23311c PC-based Seminar

S-PC Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis using R

Stefan Hempel, Oksana Buzhdygan, Felix May, Felix Nößler

Information for students

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Please bring a laptop for the course, since R is difficult to install on a tablet.


In the seminar, the covered topics, analyses and statistical methods are applied practically on the computer. Data import, data management and, data visualization with the R software are carried out first under supervision and later independently. The selection of methods and strategies for data analysis for new data sets are practised. Many examples from ecological studies are used to independently create and adapt a wide variety of graphics, carry out statistical analyses and correctly interpret the results in an ecological context. Finally, with the help of their own group projects, students apply statistical methods completely independently and present their results in oral and written form to a specialised audience. close

Subjects A - Z