40457 E-Learning

WiSe 22/23: Praktikumskolloquium: Intercultural Communication (5/10/15 LP und 20/25/30 LP)

Amanda Wichert

Information for students

Um das Praktikumsmodul abschließen zu können, ist ein Praktikumsbericht im Umfang von mindestens 2000 Wörtern zu verfassen. Bitte schicken Sie Ihren Bericht an: careerservice@fu-berlin.de

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Das Kolloquium richtet sich an Studierende aller Praktikumsmodule, wird digital angeboten und besteht aus synchronen (Webx) und asynchronen (Blackboard) Lehreinheiten
Der Veranstaltungslink wird rechtzeitig vor der Veranstaltung per E-Mail bekannt gegeben (bitte ZEDAT E-Mail Adresse überprüfen!) close


Intercultural teams face specific challenges in the workplace – workplace behaviors, and communication patterns are influenced by our cultural backgrounds, and the differences in our expectations surrounding “good work” and effective communication can cause tensions in internships and in the workplace.

Understanding the role that cultural differences play in how we work together and establishing a toolbox of intercultural skills will enable participants to better communicate, anticipate potential cross-cultural challenges in advance, and support teammates, colleagues, and others in working together to accomplish goals.

Using a variety of interactive methods, with a focus on real-life, relevant case studies, participants will develop their intercultural competences and will have ample opportunity to bring in personal experience. close

2 Class schedule

Regular appointments

Mon, 2023-02-27 10:30 - 13:00

Amanda Wichert

Mon, 2023-03-06 10:30 - 13:00

Amanda Wichert

Subjects A - Z