23310c PC-based Seminar

WiSe 23/24: S-PC Einführung in R für statistische Anwendungen

Jonas Vollhüter, Felix May, Felix Nößler

Information for students


Seminar on computer: In the seminar on computer, the topics from the lecture, analyses and statistical methods are practically applied on computer. Data reading, data management and programming with the software R are performed under guidance and later independently. Method selection and data analysis strategies for new data sets will be practiced. A wide range of examples from ecological studies will be used to independently create and adjust a variety of graphs from these data, perform statistical analyses, and correctly interpret the results in an ecological context. With the help of own group projects, statistical methods are finally applied completely independently and results are presented to a professional audience in oral and written form..

Qualification objectives
Students are familiar with programming methods in the statistical software R. They can create data tables, read data, and manage data sets in R. They can apply visualization techniques for data. They have a detailed knowledge of basic statistical methods such as Linear Models and Generalized Linear Models. You will be able to select useful statistical methods for a given data set, perform analyses in R independently, and interpret the results correctly. You will be able to present statistical methods and results in oral and written form to a professional audience. close

Subjects A - Z