SoSe 24: Computer graphics
Marco Block-Berlitz
Contents of the lecture
- General overview of computer graphics
- Basics of computer graphics
- Points, lines, polygons, circles, ellipses
- Filling areas, clipping and curves
- OpenGL and GLSL
- Introduction to OpenGL with LWJGL
- Shader programming in GLSL
- Developing simple game environments
- Basics of lighting design
- Perception of light, color blindness, barrier-free UIs
- Goals of lighting design
- Three- and four-point lighting, composition of a scene
- Local lighting models
- Material properties, light source models
- Elementary lighting models
- Lighting models from Phong and OpenGL
- Shading models and visual perception
- Flat and Gouraud shading
- Neural networks and Machband effect, Phong shading
- Texture mapping
- General and procedural
- Perlin noise
- Normal mapping
- Geometric transformations
- SD and 3D, homogeneous coordinates
- Euler angles and quaternions
- Coordinate systems
- World space, view space, clip space, MVP matrix
- Tangential space, orthogonalization
- Microstructures with BRDF
- Radiometry, Cartesian and polar coordinates
- Solid angle, render equation
- Derivation and investigation of BRDFs
- Displacement mapping
- Per-vertex and per-pixel displacement mapping
- Real-time shadows
- Hard, soft and filtered hard shadows
- Shadow volumes, shadow mapping
- Screen-Space-Ambient-Occlusion
Some of the topics are presented with program examples in Java, LWJGL, OpenGL and GLSL.
These tools are also provided for working on the exercises.
The necessary mathematical basics will be introduced if required.
Target Audience
B.Sc.-students in their fifth semester, M.Sc.-students in computer science, mathematics, physics, etc.,
closeSuggested reading
Literatur zur Veranstaltung
[1] Block-Berlitz M.: "Warum sich der Dino furchtbar erschreckte - Lehrbuch zu Beleuchtung und Rendering mit Java,
LWJGL, OpenGL, OpenCV und GLSL", vividus Wissenschaftsverlag, 3. Auflage, 2021
Ergänzende Literatur
[2] Birn J.: "Digital Lighting & Rendering", 3. Auflage, New Riders Verlag, 2015
[3] Foley J.D., et al.: "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practise", Addison-Wesley Verlag, 2. Auflage, 1997
[4] Shirley P., et al.: "Fundamentals of Computer Graphics", CRC Press, AK Peters, 3. Auflage, 2009
[5] Akenine-Möller T., et al.: "Real-Time Rendering", 3. Auflage, AK Peters, 2008
[6] Eisemann E., et al.: "Real-Time Shadows", CRC Press, AK Peters, 2012
[7] Gortler S. J.: "Founddations of 3D Computer Graphics", MIT Press, 2012
[8] Han JH: "3D Graphics for Game Programming", CRC Press, 2011
[9] Ammeraal L, et al.: "Computer Graphics for Java Programmers", Springer Verlag, 3. Auflage, 2017
[10] Olano M. et al.: "Real-Time Shading", AK Peters, 2002
[11] Shreiner M., et al.: "OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL", Addison-Wesley Verlag, 2007
[12] Angel E.: "Interactive Computer Graphics", Addison-Wesley Verlag, 4. Auflage, 2006
14 Class schedule
Additional appointments
Fri, 2024-09-13 08:00 - 09:00Regular appointments
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Contents of the lecture
General overview of computer graphics Basics of computer graphics Points, lines, polygons, circles, ellipses Filling areas, clipping and curves OpenGL ... read more