Mathematics for Computer Science Teachers
Max Willert
Qualification objectives: Students formulate3 statements formally using propositional and predicate logic. They analyze4 and simplify3 the logical structure of given statements and describe4 the logical structure of proofs. They name properties of different sets, relations and functions and justify4 these with the help of formal arguments. They can develop proofs for elementary statements using elementary proof techniques5 and determine the cardinality of sets using combinatorial techniques as well as probabilities of random events3.
Contents: Students learn basic concepts of set theory, logic and combinatorics and practise their application. They work on sets, relations and functions in set theory. In the field of logic and Boolean algebra, they learn aspects of propositional logic and predicate logic. In the field of combinatorics, they learn about factorials and binomial coefficients. They also learn elementary proof techniques and basic aspects of discrete probability theory. Finally, formal languages are used as examples for modeling. Most of these concepts are practiced on calculation or proof problems.
closeSuggested reading
- Kenneth H. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, McGaw-Hill Education, 8. Auflage, 2018.
- Gerald Teschl und Susanne Teschl. Mathematik für Informatiker - Band 1: Diskrete Mathematik und Lineare Algebra, Springer Vieweg, 4. Auflage, Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
16 Class schedule
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