die Übung soll Studierende in die Arbeit mit den originalen spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Handschriften einführen. Im ersten Teil des Semesters sollen Beschreibstoffe und Überlieferungsträger (Rolle, Codex) sowie die wichtigsten Eigenheiten der Schriftentwicklung von der ausgehenden Antike bis in die Karolingerzeit vorgestellt werden, um anhand von praktischen Übungen das Lesen handschriftlicher Texte zu erlernen. Auf dieser Grundlage soll im zweiten Teil die handschriftliche Überlieferung aus einer kultur- und wissensgeschichtlichen Perspektive kontextualisiert werden: wie funktionierten Bibliotheken? Wie wurden antike Texte tradiert und genutzt? Was verrät die Zusammenstellung verschiedener Texte in einer Handschrift über deren Rezeption und Nutzung als Wissensressourcen? Schließlich sollen die Teilnehmer mit den Methoden zur digitalen Erschließung von Handschriften vertraut gemacht werden. Ein gemeinsamer Besuch der Handschriftenabteilung der Staatsbibliothek ist geplant. Voraussetzung für den Erwerb der aktiven Teilnahme ist die regelmäßige Vorbereitung sowie die Absolvierung kleinerer schriftlicher Aufgaben.







      Bernhard Bischoff, Paläographie des römischen Altertums und des abendländischen Mittelalters (4.Aufl., Berlin 2009); Christian Rohr, Historische Hilfswissenschaften. Eine Einführung (Wien u.a. 2015)

  • Modul 7: Periodization in Global History: Medieval History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im Bereich der Mittelalterlichen Geschichte. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels im Mittelalter (bzw. in der Zeit zwischen dem 6. und 15. Jahrhunderts) in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13061 Hauptseminar
      Augustinus von Hippo (Stefan Esders)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Augustinus, Bischof der nordafrikanischen Stadt Hippo (gest. 430) galt im Mittelalter als der bedeutendste lateinische ‚Kirchenvater‘. Aufgrund der Vielzahl seiner Schriften ist über ihnund sein Leben vermutlich mehr bekannt als über jede andere Persönlichkeit der Antike. Es erhellt vor allem aus seiner ‚Autobiographie‘ (Confessiones), zahlreichen Briefen und bedeutenden theologischen Traktakten (u. a. De civitate Dei). Im Seminar kann kaum mehr als eine Einführung in das Wirken und die Vorstellungwelt Augustins gegeben werden. Dabei spielen die wichtigsten innerchristlichen Konflikte (Donatismus, Pelagianismus), sein Verhältnis zu Manichäismus und Judentum sowie sein Geschichtsverständnis die Schwerpunkte. Vor diesem Hintergrund gilt es, Augustin weniger als ‚Kirchenvater‘ denn als Persönlichkeit der Zeit der ausgehenden Spätantike zu betrachten.


      Peter B§rown, Augustinus von Hippo: Eine Biographie, dt. München 2000.
      Robin Lane Fox, Augustinus. Bekenntnisse und Bekehrungen im Leben eines antiken Menschen, dt. Stuttgart 2017.
      Therese Fuhrer, Augustinus, 2. Aufl. Darmstadt 2023.

    • 13062 Hauptseminar
      Intersektionalität im Mittelalter (Thomas Ertl)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Intersektionalität beschreibt die Überschneidung und Gleichzeitigkeit verschiedener Formen von Diskriminierung gegenüber einer Person oder einer Personengruppe. In der Regel sind damit Klasse, Ethnizität und Geschlecht gemeint. Wir werden im Seminar untersuchen, welche Diskriminierungsformen in der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft wirksam und wie sie miteinander verknüpft waren. Auf diese Weise wollen wir ergründen, ob sich das moderne Konzept der Intersektionalität auch auf das Mittelalter anwenden lässt.


    • HU51330 Wahlveranstaltung
      Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223143&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51351 Wahlveranstaltung
      Ein verkümmerndes Imperium? Byzanz unter den Palaiologen 1261-1453 (Sebastian Kolditz)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223145&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • 13323 Seminar
      Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 14219-GH Einführungskurs
      The World of the Premodern Arabic Secretary (Ingrid Austveg Evans)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: 1.2051 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)


      What can the lives and duties of the secretary or scribe (katib, pl. kuttab) reveal about cultural politics in the Abbasid period (ca. 750–1000 CE)? The early state secretaries, many of whom were of Persian descent, drew on a bureaucratic tradition rooted in the Sassanian and Byzantine empires. Because of their frequent connections to non-Arab intellectual traditions and their key role in both the transmission of knowledge and state administration, the secretaries were routinely criticized by leading cultural authorities, many of whom worked in the chancery themselves. In this course, we will discuss transcultural phenomena that featured a central role for the scribes, including state correspondence, quarrels over Persian and Greek influences, and the roles of non-Muslims in the chanceries. Challenging the notion of the chancery as an all-male domain, we will also discuss traces of women’s scribal activities. The bulk of the seminar sessions will focus on primary and secondary sources written in and about the Abbasid period, though the final sessions will also incorporate a longue durée perspective that considers the continuity of scribal practices throughout the Fatimid, Ayyubid, and Mamluk periods.

    • HU51354 Wahlveranstaltung
      Targeting of religious deviance in the Middle Ages. A study of selected sources (Thomas Kaal)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=224865&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51395 Wahlveranstaltung
      Methoden und Themen der Mittelalterforschung heute (Dorothea Weltecke)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=224865&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 8: Periodization in Global History: Early Modern History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im Bereich der Frühen Neuzeit. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels in der Frühen Neuzeit (bzw. des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts) in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13104 Hauptseminar
      Die Sinne im Kontakt. Wissen und Identität in der Frühen Neuzeit (Daniela Hacke)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Das Seminar beginnt erst am 25.10.24 !!!


      Das Seminar vermittelt Grundlagen einer Geschichte der Sinne und beantwortet die Frage, ob Sinne eine Geschichte haben, positiv. Neben einer ausführlichen Einführung in die Historiographie und die Methoden der Sinnesgeschichte, wird die Sinnesgeschichte in dieser Lehrveranstaltung hinsichtlich zweier relevanter Schwerpunktsetzungen betrachtet und diskutiert: Die Sinne als Instrumente für wissensbasierte Prozesse und der Zusammenhang von Sinnen und Identität insbesondere in Kontaktzonen im außereuropäischen Kontext. Eine zu prüfende Grundannahme des Seminars lautet, dass die Wahrnehmung von Anderen und die Bildung von Stereotypen / Rassismen in der Vormoderne maßgeblich auf der Einbeziehung der Sinne als Marker für Andersartigkeit basiert. Voraussetzung ist die Bereitschaft zur regelmäßigen Lektüre deutsch- und englischsprachiger Texte sowie die Übernahme einer Buchvorstellung.


      Mark Smith: Sensory History, Oxford 2017; Mark Smith: A Sensory History Manifesto, University Park, PA 2021.

    • 14219-GH Einführungskurs
      The World of the Premodern Arabic Secretary (Ingrid Austveg Evans)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: 1.2051 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)


      What can the lives and duties of the secretary or scribe (katib, pl. kuttab) reveal about cultural politics in the Abbasid period (ca. 750–1000 CE)? The early state secretaries, many of whom were of Persian descent, drew on a bureaucratic tradition rooted in the Sassanian and Byzantine empires. Because of their frequent connections to non-Arab intellectual traditions and their key role in both the transmission of knowledge and state administration, the secretaries were routinely criticized by leading cultural authorities, many of whom worked in the chancery themselves. In this course, we will discuss transcultural phenomena that featured a central role for the scribes, including state correspondence, quarrels over Persian and Greek influences, and the roles of non-Muslims in the chanceries. Challenging the notion of the chancery as an all-male domain, we will also discuss traces of women’s scribal activities. The bulk of the seminar sessions will focus on primary and secondary sources written in and about the Abbasid period, though the final sessions will also incorporate a longue durée perspective that considers the continuity of scribal practices throughout the Fatimid, Ayyubid, and Mamluk periods.

    • HU523007 Wahlveranstaltung
      Einheit des Nordens? Konflikt und Kooperation in der Geschichte Nordeuropas von der Kalmarer Union bis zur NATO (Ralph Tuchtenhagen)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223462&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51253 Wahlveranstaltung
      Die Antike in der politischen Theorie der Frühen Neuzeit (Wilfried Nippel)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223132&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51433 Wahlveranstaltung
      Der Teufel in der Frühen Neuzeit: Diskurse und Praktiken (Matthias Pohlig)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223222&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51450 Wahlveranstaltung
      Reading Pietro Della Valle's Travel Account: A Seventeenth-Century Roman in the East (Tobias Peter Graf)
      Zeit: Do 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223235&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 9: Periodization in Global History: Modern and Contemporary History



    Die Teilnehmenden verfügen über fortgeschrittene Fähigkeiten zur eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsgegenständen und Positionierung in aktuellen Debatten der Disziplin, insbesondere bezüglich der Analyse zeitlichen Wandels und Fragen globalgeschichtlicher Periodisierung im 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert. Sie sind in der Lage, globalgeschichtliche und verwandte interdisziplinäre Methoden einzusetzen. Sie verfügen über ein dem neuesten Forschungsstand entsprechendes breites und detailliertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis in einem oder mehreren Sachbereichen der globalhistorischen Forschung.


    Dieses Modul vermittelt den Studentinnen und Studenten fundiertes Sachwissen in Bezug auf zeitlichen Wandel in der Welt- und Globalgeschichte. Schwerpunkt des Moduls ist die Analyse zeitlichen Wandels im 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert in Zusammenschau und Vergleich mehrerer räumlicher Untersuchungsebenen vom Lokalen bis zum Globalen. Hierbei wird auch eine Reflexion über die Schwierigkeiten globaler Periodisierungen vermittelt. Die Studierenden werden angeleitet, die Auswirkungen von Verflechtungen auf Fragen der Periodisierung von Geschichte zu interpretieren, zu prüfen und zu modifizieren. Die Studentinnen und Studenten üben die selbstständige Analyse von Fragestellungen aus regionalwissenschaftlicher und globalhistorischer Perspektive. Dabei setzen sie globalhistorische und verwandte Theorien und Methoden ein und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13156 Hauptseminar
      Deutschland in Europa 1925–1938 (Anna Karla)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Markierte das Jahr 1925 mit dem Vertrag von Locarno die Wiederaufnahme Deutschlands in die internationale Staatengemeinschaft nach dem Weltkrieg, steht das Jahr 1938 mit dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs, der Annexion des Sudetenlands und dem Münchner Abkommen für die Erosion des Friedens in Europa. Das Hauptseminar untersucht, wie sich die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und den europäischen Nachbarländern in diesem Zeitraum entwickelten. Dazu nimmt es neben der klassischen Diplomatiegeschichte auch Kontakte in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur in den Blick. Inhaltlich zielt das Seminar darauf ab, die ebenso problematische wie folgenreiche Appeasement-Politik gegenüber dem NS-Staat historisch breit einzuordnen. Methodisch diskutieren wir, welche Quellengattungen Aufschluss zu dieser Fragestellung versprechen. Die Fähigkeit zur Lektüre englischsprachiger Texte wird vorausgesetzt. Die Bereitschaft, Quellen in anderen europäischen Fremdsprachen zu erschließen, ist erwünscht.


      Isabella Löhr, Deutschland im Völkerbund, in: Christoph Cornelißen/Dirk van Laak (Hrsg.), Weimar und die Welt. Globale Verflechtungen der ersten deutschen Republik, Göttingen 2020, S. 275–311.; Michael Grüttner, Das Dritte Reich 1933–1939 (Gebhardt Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte 19), Stuttgart 102014, S. 201–234.

    • 13244 Methodenübung
      Wenn Historiker*innen streiten: Jüngste Kontroversen in der Geschichtswissenschaft (Isabella Löhr)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Lernziele: Die Studierenden sollen die unterschiedlichen Positionen kennenlernen, sich intensiv mit den jeweiligen Argumentationen beschäftigen, sie in ihre historiographischen Hintergründe einordnen und die gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Diskussionen verstehen. Am Ende der Übung sollen sie befähigt sein, die Bedeutung von Geschichts- und Erinnerungspolitik in aktuellen gesellschaftspolitischen Auseinandersetzungen zu erfassen und eine eigene, reflektierte und gut begründete Position in diesen komplexen Kontroversen zu formulieren.


      In den letzten Jahren hat es eine erstaunliche Anzahl von intensiv geführten Diskussionen innerhalb der Geschichtswissenschaft gegeben, die auch außerhalb des Fachs aufmerksam zur Kenntnis genommen und kommentiert wurden. Dabei ging es immer um Themen, die das Selbstverständnis der bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft direkt betrafen und tief in kontroverse gesellschaftliche Diskussionen um Demokratie und Vergangenheitsbewältigung hineinwirkten. So beim (in Teilen juristisch ausgetragenen) Streit über die nationalsozialistische Verstrickung der Familie der Hohenzollern und daraus herzuleitender Restitutionsansprüche gegenüber der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, bei der Debatte um das Verhältnis von Demokratie und Autoritarismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich, bei der Kontroverse über das Verhältnis von Kolonialismus und Holocaust oder dem Streit über den Antisemitismusvorwurf gegenüber Achille Mbembe, der bis tief ins Jahr 2024 reicht. In der Methodenübung werden wir uns mit diesen und anderen Kontroversen beschäftigen.


      Klaus Große Kracht: Die zankende Zunft. Historische Kontroversen in Deutschland nach 1945, Göttingen 2005; Susan Neimann, Michael Wildt (Hg.): Historiker streiten: Gewalt und Holocaust – die Debatte, Berlin 2022; Jürgen Zimmerer (Hg.): Erinnerungskämpfe: Neues deutsches Geschichtsbewusstsein, Ditzingen 2023.

    • 13245 Methodenübung
      Deutschland und der Genozid an den Armeniern im Osmanischen Reich (Felix Wiedemann)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und anderen christlichen Minderheiten während des Ersten Weltkrieges ist auf verschiedenen Ebenen mit der deutschen Geschichte und Gegenwart ver-knüpft. Zum einen waren deutsche Militärs, Diplomaten und Orientwissenschaftler über das Ge-schehen informiert und als Kriegsverbündete in die Ereignisse involviert. Zum anderen avancierte das Verbrechen in der Zwischenkriegszeit (d.h. lange bevor Raphael Lemkin „Genozid“ als juristi-sche Kategorie einführte), zum paradigmatischen Völkermord und steht vor diesem Hintergrund auf erinnerungspolitischer Ebene in einem engen Bezug zur Shoah. Angesichts des Gedenkjahres 2025 werden wir uns in der Lehrveranstaltung mit dem Verbrechen beschäftigen und dabei insbe-sondere seine Vor- und Nachgeschichte vor dem Hintergrund der deutsch-türkischen Beziehungs-geschichte sowie aktueller erinnerungspolitischer Debatten in den Blick nehmen.


      Rolf Hosfeld/ Christin Pschichholz (Hrsg.), Das Deutsche Reich und der Völkermord an den Armeniern, Göttingen 2017; Stefan Ihrig, Justifying Genocide. Germany and the Armenians from Bismarck to Hitler, Cambridge, MA 2016; Katharina Kunter/ Meron Mendel/ Oliver Fassing (Hrsg.), Der Völkermord an den ArmenierInnen. Beiträge zu einer multiperspektivischen Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland, Münster 2017; Benny Morris/ Dror Ze'evi, The Thirty-Year Genocide. Turkey's Destruction of Its Christian Minorities, 1894-1924, Cambridge 2019.

    • 13246 Hauptseminar
      Das Vichy Regime: Neue Ansätze zur Geschichte und Erinnerung an die "dunklen Jahre" (1940-2023) (Fabien Théofikakis)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)
    • 13270 Seminar
      The 1990s: A Global History (Tobias Becker)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      The 1990’s are back—and not only in fashion and pop culture, but in public debates as well. It is high time, thereofre, to revisit the period, especially as there are few historical studies on the 1990s, and almost none from a global perspective. Yet how do we tell the story of a decade that has been understood in starkly contrasting ways? While some see the 1990s as a lost golden age of economic and political stability, others associate it with collapsing governments and economies, unemployment, and war. In a third view, the 1990s mark the beginning of all our present woes: the arrival of the internet, and, with it, culture wars, conspiracy theories and disinformation, the deregulation of markets and the media, rightwing populism, and terrorism. These divergent narratives challenge us to think afresh about the 1990s. How can we account for these conflicting perspectives? What topics and aspects do we need to include? And, how can we do justice to events, developments, and perspectives at the global, regional, and local levels? These are the questions we will be discussing in the seminar. It is open to students enrolled in either the History or Global History Master.


      Terry H. Anderson, Why the Nineties Matter, New York 2024; Jens Balzer, No Limit: Die Neunziger – das Jahrzehnt der Freiheit, Berlin 2023; Michael Bracewell, The Nineties: When Surface was Depth, London 2002; James Brooke-Smith, Accelerate! A History of the 1990s, Cheltenham 2022; Chuck Klosterman, The Nineties: A Book, New York 2022; Kristina Spohr, Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989, London 2019.

    • 13310 Seminar
      Africa in Global History: Potentials, Limits, and Frictions (Sarah Katherine Bellows-Blakely)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 124 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This discussion-based seminar interrogates the application of global history methodologies to the study of Africa’s past. Through a series of case studies from pre-colonial Africa to the present, the class will look at how different scholars have used global historical approaches to better understand the relationships between people, ideas, goods, and structural inequalities on the continent and off of it. At the same time, we will read critiques of global history as a set of methodologies, particularly as they apply to the history of Africa and other parts of the world that continue to be marginalized in academic knowledge production in the North Atlantic. In addition to asking how a global approach to African history might reframe what we know of the continent and its past, we will also ask how global African history can reframe what we know about various regions, from Western Europe to South Asia and the Caribbean, in the past and present.

    • 13312 Seminar
      Nazi Crimes in the World’s Courts (Fabien Theofilakis)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 184 Besprechungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nearly 80 years have passed since the Second World War: a majority of citizens no longer have an autobiographical memory of the war. Yet the legacy of the Second World War is all the more present because the “heroic” myths that many European nations adopted after 1945 have now been replaced by negative memories. We no longer celebrate the Resistance fighter who died for a cause, but now commemorate war through the figure of the Jewish victim. To explore the way in which the Second World War remains present in societies that it helped to shape, the seminar will take as its starting point the Nuremberg trials of 1945-1948 and continue throughout the last trials of Nazi criminals, in Europe, in Israel and in Asia. It will also look at the responses of the judicial, political and social actors. The seminar highlights the extent to which the complex relationship between justice, history and memory surrounding the Second World War is still relevant today. Through various case studies, we will examine the political, memorial and legal issues and debates raised by this difficult history through a comparative analysis of trials. The seminar questions the place of witnesses and the administration of evidence in these collective crimes and invites reflection on the types of sources that public policies of the past can mobilize to mediate these trials for the "devoir de mémoire” (obligation of remembrance). A variety of sources will be used including, news clips, photographs and legal documents, in addition to the preparatory readings for each session.

    • 13313 Seminar
      Forced labor, slavery, traffic in women: International anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century (Sonja Dolinsek)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Students should make sure they can attend the block session on February 1st.


      This course critically examines the historical dimensions of forced labor, slavery, and trafficking in women, with a focus on international anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century. By exploring the intersection of power relations, gender, and colonial legacies, students will analyze how these issues have been addressed globally. We will delve into the development, interpretation, and implementation of key international legal frameworks against slavery, forced labor, and trafficking, as well as the role of international organizations such as the League of Nations, the ILO, and the United Nations. The course will engage in conceptual discussions on how to analyze historical practices of exploitation, investigating various frameworks such as asymmetrical dependency, precariousness, informal labor, and unfree labor. Additionally, the course will examine the gendered aspects of trafficking, assessing how global and local efforts have shaped the experiences of women subjected to labor exploitation and human trafficking. This analytical approach aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of international anti-trafficking regimes, fostering a critical perspective on both past and ongoing global efforts.

    • 13314 Seminar
      Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Decolonisation was one of the most significant historical processes of the twentieth century: empires gave way to independent nation-states and the world order was fundamentally reshaped. Decolonisation had manifest political and economic dimensions, but it was also an intellectual process. It was profoundly influenced by—and, in turn, influenced—ideas. This course proposes to study the long, complex, and multifaceted phenomenon of decolonisation from the vantage point of intellectual history: what were the ideas that made decolonisation possible? Which thinkers were key to the process? What possibilities and constraints did their ideas face, and what were the paths not taken? What trace did their ideas leave on the world? We will examine these questions through the work of thinkers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and Aimé Césaire, alongside less well-known authors. Their work reveals the questions and the complexities of all the dimensions of decolonisation, from the political to the psychological. At its broadest, it offers an aperture onto the perennial question of the place and the significance of ideas in history. Texts and classes will be in English.

    • 13315 Seminar
      The Interwar World: Connections and Disruptions in the 1920s & 1930s (Andreas Greiner)
      Zeit: Termine siehe LV-Details (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Please note: this is a hybrid seminar. There will be 4 block sessions as well as 6 online sessions, which are as follows: 

      Link:  https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/prd7eu4f2e9k6x
      16. October 14-16 Online
      23. October 14-16 Online
      6. November 14-16 Online
      13. November 14-16 Online
      20. November 14-16 Online
      13. December 14-18 in-person
      14. December 10-16 in-person
      10. January 14-18 in-person
      11. January 10-16 in-person 
      12. February 14-16 Online


      The 1920s and 1930s were marked by political, economic, and social upheaval, but also the promise of renewal. Imperial rule reached its zenith but faced worldwide resistance and calls for self-determination. Despite its name, the interwar period was an era of perpetual warfare, from Ireland to Ethiopia, from Nicaragua, to Palestine, to China. Yet the interwar years saw bold, sometimes utopist attempts at reorganizing international relations. They saw worldwide solidarity movements, “modern girls,” global biographies, and cosmopolitan mass media. But all this took place in a world increasingly formed by nationalist movements, authoritarianism, and economic protectionism. Fascism, at the same time nationalistic and transnational, as well as socialism reverberated around the globe, from Latin America to Africa and Asia. This seminar centers around the contradictions that formed the interwar period, tracing these different, sometimes contradictory, dynamics of global (dis)integration. Stepping out of the traditional Euro-American framework, each session is organized around specific thematic case studies from different world regions. Addressing everyday interaction as much as global politics, we will explore multidirectional flows while paying close attention to ruptures, disentanglement, and competing visions of global integration. In this way, we will challenge narratives of the interwar world as either a moment of “deglobalization” or “a world connecting” and instead develop a more nuanced understanding of globalization processes between the world wars.

    • 13316 Seminar
      Towards A Global Queer History (Benjamin Miller)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: A 121 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Queer history and global history are both methods that are often mistaken for topics. In other words, both ‘queer’ and ‘global’ describe ways of doing history––ways of questioning disciplinary assumptions––that can reveal new patterns and structures in the study of the past. Both global and queer can, at their best, push us to reject identity politics and easy narratives of authenticity and belonging and to think more structurally and complexly about the past. Yet global history in practice has often ignored sexuality and the intellectual challenges of queer theory, and queer history has often remained inside national borders. This class aims to think towards a global queer history. including the meaning of queer and global histories in our present, the colonial instantiation of modern sexual subjectivities, sex-gender systems and difference, global trans history, gay liberation and anticolonial solidarity, racism in western queer movements, the global history of HIV and AIDS, and contemporary postcolonial backlashes to queer politics. The course will include a visit to the Schwules Museum in Berlin.

    • 13317 Seminar
      Empire and Environment: The Origins of the Anthropocene in Global Colonial History (Frederik Schröer)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 163 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      In the Age of Empire, imperialism and capitalism intensified the extraction of natural resources and (attendant) environmental transformations worldwide on an unprecedented scale. Alongside political occupation, this appropriation of the natural world proceeded at pace with the “doctrine of discovery” (Smith), in which imperial sciences and individual agents of empire redefined the very concept of “nature.” The “Anthropocene” (Crutzen and Stoermer) as a diagnosis for our present planetary predicament in which humans now are a “major environmental force” irreversibly altering bio-, atmo-, and hydrospheric systems worldwide has emerged in consequence of this crucial immediate prehistory, as reflected in alternative monickers such as “Capitalocene” (Moore) or “Plantationocene” (Haraway, Tsing, et al.). And yet, the origins of the Anthropocene in global colonial history can only properly be understood by reintegrating into their history those subaltern actors, local or Indigenous populations and vernacular knowledges that the colonial state, global capitalism and dominant science exploited and depended on. While mostly focused on the British Empire in the long nineteenth century for its case studies, this seminar will pursue a multi-scalar and multi-sited global history that seeks to shed light on the crucial entanglements of empire and environment from above as from below. The course is designed for students with or without prior knowledge of environmental history.

    • 13318 Seminar
      A Global History of Nations and Nationalism(s) (Deniz Kilincoglu)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Nationalism has shaped individual and collective self-identification and self-construction in recent history more than any other ideology. Despite its episodic retreats from the focus of scholarship and journalism, it has remained the dominant worldview of modernity. It frames our sociopolitical common sense, as it has successfully shaped the global sociopolitical system. We simply take it for granted that everyone belongs to a nation, and the world is structured in an ‘inter-national’ system, where nations are represented by their states. This course offers a global historical exploration of this complex social, political, economic, and highly personal phenomenon. We will begin by examining various definitions of and theories about nationalism and nationhood. Then we will delve into multiple factors that have shaped national ideologies and the experiences of nationhood, from language and religion to capitalism and colonialism. This investigation will include interactions between national belonging and other dimensions of our intersectional identities, such as gender and class. Through engagement with case studies from different parts of the world, we will develop a richer understanding of the human experience of nationalism in its highly diverse forms. Finally, we will engage in an open, exploratory discussion about our world’s future with or without nations, nationalism, and the nation-state.

    • 13319 Seminar
      Global Waves: Sound and Media Technologies and Society, 1700-2000 (Nazan Maksudyan Ilicak)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      This course examines the transformative impact of sound and media technologies from a global historical perspective, from 1700 to 2000. It emphasizes the interplay between technological innovation and societal change, tracing the development and diffusion of key sound and media objects such as telegraphy, sound recording technologies, radio, phonograph, microphones, loudspeakers, and so forth. Through an interdisciplinary engagement with sound studies, media history, the history of science and technology, we examine how these advancements facilitated new forms of mobility and connectivity, reshaping cultural and political landscapes worldwide. Students will engage with primary sources and critical analyses to understand the role of sound and media technologies in shaping modern society and their implications for global history.

    • 13320 Seminar
      The Cold War: Global Perspectives and Legacies (Ned Richardson-Little)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 125 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      "The Cold War was primarily a geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allied states, but it also evolved into a global competition between opposing visions of modernity. From the end of the Second World War to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc in 1989/91, the Cold War divided Germany and continental Europe and shaped the fault lines in armed conflicts around the world. The first part of the seminar will look at the origins of the conflict in the collapsing war time alliance that defeated the Axis powers and the disputes over the political influence in post-war Europe that led to the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. The second part of the course will examine how the Cold War moved beyond Europe to become global. Decolonization and anti-imperialism fueled conflicts that were increasingly organized around ideology such as the Chinese Civil War, wars in Korea and Vietnam, the Cuban Revolution and the Congo Crisis. The third part will examine the split in the communist world between the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China and relaxation of tensions between East and West known as Détente. Finally, the fourth part will look at the collapse of the Cold War as an organizing framework for political conflict with the rise of political Islam and the decline of armed struggle. Readings will cover the many interpretations of why the Cold War ended with the implosion of the Soviet Union, from the nuclear arms race, to the rise of transnational human rights movements to the structural failings of planned economies to compete with market capitalism. Selected Readings: Odd Arne Westad, The Cold War: A World History (2017) Sarah Snyder, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (2011) Paul Thomas Chamberlain, The Cold War's Killing Fields: Rethinking the Long Peace (2019)"

    • 13322 Seminar
      Finance and State in Global Perspective (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13324 Wahlveranstaltung
      Jewish-Muslim Relations in Colonial and Postcolonial Times (Avner Ofrath)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 13338 Seminar
      Cities in Global History (Michael Goebel)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 320 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      Cities have long been regarded, in Lewis Mumford’s words of 1938, as "a point of maximum concentration for the power and culture of a community." Yet they served not only as centers of regional or national communities but also as nodal points of long-distance connections and cross-cultural encounters as well as drivers of ecological change. Looking at urban areas through the lens of global history, the seminar will explore the role played by cities in a world connecting and ask in how far the development and experience of cityscapes was affec­ted by conditions of global connected­ness. Focusing on selected case studies since the nineteenth century, we also explore the effects of asym­­­me­trical power relations that produced segmented and unequal cityscapes and continue to shape urban historical narratives. In sum, the seminar aims at furnishing historical tools for a better under­standing of the intersections between globalization and urbanization.

    • 14221-GH Seminar
      Imagining the Past and Designing the Future in the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (Birgit Krawietz)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: K 25/11 weitere Hinweise zur Austattung unter: www.raum.geschkult.fu-berlin.de

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      active and regular attendance


      The small but economically powerful states of the Persian Gulf that some have started to lable as the Arabian Gulf, are significant in many ways. Manifold initiatives for the post-oil future as well as specific designs for their own Arab-Islamic or otherwise framed pasts are in lively exchange with broader regional and global developments. The MA seminar examines these phenomena from different perspectives.

    • 14226-GH Seminar
      The Formation of National Identities in the Middle East (Florian Zemmin)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: 0.3099B Seminarraum (Zugang von der L-Strasse) (Fabeckstr. 23/25)


      It is difficult to overstate the power of the nation-state, both institutionally and culturally. National borders control the movement of people, depending on one’s passport in rather light or most severe ways. As “imagined communities” (Benedict Anderson), nations legitimize and sustain themselves via shared symbols and a common history that almost naturalizes the nation. The historical formation of nation-states and a shared sense of national belonging are however more recent and often more contingent than national narratives suggest. In this course we will look at the formation of nation-states and national identities in a range of Middle Eastern countries. Aspects addressed include the relation of (the Ottoman) empire and nations; the driving actors of nationalist sentiments; the impact of colonial powers in drawing national boundaries; alternative senses of belonging; minoritized groups within nation-states; the influence of national symbols and identities in popular culture; or the relation between tribal and national affiliations. We will work exclusively with secondary literature in English.

    • 31203a Vertiefungsseminar
      Kremlastrologie. Osteuropaforschung im Kalten Krieg (Robert Kindler)
      Zeit: Di 12-14 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/101 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      Im Frühjahr 2022 schrieb der Osteuropahistoriker Gerhard Simon unter dem Eindruck des russischen Angriffskriegs auf die Ukraine: „Der 24. Februar 2022 war nicht nur ein schwar¬zer Tag für die Ukraine. Er war und ist auch ein schwar¬zer Tag für die Ost¬eu¬ro¬pa¬wis¬sen¬schaft. Zum zweiten Mal in einer Gene-ra¬tion zeigt sich, dass sie nichts taugt, dass sie den ele¬men¬ta¬ren Anfor¬de¬run¬gen, die an For¬schung zu stellen sind, nicht gerecht wird. Zum ersten Mal ver¬sagte unsere Wis¬sen¬schaft zwi¬schen 1989 und 1991, als sie vom Zusam¬men¬bruch des Kom¬mu¬nis¬mus im Osten Europas und vom Ende der Sowjet-union voll¬stän¬dig über¬rascht wurde.“
      Im Seminar wollen Simons Fundamentalkritik zum Anlass nehmen, uns mit der interdisziplinären Osteuropaforschung im Kalten Krieg zu befassen. Handelte es sich dabei um den letztlich gescheiterten Versuch, politisch „relevantes“ Wissen zu generieren? Oder entwickelten sich aus den Bemühungen, interdisziplinäre area studies zu etablieren, langfristig produktive Ansätze? Ein besonderer Fokus des Seminars liegt auf der ambivalenten Geschichte des Osteuropa-Instituts, das im Jahr 2026 sein 75-jähriges Bestehen begehen wird.


      Corinna Unger: Ostforschung in Westdeutschland. Die Erforschung des europäischen Ostens und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1945 – 1975, Stuttgart 2007.

    • 31204a Seminar
      Tides of Empire: Nature and Maritime Resources in the Russian Anthropocene (Ruslana Bovhyria)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/101 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      Stretching across as much as one-sixth of the world’s surface, the territory that made up the tsarist and Soviet empires offers an exceptional habitat for a range of marine ecosystems. Rivers, lakes, wetlands and oceans played a vital role in the history of Northern Eurasia. From the construction of hydraulic projects, manipulation of river deltas to conservation efforts, control over water was a fundamentally political matter, directly tied to larger human and planetary processes like empire-building, Soviet modernization and warfare. All the while, particular concepts of human-animal relations from the Russian and Soviet sciences left a profound impact on contemporary environmental thinking. The seminar focuses on the nexus between water management and political power. In examining this overarching issue we will explore how manifold actors and institutions across the empire devised tools in shaping their own agency over nature.

      Active participation: paper input (5 min), presentation (15 min)


      Nicolas Breyfogle (Hg.): Eurasian Environments. Nature and Ecology in Imperial Russia and Soviet History. Pittsburgh 2018.

    • 31205a Seminar
      Imperial Encounters: Russia, Japan, and China Scramble for Manchuria, 1850-1950 (Martin Wagner)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: Garystr.55/B Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)


      In the age of imperialism, China was divided into spheres of interest by the European powers and instrumentalized for their geopolitical rivalry, economic exploitation and colonial oppression. One arena of this colonial competition was north-east China, i.e. Manchuria. It was not Great Britain or France that clashed there, but Russia, Japan and China. Russia established a railroad regime, Japan a puppet state and China brought the communist dictatorship from there to the whole country. This supposedly marginal region had a decisive influence on the fate of China and Asia.

    • 32411a Hauptseminar
      Reputational Security in North American and Beyond (Jessica Gienow-Hecht)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: 203 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      Alle Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Veranstaltung 32411

    • 32412a Wahlveranstaltung
      Histories of (Racial) Capitalism (Helen Anne Gibson)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: 203 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      How are raciality (race) and capitalism co-constituted? What is the decolonial significance of engaging histories of racial capitalism (Robinson 1983) in Europe and North America? This class will highlight the alchemy of redressing what Denise Ferreira da Silva terms “the erasure of the expropriation of the total value produced by slaved labor in accounts of capital accumulation” (Ferreira da Silva 2014, p. 83). Focusing on restitution of the total value of expropriated lands and labor, students in this seminar will grapple with legacies of expropriation beyond a global history of cotton (Beckert 2015). Methodologically speaking, “The historiography of ways in which racial capitalism was and is transcended (rendered cosmic/quantic) increasingly entails explicitly spiritual analysis that, like what Cedric Robinson terms the Black radical tradition, receives its analytical thrust from epistemologies that orient its adherents away from liberal property regimes, including those of the colonial era” (Gibson 2024, p. 215). Embracing this Black feminist theory and Indigenous studies-inspired epistemological orientation, students in the seminar will engage both material and immaterial legacies of histories of racial capitalism.

    • 33040a Grundkurs
      Territorio, paisaje y ciudad. Herramientas teórico-metodológicas desde una perspectiva histórica latinoamericana (Lucio Piccoli)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: 201 (Seminarraum) Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56 14197 Berlin

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Lektüre auf Spanisch und Englisch


      Una de las enseñanzas fundamentales de la obra de Henri Lefebvre ha sido la de señalar que el espacio, lejos de ser una dimensión científica neutra y ajena a la política y la ideología, es, por el contrario, el resultado de un proceso de producción y representación social desarrollado por las sociedades a lo largo del tiempo. El curso explorará las implicancias teórico-metodológicas más importantes que esa concepción del espacio tiene para el desarrollo de la disciplina histórica, prestándole especial atención al estudio de experiencias latinoamericanas. ¿Qué significa y de qué manera pueden utilizarse mapas, planos, atlas, vistas y perfiles urbanos, fotografías y representaciones pictóricas como insumos para escribir historia? ¿Qué rol desempeñó la mirada que viajeros como Alexander von Humboldt, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Charles Darwin o Le Corbusier vertieron sobre distintas latitudes del paisaje latinoamericano? ¿De qué modo la conceptualización espacial que elaboró Domingo F. Sarmiento sobre la pampa supo articular el tópico ideológico de "civilización y barbarie" sobre el cual se fundó gran parte del proceso de modernización y nacionalización en el subcontinente? ¿Hasta qué punto los usos y sentidos específicos de un espacio por parte de los sectores populares determinan procesos de organización y resistencia social? A partir de recuperar distintos aportes de la sociología, la geografía, el urbanismo y la antropología el seminario procura contribuir al desarrollo de las capacidades de comprensión y análisis crítico de la historia de las relaciones socio-espaciales, espacio-temporales y espacio-culturales de América Latina.


      Graciela Silvestri, Las tierras desubicadas. Paisajes y culturas en la Sudamérica Fluvial, Paraná, EDUNER, 2021; Kollektiv Orangotango (Ed.), This Is Not an Atlas: A Global Collection of Counter-Cartographies, Transkript Verlag, 2019; Rogério Haesbert, El mito de la desterritorialización del "fin de los territorios" a la multiterritorialidad, Siglo XXI, Mexico, 2011.

    • HU51252 Wahlveranstaltung
      Friedrich Engels als Geschichtspolitiker (Wilfried Nippel)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223131&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51255 Wahlveranstaltung
      Thukydides-Rezeption vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Hans Kopp)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223136&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51430 Wahlveranstaltung
      Finance and State in Global Perspectives (Alexander Nützenadel)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223218&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51431 Wahlveranstaltung
      The Habsburg Empire 1848-1918: old controversies, new perspectives (Johannes Grandits)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223221&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51432 Wahlveranstaltung
      Gender and Science (Susanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Di 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223220&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51434 Wahlveranstaltung
      Berlin zwischen Kriegsende und Mauerbau (Thomas Mergel)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223232&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51435 Wahlveranstaltung
      Der Kampf um Recht und Gerechtigkeit: Minderheiten im Zarenreich (Stefan Kirmse)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223231&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51436 Wahlveranstaltung
      Politische Kultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Rüdiger Graf)
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223230&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51438 Wahlveranstaltung
      KZ im Krieg. Zwischen Expansion und Auflösung (Axel Drecoll)
      Zeit: Do 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223228&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51440 Wahlveranstaltung
      Kolonialismus und Nachhaltigkeit im 20. Jahrhundert - Historische Dimensionen eines aktuellen Problems (Christoph Bernhardt)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223226&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51441 Wahlveranstaltung
      Zur Wissensgeschichte von politischem Extremismus im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (Benno Nietzel)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223225&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51451 Wahlveranstaltung
      Empire and British Culture since the 18th century (Miles Taylor)
      Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223237&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51452 Wahlveranstaltung
      Health and its Politics in the 20th century ("Alila Brossard Antonielli Dora Vargha")
      Zeit: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 21.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here:



      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51453 Wahlveranstaltung
      Zuckergeschichte(n): Literatur-, kultur- und wissenshistorische Zugänge (Kira Jürjens Sisanne Schmidt)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223238&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51454 Wahlveranstaltung
      Theodor W. Adorno/Walter Benjamin: Aporien der Geschichtsphilosophie (Philipp Nolz)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223249&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51455 Wahlveranstaltung
      Frühe NS- und Holocaustforschung (Sina Fabian)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223250&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51457 Wahlveranstaltung
      Ungeheuer erleben: Erster Weltkrieg an der Ostfront in deutschen, russischen und österreichischen Narrativen (Oksana Nagornaja)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.


      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223252&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung

    • HU51463 Wahlveranstaltung
      Wege in die "digitale Gesellschaft". Zugänge, Perspektiven und Fragen einer Zeitgeschichte der Computerisierung (Michael Homberg)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223258&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51464 Wahlveranstaltung
      Debatten um den Umgang mit mehrfacher Vergangenheit in Deutschland seit 1945 (Enrico Heitzer)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 21.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223248&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51466 Wahlveranstaltung
      Zwischen disziplinierter Demokratie und Populismus. Zur Geschichte der Demokratie im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts (Philipp Müller)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223246&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51467 Wahlveranstaltung
      Fackeln im Sturm: Vom Silbernen Zeitalter Russlands zur sowjetischen Avantgarde (Sarah Matuschak)
      Zeit: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223245&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51468 Wahlveranstaltung
      Einführung in die Genderforschung am Beispiel der Naturwissenschaften (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Di 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223244&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51469 Wahlveranstaltung
      Diktaturdurchsetzung – Die Errichtung der kommunistischen Herrschaft in Ostdeutschland nach 1945 (Stefan Donth)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223243&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51470 Wahlveranstaltung
      Freundschaft und internationale Beziehungen in historischer Perspektive (Ruza Fotiadis)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223242&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51489 Wahlveranstaltung
      Geschlechtergeschichte (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223263&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51497 Wahlveranstaltung
      Hermaphroditismus - Intersexualität - DSD - Inter* Geschichte und aktuelle Aspekte (Kerstin Palm)
      Zeit: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223274&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51498 Wahlveranstaltung
      Die Berliner Universität(en) und der (Post-)Kolonialismus (Gabriele Metzler)
      Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223273&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51605 Wahlveranstaltung
      Vom Leben mit der Natur. Eine Politik-, Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte der Lebensformen am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts (Birgit Aschmann)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223180&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU523007 Wahlveranstaltung
      Einheit des Nordens? Konflikt und Kooperation in der Geschichte Nordeuropas von der Kalmarer Union bis zur NATO (Ralph Tuchtenhagen)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 17.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223462&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU532847 Wahlveranstaltung
      Zwei deutsche Kulturen? Kulturelle Beziehungen und kulturpolitische Auseinandersetzungen zwischen DDR und BRD (Moritz Neuffer)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=224458&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU53727 Wahlveranstaltung
      Living in Colonial Africa (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=222623&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU53729 Seminar
      Global History of Peace (Geert Castryck)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=222621&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU53732 Wahlveranstaltung
      Legal culture, economic life and labor in the Indian Ocean (Vidhya Raveendranathan)
      Zeit: -
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223396&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

  • Modul 10: Internship



    In diesem Modul werden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Globalgeschichte praktisch erprobt und reflektiert. Durch den Abschluss eines Praktikums erwerben Teilnehmende des Moduls Kenntnisse im beruflichen Einsatz globalhistorischen Wissens in einschlägigen Institutionen, Organisationen und Unternehmen (vgl. § 3 Abs. 3), beispielsweise in einem Museum, im Kulturmanagement, der Politikberatung oder einer Public-History-Agentur.


    Dieses Modul konfrontiert Studentinnen und Studenten mit den Erfordernissen und Besonderheiten einer Anwendung globalgeschichtlichen Wissens in der Berufspraxis durch ein achtwöchiges Praktikum in einer selbstgewählten Institution. Dem Praktikum soll der Abschluss einer Vereinbarung zwischen der Studentin oder dem Studenten, den Studiengangsverantwortlichen und der Praktikumsstelle über die Rechte und Pflichten der Beteiligten während des Praktikums vorausgehen. Die Rückkopplung zwischen Praktikum und universitärer Ausbildung wird durch einen unbenoteten Abschlussbericht sichergestellt, der aus einer sachlichen Beschreibung der geleisteten Arbeiten sowie einer Reflexion über die Übertragung erlernten Forschungswissens auf praktische Zusammenhänge besteht.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Externes Praktikum




    Englisch (ggf. Deutsch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Arabisch)


    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    Modul ohne Lehrangebot
  • Modul 11: Current Historical Research: Themes, Methods and Theory of Global History



    Die Teilnehmenden üben Formen der globalhistorischen Debatte anhand der Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Forschungsprojekten ein. Ziel des Moduls ist die Vorbereitung auf den Entwurf eines eigenständigen Forschungsprojekts mit Blick auf eine Dissertation und eine wissenschaftliche Karriere. Nach Abschluss des Moduls haben die Studierenden einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungstendenzen in der Globalgeschichte, können sich am wissenschaftlichen Gespräch mit Fachkollegen beteiligen und besitzen vertieftes Wissen und kritisches Verständnis zu einem repräsentativen Sachbereich und Forschungsfeld. Sie sind vertraut mit verschiedenen Phasen und Aspekten des globalgeschichtlichen Forschungsprozesses, können methodologische Probleme identifizieren und die weitere wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Relevanz globalgeschichtlicher Forschung aufzeigen.


    In diesem Modul belegen Studierende zwei Veranstaltungen im Bereich der forschungsorientierten Lehre, darunter das globalgeschichtliche Kolloquium oder ein regionalwissenschaftliches Forschungskolloquium eines der kooperierenden Institute. Sie diskutieren mit Forscherinnen und Forschern über methodische, inhaltliche und forschungspraktische Aspekte ihrer Forschungsprojekte anhand von Präsentationen, ausgewählter aktueller Sekundärliteratur oder zuvor zirkulierter Textentwürfe. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer eignen sich vertieftes Wissen zu einem bestimmten Forschungsproblem an.

    Lehr- und Lernformen/ Umfang / Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Kolloquium/ 2 SWS / ja Wahlveranstaltung / 2 SWS / ja






    300 Stunden (10 LP)

    Dauer des Moduls / Häufigkeit des Angebots

    Ein Semester / Jedes Semester
    • 13306 Colloquium
      Global History Colloquium (Sebastian Conrad, Michael Goebel)
      Zeit: Mo 16:00-18:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: A 336 Übungsraum (Koserstr. 20)


      The Colloquium "Global History" serves as a venue to discuss recent work in the field of global history. Talks are by invited scholars, followed by a Q&A session. This is an excellent opportunity to get in touch with ongoing, cutting-edge research, and meet scholars working on a wide range of topics and geographies.

    • HU51458 Wahlveranstaltung
      Berliner Archive (Thomas Mergel)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223253&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51459 Wahlveranstaltung
      Wie verändern große Sprachmodelle die Geschichtswissenschaften? Praxisübung am Beispiel der Darstellung der Dekolonialisierung in deutschen Nachrichtenmagazinen (1940er-1970er Jahre) (Gabriele Metzler)
      Zeit: Fr 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223254&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51461 Wahlveranstaltung
      Data Literacy - Digitale Tools und Arbeitstechniken für die Geschichtswissenschaften (Jascha Schmitz)
      Zeit: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223256&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU51462 Wahlveranstaltung
      Von der digitalen Quellen- zur Methodenkritik – Kritik als Methode und Perspektive in den Geschichtswissenschaften (Melanie Althage)
      Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 14.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223257&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.

    • HU53733 Wahlveranstaltung
      Research Design Learning – From Research Idea to Research Publication within New Area Studies Research Design Learning – Von der Forschungsidee zur Publikation in New Area Studies (Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pineu)
      Zeit: Fr 10:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For more details about the schedule, please click here: https://agnes.hu-berlin.de/lupo/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=223673&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung


      In order to register for this course, YOU MUST follow this procedure:

      1. Register for the course via the listing on HU Agnes. This enters you into the lottery system for the allocation of the limited number of seats in this course but DOES NOT guarantee your participation (see #3).
      2. Find the course on FU Campus Management and register for it. This is required for the course to show up in your records. NOTE: This does not give you a seat in the course (see #1).
      3. If you are selected for this course (after following steps 1 and 2), you should receive an email from Agnes if you have been selected for participation. If you are not given a seat in the course, you should unregister from the course in FU Campus Management.