XT008a Seminar

WiSe 23/24: Frauenfilmseminar 1973, feminist elsewheres 2023

Charlotte Eitelbach, Fiona Berg

Information for students

For information on how to participate in an X-Tutorial please visit the website of the Berlin University Alliance.

X-Tutorials can be credited in the extra curricular domains: Freier Wahlbereich/ABV/ÜwP, individual crediting in other study programs is possible.

Module description: https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/commitments/teaching-learning/sturop/tutorials/information/20210706_Modulbeschreibungen_StROPx_X-Tuts_6LP.pdf close


The COVID-19-crisis demonstrated the critical role that digitization of public healthcare plays in protecting the lives of all members of society. At the same time, the shortcomings of health digitalization in Germany are clearly visible. To counteract this, the federal government is now funding the digital transformation of public health departments with 4 billion euros.

After analyzing the tensions that arise during this digital transformation in the last semester, we now want to develop first solutions in a design science approach.

The tutorial is intended for master’s and bachelor students with first research experience. Participation in the first round in WiSe 21/22 is not a necessary condition for SoSe 22. We especially address students of computer, health or social science, economics and psychology, but students from other disciplines are welcomed as well.

Link to our first introductory meeting on 21.04.22, 14-16:00 (c.t.): https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/nina.schloemer

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Martin Gersch, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Betriebswirtschaftslehre (WE 1)

Contact: laura.welczeck@fu-berlin.de


Subjects A - Z