SoSe 24: The Philosophy of Audre Lorde
Caleb Ward
Information for students
Hinweis für Lehramtsstudierende im Modul "Didaktik Angewandter
Philosophie": Bitte nutzen Sie vorzugsweise das zusätzliche Lehrangebot im kommenden Wintersemester 24/25 zu den Themen der Didaktik Angewandter Ethik und Tierethik, das spezifisch didaktisch ausgerichtet sein wird.
Bei Rückfragen zur Studienplanung zu diesem Modul wenden Sie sich bitte an die Studienberatung Lehramt:
The US black feminist theorist and poet Audre Lorde is widely referenced and revered as a founding mother of contemporary feminism, queer theory, and anti-racist activism. However, she is rarely read as a distinctive and rigorous philosopher. In this seminar, we will read Lorde as a theorist who demands intensive study and deep philosophical reflection. Through close reading and discussion of Lorde’s essays, poetry, speeches, interviews, and long-form writing, we will examine the cohesive philosophical commitments undergirding Lorde’s thought. The seminar will examine Lorde’s theories about selfhood and identity, the role of feelings in knowledge, obstacles and strategies for political coalition, “the erotic” as an epistemic and political resource, and the role of inheritance, trauma, and pedagogy in long-term societal change.
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