23445c Internship

SoSe 24: P Epigenetics of Plants, Fungi and Animals I

Daniel Schubert, Léa Faivre, Biswajit Ghosh

Information for students

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Mandatory briefing on 18.04.2023 17:00, Seminarraum 3, Pflanzenphysiologie (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16a)


In this practical part you will learn various molecular, microscopy and bioinformatics tools to study proteins interactions and dynamic imaging of nuclear features. This will include transient protein expression, FRET-FLIM analyses, confocal imaging, yeast-two hybrid analyses and use of AlphaFold Multimer. The practical will be carried out in parts in the microscopy facility of SupraFAB and in the Plant Physiology building.


Subjects A - Z