08955 Practice seminar

WiSe 24/25: Clinical rotation; focus small animal medicine

Barbara Kohn, Corinna Eule, Kerstin Müller u. wiss. Mitarbeiter

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Diese Lehrveranstaltung findet in den Fachsemestern 9 und 10 im Rahmen der klinischen Rotationen statt. Düppel Oertzenweg 19b, Klein- und Heimtierklinik


Discussion of clinic patients (dogs, cats, small mammals, birds, reptiles) with internal, dermatological, oncological, neurological, ophthalmological and surgical diseases as part of the clinical rotation; problem-oriented case processing; preparation of medical reports; participation in journal clubs; interactive discussion of cases in small groups; X-ray image interpretation; introduction to anesthesia; basics of sterility and surgical assistance; participation in the emergency service (first aid measures, preparation of X-rays, emergency laboratory examinations); surgical exercises. The student should practise problem-oriented case processing (anamnesis and clinical examination, problem list, differential diagnoses, diagnostic plan, evaluation of findings, preparation of a treatment plan, prognostic assessment) on the basis of clinical cases as part of rotation teaching; dealing with clients and patients; emergency management; practising simple operations close

Additional appointments

Mon, 2024-10-14 00:00 - 02:00

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Corinna Eule
PD Dr. Kerstin Müller
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Kohn

Subjects A - Z