095065 Seminar

WiSe 23/24: Research Seminar for Advanced Students

Valeria Vegh Weis

Information for students

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Additional information / Pre-requisites

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The seminar will be held as a block on February 9 and February 10, 2024 from 10.00 to 18 hs. (online) when students will present the elaborated papers with a seminar presentation. PPT is allowed

The prerequisite for participation is the prior attendance of a lecture on “State Crime Criminology, Transitional Justice, and the Nazi Regime” to be held on November 6, 2023, from 10 to 15 hs (on site)


Students will write a seminar paper, give a seminar lecture and participation in the discussion of the other students’ presentations.

Papers should have between 20 pages (references excluded). Letter Times New Roman 12, int. 1.5

It is possible to discuss the content of the work and to send a draft before the seminar (optional). Please contact me directly at valeriaveghweis@derecho.uba.ar (preferred) or vvw210@zedat.fu-berlin.de. Feel free to write me in German, English or Spanish.


Note: all the topics should be based on processes, legal innovations and socio-legal practices that took place within Germany in any period of choice from 1933 to today. Students can choose to focus on a broad analysis of an extended period (e.g., broad analysis of the Chancellors/Presidents discourses on Holocaust Remembrance Day from post-war to today) or a specific Chancellor or speech (e.g., the last Presidential speech in 2020) and any possibility in between.
1. Critical reflection on the concepts of transitional justice, state crime criminology, Vergangenheitsbewältigung, Vergangenheitsausarbeitung and Erinnerungskultur.
2. Victims’ Resistance to the Nazi Regime (Jewish people, Sinti and Roma, prisoners of war, disabled people, LGTBQ+ and/or Jehovah Witnesses, etc.) in Germany
3. Education material and textbooks on Post-Holocaust Transitional Justice Process in Germany
4. Role of civil society and Nebenklage in strategic litigation in post-Holocaust cases in Germany
5. Dogmatic and procedural challenges for accountability in post-Holocaust criminal cases in Germany
6. Legal obstacles in the restitution and reparation process in post-Holocaust criminal cases in Germany
7. Public discourse by Chancellors and Presidents on Post-Holocaust Transitional Justice Process in Germany
9. Memorialization of Post-Holocaust Transitional Justice Process in Germany
10. Victims’ Testimonies in the trials in Post-Holocaust Transitional Justice Process in Germany
13. Critical perspectives on the German Post-Holocaust Transitional Justice Process as a worldwide model in Germany
14. Gender perspectives on the Post-Holocaust Transitional Justice Process in Germany
15. State-Corporate Crime and the Holocaust in Germany
16. Discussions on post-Holocaust legacy, antisemitism and xenophobia in Germany 2023
17. Hagan and Rymond-Richmond collective action theory of genocide applied to Nazi Germany
18. Other criminological theories applied to Nazi Germany

Please remember to email me and Mr. Alexander Baranov Alexander.Baranov@fu-berlin.de if you need to withdraw from Campus Managment

Papers and Presentations Content

  • The paper/presentation should be a literature review on the selected topic.
    • If you want, you can also go further and include critical analysis of the topic or to develop a methodology of your choice
  • For the literature review, you can use secondary literature from the primo library and academic databases (googlescholar, academia.edu, researchgate, NO Wikipedia please)
    • If you want, you can also add primary sources from archives (e.g. FU – see Verena’s PPT), German Resistance Memorial Center, Ghetto Fighters House; Yad Vashem; Leo Baeck Institute; Arolsen Archives; The Wiener Holocaust Library)
    • Also, if you want, you can add media sources, social media inputs and even personal experiences
  • How to organize your text better?
    • Start with one or more research question. For example, which is the literature on memorial sites in Germany? what does the literature say? what is missing in the literature? Then you can clarify that you will look for literature between this and this year, in this and this language, and in this and this database. This will allow you to organize the paper better and avoid being lost in so much literature.
    • Please focus only on Germany. You might want to bring some comparative analysis, but the focus is on the Holocaust and the post-Holocaust process in Germany. In this way, we will all have a broad overview of this process in particular during the presentation and will have a better understanding of a specific phenomenon instead of many inputs of different cases.
    • There is not need to explain the Nazi time or the concept of Transitional Justice or to provide a historical framework if it is not part of your selected topic as this is already covered by other students. This is important so that we do not repeat information and we can all learn at length during the presentations.
    • Choose a form of citation and follow it (e.g., footnotes)
Papers Timeline
  • Abstract/Structure of the paper: You are invited to send me a structure of the paper or an abstract to receive feedback before December 5, 2023 or as earlier as you want (optional)
  • First Draft: The first draft should be ready on January 15, 2024 to be shared with one other student for feedback. Be kind and constructive please! J Feel free to share the paper with more than one student if desirable
  • Comments: On February 1 you should send the paper back with the comments to your colleague and receive yours so that you will have almost 2 more weeks to work on the comments you received
  • Please share the drafts in .docx format so that is easy to make comments
  • Duration: 30 min + 15 min discussion + 15 min break
  • All students must attend the sessions of February 9 and 10 and participate in the discussions
Submission of the Papers
  • Third draft: with the provided feedback provided during the presentations, you will have time to improve your paper further and send it to me on February 18.
  • Grade: on February 25, I will send you the papers with comments and a grade composed by the paper + presentations + participation in class.

Additional appointments

Mon, 2023-11-06 10:00 - 15:00
On site (R. 3306)

Dr. Valeria Vegh Weis

3306 Übungsraum (Boltzmannstr. 3)

Fri, 2024-02-09 10:00 - 18:00

Dr. Valeria Vegh Weis

Online - zeitABhängig

Sat, 2024-02-10 10:00 - 18:00

Dr. Valeria Vegh Weis

Online - zeitABhängig

Subjects A - Z