SoSe 23: S-Culture-Gender-Media: Literature and Intermediality
Justus Conrad Gronau
This seminar focuses on the interrelations between literature and other media. An investigation of the phenomenon of intermediality first raises the question of what is meant by terms such as 'medium' and 'mediality'. In the first sessions, we will therefore deal with the current media-theoretical debates with a close focus on intermediality research in order to provide an adequate inventory of terms for analysing intermedial relations, i.e., intermedial references and transpositions. We will encounter literature in its variety of intermedial relations with the visual arts, music, performance, film, graphic novel/comic, and video games. In the seminar, we will primarily be interested in those intermedial interactions in which the artworks reflect, transform, and transgress the respective media-specific conditions and boundaries of their mediality. We shall therefore concentrate on those intermedial configurations and spaces in which such intermedial frictions, ruptures and transgressions of boundaries become meta-reflexively virulent.
For a comprehensive overview of current debates on intermediality, see The Handbook of Intermediality (ed. Gabriele Rippl, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-11-031107-5) which is available (also digitally) at the FU library. Course material will be made available at the beginning of the semester.
Assessment in this course is based on regular attendance, active participation in classroom activities such as presentations and response papers, and a final term paper of about 4,000 words (for the Vertiefungsmodul with 10 LP), to be submitted by the end of the semester.
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