216480a Research Seminar

Research Seminar: Molecular Biology

Die Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer des Masterstudiengangs

Information for students

please contact the instructor for further information.


Qualification goals: The students know the scientific methodology in the subject area of the working group. They are able to present and discuss research results. 
Contents: The topics in the seminar are derived from the current research of the participating working group. 
Prof. Dr. H. Ewers: helge.ewers@fu-berlin.de 
Prof. Dr. C. Freund: chfreund@zedat.fu-berlin.de 
Prof. Dr. F. Heyd: florian.heyd@fu-berlin.de 
Prof. Dr. P. Knaus: knaus@chemie.fu-berlin.de 
Prof. Dr. M. Wahl: mwahl@zedat.fu-berlin.de 
Prof. Dr. O. Daumke: oliver.daumke@mdc-berlin.de close

Subjects A - Z