23310a Lecture

WiSe 23/24: V Einführung in R für statistische Anwendungen

Felix May, Jonas Vollhüter, Felix Nößler

Information for students

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Please work on a computer, R is difficult to install on a tablet


Vorlesung: Lectures cover specific introductory topics in statistics and coding in the script language R. These are mainly:
  • Creating data tables
  • Coding basics
  • Syntax in R
  • Visualization of data, creating figures on publication level
  • Basic statistics
  • Linear models (Regression, ANOVA; ANCOVA)
  • Normality tests and method selection
  • Interpretation of ANOVA tables
  • Generalized Linear Models for non-normal distributed data
  • Description of methods and presentation of results

Qualification objectives:
Students are familiar with programming methods in the script language R. They can create data tables, read data, and manage data sets in R. They can apply visualization techniques for data. They have a detailed knowledge of basic statistical methods such as Linear Models and Generalized Linear Models. You will be able to select useful statistical methods for a given data set, perform analyses in R independently, and interpret the results correctly. You will be able to present statistical methods and results in oral and written form to a professional audience. close

Subjects A - Z