SoSe 24: ProInformatik IVa: Computer Architecture
Larissa Groth
Additional information / Pre-requisites
The area of computer architecture gives an introduction into functionality and structure of processors and memory. The topics include Harvard- and Von-Neumann architecture, computer arithmetics (number and data representation, arithmetic operations), microarchitecture (registers, microprogramming, pipelining, branch prediction), instruction set architecture (RISC, CISC, addressing), memory (memory hierarchy, caches, virtual memory, paging). In the tutorial sessions there will be programming tasks in NASM (an assembly language).
closeSuggested reading
- Andrew S. Tannenbaum: Computerarchitektur, 5. Auflage, Pearson Studium, 2006
- English: Andrew S. Tanenbaum (with contributions from James R. Goodman): Structured Computer Organization, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall International, 2005.
15 Class schedule
Additional appointments
Mon, 2024-07-29 12:00 - 14:00
T9/SR 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
Regular appointments
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