23213a Seminar

SoSe 24: S Quantitative Plant Ecology

Oksana Buzhdygan

Information for students

Der Kurs findet in einer sehr schön gelegenen ökologischen Station im Havelland statt. Wir werden am Donnerstag nach Gülpe anreisen, sechsmal dort übernachten und am Mittwoch nach Berlin zurückkehren. Die Anreise von Berlin dauert mit dem ÖPNV oder einem Fahrzeug der FU ca. 2 h. Die Station ist hervorragend ausgestattet und die Übernachtungskosten betragen nur 3,50 € pro Nacht und pro Person. Wir werden uns selber verpflegen.

Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 30.04.2024 über Ihre Zedat-Mailadresse bei den Dozierenden für die Veranstaltung an (E-Mail: felix.may@fu-berlin.de). Nennen Sie dabei bitte Ihren Namen, Ihr Fachsemester und die Matrikelnummer.

The course will take place in an ecological field station in a beautiful location in the Havel river floodplain. We will travel to Gülpe on Thursday, stay there for six nights and travel back to Berlin on Wednesday. The trip from Berlin takes about two hours by public transport and/or by university car. The station is very well equipped and costs only 3,50 € per night and person. We will buy and prepare food by ourselves.

Please register for this course until April 30 2024 by sending an E-mail to: felix.may@fu-berlin.de Please include your full name, your semester and your matriculation number.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 15


Additional information / Pre-requisites

Zusätzliche Modulinfos: Modulbeschreibung Quantitative Plant Ecology


In this module, the students will gain experience in all steps of quantitative research in plant ecology. This includes the formulation of relevant questions and hypotheses, the targeted collection of field data, the quantitative analyses of the data, as well as the interpretation and presentation of findings in written and oral form. These skills will not only be useful for fundamental research in plant ecology, but also for applied questions in conservation and environmental planning.

Content: In this course, the students will improve their botanical knowledge and will acquire background knowledge in plant population and community ecology. They will learn about proper design of field sampling and experiments and will practice statistical data analyses with the software R. Finally, they will gain experience in the interpretation and presentation of research findings in written and oral form. close

Subjects A - Z