SoSe 24: S - Regionale Themen - Human-environmental Land Systems
Maria Piquer Rodriguez
Regional themes Human-Environmental land systems SoSe2023 (Bsc, 2SWS)
This course focuses on understanding human-environmental interactions as interrelated systems. We will cover the concept of land systems, learn about how humans are using Earth resources and their impacts by studying, in a practical way, land-use changes and habitat fragmentation. We will also learn how humans value the environment by expanding on the concept of Ecosystem services and calculating provisioning services spatially. We will build up on the concept of sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals as well as current conservation strategies under discussion (CBD#15). Finally, students will learn about tensions between land-users and their environment using an innovative exercise based in text mining for detecting land conflicts and land-use changes. Case studies in South America will be used in a mixture of lectures, debates and user-friendly computer labs.
There is a final project in which students work during the last two weeks and results should be provided in the form of slides with comments. For the Kolloquium it is advised to register for the Human-environmental interactions Colloquium but other Colloquiums (such as the Geography Colloquium) can also be visited.
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