23420a Lecture

SoSe 24: V Molekulare Neurogenetik

Stephan Sigrist, Niraja Ramesh und MitarbeiterInnen der AG Sigrist

Information for students

Das Modul ist in der Ausrichtung Allgemeine Biologie sowie in den Spezialisierungen Molekular- und Zellbiologie und Neurobiologie und Verhalten studierbar.
Zusätzlich 1 Platz für Biochemiker;
Zusätzliche Modulinfos: Modulbeschreibung des Moduls Molekulare Neurogenetik close

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Klausurtermine werden von Dozierenden bekanntgegeben.


The goal of the module is to acquire a broad spectrum of knowledge about genetics, molecular biology, physiology and neurogenetics using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. The course also has a strong focus on a variety of molecular and behavioral approaches. Contents: Genetic toolbox: P-elements, mutagenesis, Gal4-UAS system, RNAi techniques, CRISPR/Cas9 system; Experimental approaches: electrophysiology, super resolution microscopy, behavior (learning and locomotion), genomic PCR, dissection of larval fruit fly filets and adult brains, immunostaining with specific antibodies; Scientific topics: synaptic principle processing and encoding, including for sleep and memory, behavior. close

Subjects A - Z